Taliban exchanged for Bergdahl to be freed


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
What a fiasco and typical of what we have come to expect from Obungles.


The five senior Taliban Commanders released from Guantanamo (GITMO) in exchange for the return of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are set to be freed from their “luxurious” confinement in Qatar effective June 1. These five hard-core terrorists are Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Mohammad Fazl, Khairullah Khairkhwa and Mohammend Nabi Omari. They were classified as some of the most dangerous Taliban commanders held at GITMO, according to Thomas Joscelyn of The Long War Journal.

Qatar to Free Taliban Commanders Exchanged for Bergdahl - Breitbart
What a fiasco and typical of what we have come to expect from Obungles.


The five senior Taliban Commanders released from Guantanamo (GITMO) in exchange for the return of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are set to be freed from their “luxurious” confinement in Qatar effective June 1. These five hard-core terrorists are Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Mohammad Fazl, Khairullah Khairkhwa and Mohammend Nabi Omari. They were classified as some of the most dangerous Taliban commanders held at GITMO, according to Thomas Joscelyn of The Long War Journal.

Qatar to Free Taliban Commanders Exchanged for Bergdahl - Breitbart
Well, we had no use for them. They were costing taxpayers money. Now, we'll just send a drone to take them out once they're free to roam. They'll be tracked and destroyed soon.
What a fiasco and typical of what we have come to expect from Obungles.


The five senior Taliban Commanders released from Guantanamo (GITMO) in exchange for the return of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are set to be freed from their “luxurious” confinement in Qatar effective June 1. These five hard-core terrorists are Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Mohammad Fazl, Khairullah Khairkhwa and Mohammend Nabi Omari. They were classified as some of the most dangerous Taliban commanders held at GITMO, according to Thomas Joscelyn of The Long War Journal.

Qatar to Free Taliban Commanders Exchanged for Bergdahl - Breitbart
The only surprise here is that anyone would be surprised. Once they were released from Gitmo the US had no control over them. Of course they were going back to the battlefields. What did anyone think? They were going to open the Qatar location of Starbucks?
Another Obama foreign policy success story! Trading five known Taliban Generals in a time of war for a deserter!

What a champ dear leader is! Helping the Taliban out in their hour of need! He's so kind to our enemies.

Special. Just fucking special. Lord almighty I hope I'm still around to see how historians chalk up all of this assholes failures.
Soldier Was Shot During Search for Bergdahl...

Officer Testifies That Soldier Was Shot During Search for Bergdahl
Nov 14, 2016 — A military officer testified Monday that he saw another soldier shot in the head during the 2009 search for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who's accused of endangering comrades by walking off his post in Afghanistan. At the same hearing, an Army judge also agreed to delay Bergdahl's trial by several months until May 15, 2017.
Prosecutors are arguing that two wounded soldiers' injuries should be allowed as evidence to show Bergdahl's disappearance effectively put other military members in harm's way. Bergdahl is charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, the latter of which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison. U.S. Air Force Maj. John Marx testified about a firefight that erupted as he and several others joined about 50 members of the Afghan National Army on a search for Bergdahl. They were attacked by enemy fighters near a town in Afghanistan on July 8, 2009. Marx testified about fighting alongside U.S. Army National Guard Sgt. First Class Mark Allen, who was shot in the head during the firefight.

Prosecutors said Allen suffered a traumatic brain injury that left him in a wheel chair and unable to communicate. Another soldier had hand injuries and required surgery because of a rocket-propelled grenade. Marx described the mission's sole purpose as to search for Bergdahl. He testified he was beside Allen as bullets flew. "I looked at him, then I see a trickle of blood coming down his head," Marx testified. Asked where Allen was wounded, Marx pointed at his temples and said: "Right through his head." Marx testified that he later carried Allen to the medevac helicopter, describing it as "probably one of the toughest things I've ever done in my life."


In a July 7, 2016 photo, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl arrives with his military lawyer, Lt. Col. Franklin Rosenblatt, for a hearing at the courtroom on Fort Bragg, N.C​

Bergdahl, dressed in a white shirt and blue pants, appeared stoic as he listened. Marx and two others involved in the firefight said they came from another part of Afghanistan to take part in a hastily planned search mission. Their group, patrolling on foot, had run out of water but couldn't get more supplies before they came under attack. U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Jason Walters testified that he ran toward Allen as rocket-propelled grenades exploded nearby with concussive force: "Everything went black, and I saw stars." He said he was later able to get on a radio and call for air support.

Jonathan Morita, a former Army specialist, was nearby when an unexploded RPG slammed into the rifle he was holding. He said the injury was comparable to having his hand smashed by a hammer. "I looked at it, and I thought: 'That's going to hurt in the morning.' I didn't feel it. Too much adrenaline," he said. Walking out after his testimony, Morita glared at Bergdahl, but the defendant didn't appear to make eye contact. Prosecutors have said evidence of the injuries will help them show that Bergdahl endangered his comrades, one of the elements of the misbehavior before the enemy charge.


