Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright Finally Released

Uh....I don't get what the hubbub is.

Y'all are really desperate if you think you "hear" something in a cut and edited version of a tape which is more than 5 years old. Whatever it is you think is so noteworthy apparently went right by me 'cuz I didn't hear it.

That is strange thinking considering the uproar over the 47% tape by Romney that was recorded years ago.
Finally, the real Obama. This is the 'unbound' Obama that will be set upon America should he be reelected . . . an Obama presidency unrestraint by the need to placate this or that group now that a second term as the most powerful man in the world is secured.

Note: The reaction of the people in attendance when Obama mentions 9/11 does not go unnoticed by the attentive viewer. Please watch the video. Cause for concern.

It is a big cause for concern. These are the people he is pandering to. Shouldn't be surprised after the issues with the DNC platform. Those people, the majority, were downright angry that God would be allowed and that Jerusalem would be recognized as Israel's capital. Only radical Muslims or other extremists woud boo that and cheer the 9/11 attack.

We see more about who Obama is despite his attempts at creating a much different picture of himself.

But some people as just as anti-American or they will condon the destruction of this country as long as the government promises to take care of them.
The 2007 Obama Speech Was Much Ado About Nothing | The Buzz 1230 AM
Obama Video from 2007 causes Stir (FULL VIDEO) » Right Pundits

Nothing in the speech related to race. Old news. Irrelevant and much ado about nothing. Speech to a group of ministers. Pandering to black ministers? So what? How is this different from Obama and Romney speaking before Hispanics? Incendiary stuff? Truth hurts. New Orleans were treated different from Andrew in Florida and 9-11 in New, York. Most likely it was because most of the people were Black. Fact and not racist. What do a group of Black or white people talk about them you have a group together? What does white supremacist and Fox News talk about?
If this is supposed to be a bomb shell to distract from Romney’s real problem, it was a waste of time and shows desperation.
Issa running around with his rope and matches again. Released the eve of the debate? Dirty politics.

Seems liberals are not concerned about racist remarks from Obama but deem any criticism of Obama as racist? Why is that?

Bomb shell? I don't know about that but find it interesting the staged out cry about Romney's 47% tape that liberals and Obama put out front and center and so little interest in this tape.
Another thing about the tape is did Obama all the sudden get a southern accent when he was borne in Hawaii and lived in Chicago? Now I find that very strange.
No one cares.

Exactly, right wingnuts(in particular Sean Hannity) tried to make a big deal out of the Obama/Wright
connection in 2008, it didn't work then and it won't work 4 years later.
We'll actually leave that to your messiah.. A Racist who blames white people and charges them with "EXPLOITING BLACK AMERICA."

Too bad he's caught on video and you can't LIE and PROPAGANDIZE this.
He didn't say anything about black people on the video, no matter how much you pretend he did.

I am amused that you think the only people hurt by Katrina in New Orleans were those with black skin.

The reaction from the rightwingloons over this topic just shows the world how racist you actually are.

When the videos of Wright first emerged, I was so shocked, I shook. I had no idea that this type of racist preaching was taking place. I came out of that experience so depressed thinking that the Word was being used as a tool to divide people along racial lines and that is so against the meaning of Christ. There is no justification for this man or his teachings or any other church that would allow this to go on, whether it would be against white, black or anyone.

Christ was about treating all mankind with LOVE and living the Golden Rule. Obama called this man his mentor and great friend. There is no getting around that. He turned his back on him when it was politically expedient.

The Marxist Roots of Black Liberation Theology

Black Liberation Theology as Marxist Victimology

Black Liberation Is Marxist Liberation


Another prominent exponent of black liberation theology is the Ivy League professor Cornel West, who calls for "a serious dialogue between Black theologians and Marxist thinkers" -- a dialogue that centers on the possibility of "mutually arrived-at political action."
Uh....I don't get what the hubbub is.

Y'all are really desperate if you think you "hear" something in a cut and edited version of a tape which is more than 5 years old. Whatever it is you think is so noteworthy apparently went right by me 'cuz I didn't hear it.

