Target Has Lost $19 Billion Going Broke, But 200 LGBTQ Groups DEMANDS Target Re-Stock Their Shelves w/Woke Products


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

How about as soon as LGBTQ protestors re-imburse Target for the $19 Billion They have already lost in sales AND make up what they will continue to lose in sales THEN Target will re-stock the shelves with their favorite products, like 'TUCK' underpants?!

The LGBTQ community is the MINORITY, and the MAJORITY of customers who have cost Target $19 Billion in lost sales have more influence on Target.

Target isn't in the business of losing their ass financially for failed leftist causes. Their shareholders are not interested in losing their ass financially for failed left causes.

So, the MINORITY LGBTQ's DEMAND that Target re-stock SATAN & LGBTQ products is going to fall on deaf non-woke ears.


How about as soon as LGBTQ protestors re-imburse Target for the $19 Billion They have already lost in sales AND make up what they will continue to lose in sales THEN Target will re-stock the shelves with their favorite products, like 'TUCK' underpants?!

The LGBTQ community is the MINORITY, and the MAJORITY of customers who have cost Target $19 Billion in lost sales have more influence on Target.

Target isn't in the business of losing their ass financially for failed leftist causes. Their shareholders are not interested in losing their ass financially for failed left causes.

So, the MINORITY LGBTQ's DEMAND that Target re-stock SATAN & LGBTQ products is going to fall on deaf non-woke ears.

Target will be fine. Conservatives are always boycotting Target. Nobody even remembers why the last ones happened.
And you have a link to your source right? Pride has been around for over 20+Years and suddenly now, you people are having shit fits.

The trannies and their sexualization of the children did not help their cause.

Nor did this.

And you have a link to your source right? Pride has been around for over 20+Years and suddenly now, you people are having shit fits.
Which proves that something NEW must have occurred to cause the anger, huh? We keep telling you that it isn't hatred of gays driving this. It's the freaks who are insisting that they be free to impact the lives and minds of CHILDREN.
Postcards sent to Target executives today:

Target back postcard.jpg

Make your voices heard where it counts. Don't just squeal here on
message boards. Also a separate postcard for pedophile Reiner with this picture on reverse side:
Rob Reiner pig pedophile.jpg

target Executives.jpg


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Which proves that something NEW must have occurred to cause the anger, huh? We keep telling you that it isn't hatred of gays driving this. It's the freaks who are insisting that they be free to impact the lives and minds of CHILDREN.

And children who are not even theirs.

Children whose mouths they do not feed.

Children whose bodies they do not clothe.

Children whose psychiatric care will never be billed to them.

Children whose burials they will never have to pay for after they kill themselves.

Read my fucking sig, folks.

Simple as that.

And about 1/4 from where I live there is a TARGET, they did NOT knuckle under the MAGA Thugs.

Pride has been around for over 20-Years and suddenly you people are having shit fits now. GET A FUCKING LIFE!!!

Someone ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ who is easily TRRRRIGGGGGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRED by people who are not like him/her/it.

How very tolerant. :laughing0301:

The media has been censoring 'Pride' parades for a long time, which is why most people don't really have an idea just how sick and twisted you freaks are.

I did not say a single damn about the media. I said the TARGET that is 1/4 Mile from my home did NOT knuckle under MAGA Bull Shit.

I am not a "FREAK", I am person who taught to respect people and not to judgmental as regards their personal life.

I know you people need your Homophobia, but as you one of those so-called "Christians" you seem to fail loving and accepting your neighbors.....which is the Bastard Son of Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent preached. The Bastard never said one fucking Homosexuals/Homosexuality/Homosexual Relationships. But you fuck brained idiots ignore that.
I did not say a single damn about the media. I said the TARGET that is 1/4 Mile from my home did NOT knuckle under MAGA Bull Shit.

I am not a "FREAK", I am person who taught to respect people and not to judgmental as regards their personal life.

I know you people need your Homophobia, but as you one of those so-called "Christians" you seem to fail loving and accepting your neighbors.....which is the Bastard Son of Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent preached. The Bastard never said one fucking Homosexuals/Homosexuality/Homosexual Relationships. But you fuck brained idiots ignore that.

Respect THIS, freak:


You mean unless they aren't as sick in the head as you and refuse to pander to sexual fetishists who target children.

LGBTQ is NOT Pedoophilia.

Pedo's are sick fuck headed shits who want to have sex with underage children.

Being Gay is NOT Pedophilia. Gays do not want to have with children, they attracted to members of same gender.

Bisexual is being sexually attracted to both genders. NOT children.

Lesbians are Women who are attracted to other Women....they do not want sex with a child.

Gender Dysphoria (Transexual) can best be explained as an individual who knows that while being born one gender, they are in fact another gender. They are NOT Pedo's.

I know.....I know.....I know you believe the bull shit fucking lies.

According your own holy myth book, that we are born in likeness of the Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man. Which means to the uninformed the Non-Existent Sky Man knows what he has created. OR are YOU saying YOUR Sky-Man makes shit?

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