Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright Finally Released

Libs can saw whatever pleases them, what they can't change is that this tape is being watched by millions of people all over the United States. Not snippets but all 40 minutes. They can defend away, even as the object of that defense is disappearing out the rear view mirror.

For once, you ALMOST make a point.

The real point is that there are people who will watch this and, unbelievable as it may seem to intelligent folks, they may even believe it to be some sort of proof of...............

... well, it seems to vary according to ability of the reader to understand the written word but I've actually read where some find the statement of the true condition of these great United States as racist.

OTOH, its only the idiots who already believe lies about our president so their minds slammed shut some time ago. Therefore, I doubt it will mean much.

Okay, you're dismissed. You can go back to scratching that itch.
Libs can saw whatever pleases them, what they can't change is that this tape is being watched by millions of people all over the United States. Not snippets but all 40 minutes. They can defend away, even as the object of that defense is disappearing out the rear view mirror.

For once, you ALMOST make a point.

The real point is that there are people who will watch this and, unbelievable as it may seem to intelligent folks, they may even believe it to be some sort of proof of...............

... well, it seems to vary according to ability of the reader to understand the written word but I've actually read where some find the statement of the true condition of these great United States as racist.

OTOH, its only the idiots who already believe lies about our president so their minds slammed shut some time ago. Therefore, I doubt it will mean much.

Okay, you're dismissed. You can go back to scratching that itch.



You ditz. You're so quick to pile on, you have no idea what is on the video.

Watch the entire video. There is nothing even remotely "bigoted" on it.

Your kidding, right?

This was after the Bush administration allotted $6 billion for rebuilding after Katrina.

Why don't you think that is not a racist remark?

Read more: VIDEO: Obama speech praises Wright, attacks feds on Katrina | The Daily Caller

My WHAT is kidding?
(Never mind. That's way too intellectual for a rw to get.)

Okay, got me, but You're kidding right?

What he said was true.

Only if what he said went over your head.

$6 BILLION to cover damages estimated to be more than $120 BILLION???

Sorry, but after a little research I discovered it was $118 total to rebuild. the $6 billion was only given to get thing started.

You cannot be serious.

Only if are a partisan hack would that comment not be racist.

Bush flew over and then flew away.

Don't want to call someone a lair but....


President George Bush sees Katrina debris in March at a home on North Rampart Street in the Lower 9th Ward. With Bush were Ray Nagin, Gov. Kathleen Blanco and Laura Bush.
Shows that Obama is nothing more than a black racist that hates white people. He wants to transfer people wealth that work hard to the inner city slums.
With supporters like "Matthew," Romney doesn't need enemies!

You people are completely clueless of reality. WTF. Do you people even think.

They can't defend what Obama said, so they go after the messenger...it's what they do....quite common, as a matter of fact....might even say it's expected. :eusa_whistle:
Whether you agree or disagree with obama that the US is inherently racist and proves it every day doesn't matter. What matters is that the vile little insect has proven himself to be a bald faced liar one more time. He can put on a black accent when it suits him, and put on an educated white accent when the audience is made of rich white liberals in San Francisco who need to be told all about those bitter people clinging to guns and religion. He can stand in front of a black audience and praise Jerimiah Wright then get on television, condemn his pastor and repudiate everything he just said himself in front of a black audience.

One of the obamas is a liar. Which one?
Whether you agree or disagree with obama that the US is inherently racist and proves it every day doesn't matter. What matters is that the vile little insect has proven himself to be a bald faced liar one more time. He can put on a black accent when it suits him, and put on an educated white accent when the audience is made of rich white liberals in San Francisco who need to be told all about those bitter people clinging to guns and religion. He can stand in front of a black audience and praise Jerimiah Wright then get on television, condemn his pastor and repudiate everything he just said himself in front of a black audience.

One of the obamas is a liar. Which one?

So without having read thru this thread, has any Con on here been honest enough to admit what a big pile of fail this video is?

I'm sure the answer is "no", but it would be nice if at least one did.
vote this ugly and hateful little man out our as our President..

Let him go back to giving nice little speeches like this one and being a community agitator, instead of agitating us and our country
So without having read thru this thread, has any Con on here been honest enough to admit what a big pile of fail this video is?

I'm sure the answer is "no", but it would be nice if at least one did.

Its as big a fail as it was the first time around but let's let the kiddies have their (lying) fun.