That is strange thinking considering the uproar over the 47% tape by Romney that was recorded years ago.

Mitten's 47% tape was recorded earlier this year at a fund raiser with his 1% cronies.

What is really funny about the Obama tape is that its obvious that rw's have not listened to any more of it than their overlords told them to listen to. If they did actually listen, they would find that what he was talking about was his christian faith.

I dare any one of you rw ditto heads to actually listen/watch and count the number of times he says, "jesus christ".
When the videos of Wright first emerged, I was so shocked, I shook. I had no idea that this type of racist preaching was taking place.

Oh please. I've listened to him and have not heard anything that is not true.

FACT is the US is racist. So is every other country on the planet.

What you really don't like is that he called it what it really is.

OTOH, its damn likely that I have not heard every single word Wright spoke so I would be more than happy and willing to read what any of you believe is "racist".
No one cares.

Exactly, right wingnuts(in particular Sean Hannity) tried to make a big deal out of the Obama/Wright
connection in 2008, it didn't work then and it won't work 4 years later.

From listening to Hannity, it really appears he has no memory of this from 5 years ago. We know O'Reilly can't remember if he changed his underwear ... is Hannity the same?

I lived in AZ for more than 25 years and so, dislike McCain for his total lack of work (except for the weeks before election time), but I do respect him for not trying to make this into some big issue the first time around. And, for correcting the dumb woman who called Obama an "arab". I also respect Obama for not bringing mormonism into the fray. And, of course, as much as mitt might want to, he doesn't dare mention Obama's christianity.
Liberals running around frantic today foaming all over the forum.. LOL


No one cares.

Exactly, right wingnuts(in particular Sean Hannity) tried to make a big deal out of the Obama/Wright
connection in 2008, it didn't work then and it won't work 4 years later.

I wonder why that is? Could it be that the MSM will jump all over a comment by Romney and when Obama comes out with some off the wall bullshit the MSM is all the sudden concerned about little to due about nothing?

I think if you listen to the whole tape you will see a lot more than just the Obama/Wright connection, you will see a lot of racism on Obama part. Go to Daily Caller and listen if you don't want to come off as a political hack.
No one cares.

Exactly, right wingnuts(in particular Sean Hannity) tried to make a big deal out of the Obama/Wright
connection in 2008, it didn't work then and it won't work 4 years later.

I wonder why that is? Could it be that the MSM will jump all over a comment by Romney and when Obama comes out with some off the wall bullshit the MSM is all the sudden concerned about little to due about nothing?

I think if you listen to the whole tape you will see a lot more than just the Obama/Wright connection, you will see a lot of racism on Obama part. Go to Daily Caller and listen if you don't want to come off as a political hack.

The Libruls on this forum are hacks.. NOT ONE SINGLE LIBRUL cops up to the facts and honesty.. NOT ONE.
Uh....I don't get what the hubbub is.

Y'all are really desperate if you think you "hear" something in a cut and edited version of a tape which is more than 5 years old. Whatever it is you think is so noteworthy apparently went right by me 'cuz I didn't hear it.

That is strange thinking considering the uproar over the 47% tape by Romney that was recorded years ago.

Mitten's 47% tape was recorded earlier this year at a fund raiser with his 1% cronies.

What is really funny about the Obama tape is that its obvious that rw's have not listened to any more of it than their overlords told them to listen to. If they did actually listen, they would find that what he was talking about was his christian faith.

I dare any one of you rw ditto heads to actually listen/watch and count the number of times he says, "jesus christ".

After reading your slant on the Obama speech (the whole 40 minutes not the cherry picked parts you and the MSM reported) I have only one comment on your post....Jesus Chist!
Liberals running around frantic today foaming all over the forum.. LOL





You ditz. You're so quick to pile on, you have no idea what is on the video.

Watch the entire video. There is nothing even remotely "bigoted" on it.
He didn't say anything about black people on the video, no matter how much you pretend he did.

I am amused that you think the only people hurt by Katrina in New Orleans were those with black skin.

The reaction from the rightwingloons over this topic just shows the world how racist you actually are.