See also:

Judge Questions Including Injury Evidence in Bergdahl Case
Nov 15, 2016 — A military judge questioned whether jurors would reach unfair conclusions about Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl if they're allowed to consider serious wounds to two soldiers who searched for him after his 2009 disappearance in Afghanistan.
The judge, Army Col. Jeffery Nance, heard arguments Tuesday about whether to allow the evidence, but ended a pretrial hearing without ruling. Trial is set to open in April 2017 for Bergdahl. He is charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, the latter of which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison. Prosecutors argue that two wounded soldiers' injuries should be allowed to show Bergdahl put soldiers in harm's way when he walked off his post in July of 2009. The soldiers were wounded in a firefight — one shot in the head — as they searched for Bergdahl, according to testimony earlier this week.

Prosecutors have said evidence of injuries will help them show that Bergdahl endangered his comrades, one of the elements of the misbehavior before the enemy charge. "Individuals were in fact harmed, and that's the best evidence of endangerment," said Capt. Eileen Whipple, a prosecutor. Leaving out evidence of the injuries "leaves us with a gap in how dangerous these missions were." The judge posed tough questions for the prosecutors about such evidence. "You're not entitled to use that evidence if it's unfairly prejudicial," Nance told them. "This trial becomes a trial about that operation, that mission, and not a trial about what's on the charge sheet."


Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is seen leaving a courtroom after a pretrial hearing in Fort Bragg, NC.​

Nance suggested the "horrific nature" of the one soldier's head wound might provoke jurors to decide based on emotion that "because Sgt. Allen was so horrifically injured, he's guilty." "That's an unfair conclusion," Nance added. Bergdahl hasn't yet chosen whether to have a jury of military members, or trial by judge alone. Prosecutors cited a search mission involving a half-dozen U.S. service members embedded with 50 members of the Afghan National Army. They were attacked near a town in Afghanistan on July 8, 2009.

U.S. Army National Guard Sgt. 1st Class Mark Allen was shot in the head during the firefight. Prosecutors said Allen suffered a traumatic brain injury that has left him in a wheelchair and unable to communicate. Another soldier had hand injuries and required surgery because of a rocket-propelled grenade. "It's important to keep in mind that the proximate cause of these injuries is the Taliban. Members of the Taliban are the ones who fired the weapons, not Sgt. Bergdahl," said Maj. Oren Gleich, a defense attorney. Several soldiers involved in the firefight have testified they came from another part of Afghanistan to take part in a hastily planned search mission. They had been embedded with Afghan soldiers to help train them. Numerous soldiers from different units searched for Bergdahl.

This whole story is one of the biggest lies of the Obama administration, much like his claim that he did not pay a ransom to Iran for the release of US hostages!

Bo Bergdahl was NEVER exchanged for the release of the 'Taliban 5'. Bergdahl was captured by a terrorist group who was loosely associated with the Taliban but who had no love for them at all. This group was more interested in GETTING PAID so they could fund their operations...AND THEY GOT PAID!

Obama was determined to close GITMO. Congress would not allow him to do so, so - like with much of what he did - he by-passed Congress to release terrorists from Gitmo on his own over time. The Taliban 5, however, were too BIG to simply release...he needed a reason to get them out of Gitmo. As long as they were there GITMO would never close.

Bergdahl was the excuse Obama needed. As I said, the group holding Bergdahl GOT PAID, just as they asked. Obama used the BS story about a prisoner exchange to release the Taliban 5 to Qatar, a country who funds / suppirts terrorists - THINK ABOUT IT! COMMON DANN SENSE!

COMMON SENSE #2: Why would the group holding Bergdahl, who did not like the Taliban, agree to release Bergdahl and get NOTHING in return? The Taliban 5 were not turned over to them - no prisoner exchange was made. MAKES NO DAMN SENSE!

And, again, it was reported the group was PAID for the release of Bergdahl.

Barry got to release the biggest obstacle to closing Gitmo - the Taliban 5. The group holding Bergdahl got paid. 5 of the most dangerous terrorists in the world got their freedom. And the American people were lied to and played again.

One promise Barry has not kept has been closing Gitmo. Now that the Taliban 5 are gone and no terrorists 'too big to release' are thete, look for Barry to finally keep his oromise by closing Gitmo on the way out the door with an EO.

House Republican claims FBI paid Bowe Bergdahl's Taliban captors | Daily Mail Online

Both the Pentagon and Obama denied it - of course they did....just like Barry denied he paid a ransom to Iran for US hostages.

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