Thanks very much for the Trivia Fact.
So without having read thru this thread, has any Con on here been honest enough to admit what a big pile of fail this video is?

I'm sure the answer is "no", but it would be nice if at least one did.

Its as big a fail as it was the first time around but let's let the kiddies have their (lying) fun.

Thanks very much for the Trivia Fact.

I understand you are going to vote for the entitlement president in hopes of increasing your share of Obama redistribution of America wealth, so I am not surprised by your partisan comments.
Obama could murder someone on National T.V. and his cult members would still vote for him..

But I think the rest of America have had their fill of him..

let him go people, vote him out
Well someone on the Five has done his homework.. Ten days before this video was made obama the senator had voted NO to granting a waiver of the Stattord Act to New Orleans.. my my my.. He was one of 14 who voted against granting this waiver, then he goes out and tries to rile up the "black folk" who he had just disembowled. fancy that shit.
Well someone on the Five has done his homework.. Ten days before this video was made obama the senator had voted NO to granting a waiver of the Stattord Act to New Orleans.. my my my.. He was one of 14 who voted against granting this waiver, then he goes out and tries to rile up the "black folk" who he had just disembowled. fancy that shit.

He's a dishonest selfish MARXIST who see's power, NOTHING MORE.. His Zombie lemmings are a big usable joke to him-- useful idiots..
This didn't work in 2008 and it won't work in 2012.

We didn't have video of him saying the white community is fucking over blacks in 2008...Or of him worshipping Rev.wright.:eusa_hand:

For the 1000th time yes we did. It is the same video that was covered on the news then. CNN has even spent a segment replaying all the old newscasts. The 2008 election was the time to bring it up. Not four years later because the RNC dropped the membership an email.
Top Ten Reasons the 2007 Obama Video Matters in 2012

by John Nolte

Even before the Daily Caller released the video last night of President Obama's 2007 speech before a majority black audience in Virginia, our corrupt media was already declaring it "old news." Time's Mark Halperin had a full-blown meltdown and BuzzFeed Politics' Ben Smith declared the story over and dead hours before anyone had read it. What's especially pathetic about Smith is that one of his site's signatures is scouring the Internet for old videos and publishing them as … news!

Once the Daily Caller story did hit, and it became clear that Tucker Carlson had found never-before-seen video of Obama in a way voters have never seen him, none of that mattered. The desperate narrative to protect Obama had already been set and, as though the rest of us were insane, the corrupt media doubled down in its efforts to tell those of us who had never seen this video that we had.

Of course, it's all lies – blatant lies meant to control the explosion of an explosive story, meant to justify why the very same media still obsessed over Romney's "47 percent" moment will now downplay and ignore as a nothingburger Obama caught on video spewing racialist division and the kind of wild conspiracy theories a sitting U.S. Senator had to know weren't true.

But New Media is The Media, and this video will get disseminated and voters will see it. And like Romney's "47 percent" moment, this new Obama video is a legitimate news story worth covering.

Here are ten reasons why…

1. The video released by the Daily Caller last night does include footage the media never broadcast or reported on.

2. Now we know the media and the Obama campaign "selectively edited" the video in 2007 in order to cover up Obama's divisive racial rhetoric.
3. Past is prologue. Always
4. Obama grew up in Hawaii and Chicago, so where in the world does that hilariously fake southern accent come from?
5. In order to stoke racial division and resentment, Obama lied to his audience.
6. Obama is prone to believing and spreading dishonest and wildly false conspiracy theories.
7. At the 19:20 mark we learn that the Christian Obama doesn't know the Lord's Prayer.
8. Obama's "us vs. them" rhetoric and beliefs extends to his governance.
9. At the 20:10 mark, Obama laments the social injustice that created 37 million Americans living in poverty and pledges to fight that injustice as president.
10. When Obama gave this speech, the Reverend Wright scandal had yet to break.
11. We know it's news because the corrupt media is telling us there's nothing to see here, even as they kill themselves to blow it back on Romney and ensure as few people as possible see it.

Top Ten Reasons the 2007 Obama Video Matters in 2012
Finally, the real Obama. This is the 'unbound' Obama that will be set upon America should he be reelected . . . an Obama presidency unrestraint by the need to placate this or that group now that a second term as the most powerful man in the world is secured.

Note: The reaction of the people in attendance when Obama mentions 9/11 does not go unnoticed by the attentive viewer. Please watch the video. Cause for concern.


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