When the videos of Wright first emerged, I was so shocked, I shook. I had no idea that this type of racist preaching was taking place. I came out of that experience so depressed thinking that the Word was being used as a tool to divide people along racial lines and that is so against the meaning of Christ. There is no justification for this man or his teachings or any other church that would allow this to go on, whether it would be against white, black or anyone.

Christ was about treating all mankind with LOVE and living the Golden Rule. Obama called this man his mentor and great friend. There is no getting around that. He turned his back on him when it was politically expedient.
LOL! You were actually shocked that a black man bitched about oppression???

You need to get out more.

Yeah, the 'oppressed' black man that lives in a multi million dollar home in a gated community.. get real..:cool:
Liberals running around frantic today foaming all over the forum.. LOL





You ditz. You're so quick to pile on, you have no idea what is on the video.

Watch the entire video. There is nothing even remotely "bigoted" on it.

Your kidding, right?

In a video obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama tells an audience of black ministers, including the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, that the U.S. government shortchanged Hurricane Katrina victims because of racism.

This was after the Bush administration allotted $6 billion for rebuilding after Katrina.

“The people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much!” Obama shouts in the video, which was shot in June of 2007 at Hampton University in Virginia. By contrast, survivors of Sept. 11 and Hurricane Andrew received generous amounts of aid, Obama explains. The reason? Unlike residents of majority-black New Orleans, the federal government considers those victims “part of the American family.”

Why don't you think that is not a racist remark?

The racially charged and at times angry speech undermines Obama’s carefully-crafted image as a leader eager to build bridges between ethnic groups. For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he almost never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America. The mostly black audience shouts in agreement. The effect is closer to an Al Sharpton rally than a conventional campaign event.

Read more: VIDEO: Obama speech praises Wright, attacks feds on Katrina | The Daily Caller
Liberals running around frantic today foaming all over the forum.. LOL





You ditz. You're so quick to pile on, you have no idea what is on the video.

Watch the entire video. There is nothing even remotely "bigoted" on it.

Your kidding, right?

This was after the Bush administration allotted $6 billion for rebuilding after Katrina.

“The people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much!” Obama shouts in the video, which was shot in June of 2007 at Hampton University in Virginia. By contrast, survivors of Sept. 11 and Hurricane Andrew received generous amounts of aid, Obama explains. The reason? Unlike residents of majority-black New Orleans, the federal government considers those victims “part of the American family.”

Why don't you think that is not a racist remark?

The racially charged and at times angry speech undermines Obama’s carefully-crafted image as a leader eager to build bridges between ethnic groups. For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he almost never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America. The mostly black audience shouts in agreement. The effect is closer to an Al Sharpton rally than a conventional campaign event.

Read more: VIDEO: Obama speech praises Wright, attacks feds on Katrina | The Daily Caller

My WHAT is kidding?
(Never mind. That's way too intellectual for a rw to get.)

What he said was true.

$6 BILLION to cover damages estimated to be more than $120 BILLION???

You cannot be serious.

Bush flew over and then flew away.

And, the rest of what you quote is true now, was true then and will probably be true for a long time to come.

Yeah, the 'oppressed' black man that lives in a multi million dollar home in a gated community.. get real..

uh yeah, you gotta be dirt poor before you're allowed to care about the dirt poor. Please tell me, is that true only for people of color or does it include poor whites too?
BTW, you DO know, don't you, that pubpots refuse any disaster assistance to American citizens unless the money can be subtracted from someplace else. They'll send our jobs and our money to other countries but they won't help us.

LyanRyan's "plan" will add $5TRILLION to the debt but that's okay because he also plans to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy while heaping more taxes on the middle class. Your taxes pay for, in part, their health insurance. The same insurance they don't want you to have. You pay for boehner's scotch, cigarettes, playing golf 3-4 times every single week and the tanning bed in his office but if your town is blown away by a tornado, you've got a better chance of getting help from France than from your own country.
Libs can saw whatever pleases them, what they can't change is that this tape is being watched by millions of people all over the United States. Not snippets but all 40 minutes. They can defend away, even as the object of that defense is disappearing out the rear view mirror.

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