Target stocks lose 10 billion

Dear Abby,

lately, I have become deeply concerned about what goes on in rest rooms all over the nation. Does that mean that I am a closet republican? If so, is there any cure?

Dear Tyke Rider,

If you have children and value women you should be deeply concerned.

That is part of my problem. Recently, I have been very concerned about what will happen to my wife and daughter. In fact, my concern about what is going to happen to them in rest rooms has replaced my previous number one concern about them being abducted by aliens!

They just look like aliens, in reality they are men in drag...not women by any stretch of the imagination.
Target isn't the only one going to commit fiscal/political suicide from miscalculation of "support for LGBT "rights".... If the GOP gets their shit together in the nick of time, Hillary will also pay the price for that miscalculation in the middle bloc. Trump supports LGBT crap. So if the GOP nominates him, they have no leverage on the huge numbers they otherwise could if they nominated a true conservative with a track record of opposing gay marriage, men in women's bathrooms, teaching gay crap to kids in school, etc. etc. etc.

Target may have taught the GOP a very valuable lesson in just the nick of time. We'll see..

Also, added benefit, the terrorists targeting the West might soften a bit if they see morality beginning to be restored to the US via a conservative POTUS, Congress & SCOTUS. The pendulum of extreme reactions to extreme behaviors might swing less wildly.

I'd start with the FCC and the smut being allowed to be shown (including promos) on primetime TV. As POTUS, that would be my first order of business. Sorry Soros/GLAAD... :itsok: You'll have to restrain your sexualizing of kiddies to later hours or pay per view. First targets: Tru TV & Viceland....speaking of Target(s)...
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I notice there are new TV ads promoting Target as caring about the community, donating food to hungry! How sweet!

Still won't make women any more comfortable using the bathroom with demented men. There is some stupid that just can't be undone, no matter what.

The equivalent would be a restaurant saying they are kosher and then adding, "oh but BTW, we will be serving unblessed raw pork on your plate with everything else you order from now exceptions."...and then the restaurant tries to make up for its financial nose-dive by saying "bbbut...but we're donating food to poor kids!".

RIP Target... :dig:
I thought it was just the bathrooms. But its the CHANGING rooms too????
Yeah...the left is that sick. Remember, these are the people who asked a pedophile to pen an article on trying to get sympathy for being a pedophile and trying to normalize it. And what did the left do? They all cheered.
And the left continues to attempt to "normalize" the most disturbing and most repulsive forms of extreme sexual deviance...

Social Conservatives Speak Out Against Book That Suggests Morality of Pedophilia Is ‘Unclear’
Hatred is so easy for some, Breitbart since it is a right wing journal would celebrate anything intolerant of others. So un-American and yet hate always finds the weak who require it to pump up their emptiness and feelings of inadequacy. See the ignorance in replies above.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer
Was there a point to all that bull shit?

I didnt see it.
Target isn't the only one going to commit fiscal/political suicide from miscalculation of "support for LGBT "rights".... If the GOP gets their shit together in the nick of time, Hillary will also pay the price for that miscalculation in the middle bloc. Trump supports LGBT crap. .
No, Trump is in favor of protecting LGBT rights like anyone else, and leaving it up to a business to decide who can go into what restroom, but that the government is over reaching to impose one thing or the other.

If you have some statement by him to the contrary, I would like to see it.
Target Sales Drop Amid Transgender Promotion, Consumer Boycott, $10 Billion Stock Crash - Breitbart

Retail giant Target is losing sales and may be on track for another major stock-drop in the second quarter, analysts say, amid a growing boycott caused by the company’s transgender friendly policies.
The company’s second-quarter sales, from April to June, may drop as much as 2 percent compared to the prior year, executives told reporters and Wall Street analysts. That’s “horrendous,” said Jim Cramer, founder of the stock-market website,

The earnings prediction comes a month after the left-leaning company announced April 19 that it would allow men claiming to be women to use the women’s bathrooms and changing rooms at its stores. The decision has sparked a boycott petition effort that garnered over 1.2 million signers in only a week.

Target executives deny the pro-family consumer boycott is making a significant difference. But, according to, the business-news website,

“We have seen a noticeable slowdown post-Easter,” Target CFO [chief financial officer] Cathy Smith said on a call with reporters. Target’s CEO Brian Cornell, who was also on the call, blamed the slowdown on unfavorable weather trends in the Northeast and volatile economic trends.

Cornell also said the company has not seen a “material” impact to its overall business from the protests, but has seen some hit to sales in a “handful” of stores. He declined to quantify the extent of the hit, however.

According to the Associated Press, Target expected a sales growth in new stores to hit 1.6 percent in the first quarter, but only realized a 1.2 percent growth.

This week, the company announced a reshuffle in the executive office.

Stock-pickers are getting nervous about the company’s executives. “Target is now a question… because the degredation of Target from month to month to month has them confused,” said Jim Cramer, founder of “Apparel [sales] is not good, electronics is not good, the [earnings] guidance is horrendous,” he said.

Amid Target’s troubles, Costco and the Walmart company will likely gain, he said.

Target’s stock has fallen 20 percent — from $84 per share to $67 per share — since it imposed the pro-transgender policy on its customer base of families. That loss has chopped roughly $10 billion from the overall shareholder value of the company, according to a chart produced by


Don't let this worry you Target, what does it matter, just so long as you can endanger women in bathrooms, all is good right?

Target's stock is now at $75.81. In other words, it has regained half of what it lost during the media madness concerning bathrooms. Looks like the financial hit was a short term thing.
The Target stores in the Boston area are always packed. Lots of rich college kids spending hundreds of dollars on daddy's credit card. Their prices have gone up significantly however

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
The Target stores in the Boston area are always packed. Lots of rich college kids spending hundreds of dollars on daddy's credit card. Their prices have gone up significantly however

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
Yeah...that's why their stocks are down, they are closing tons of stores, and they are sinking $20 million into their bathrooms to make them more private. I love when liberals can't accept the fact that the American people unilaterally reject their bat-shit crazy ideology.
Too bad Target couldn't listen to common fucking sense. But maybe they will listen to science? It once again proves that liberal are lying. Considering that liberals have completely rejected climate science, political science, economics, and history - there is no reason to believe they will accept this science either. We desperately need science to find a cure for liberalism. We have medications for schizophrenia and liberalism is very near to that as a mental disorder. I have to think they could alter those medications to help with liberalism.

What Media Get Wrong About Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity
Wal Mart closed stores also, along with KMart and Massey's..Online shopping is the future..
Wal Mart closed stores also, along with KMart and Massey's..Online shopping is the future..
Thank God. It will buy decent citizens some privacy and protect them from sexual assaults until libtards start crying that it's not "fair" that we have private bathrooms in our home and pass legislation that mandates that we invite at least one transexual into our home per week and simultaneously use the same bathroom with them.

That's not a joke so don't even laugh. This really will happen. Liberals are that bat-shit crazy. Just look at George Soros' "Open Borders Society" organization. It advocates that any person should be able to go anywhere in the world at any time. Nobody is a citizen of any nation. In the mind of the greedy libtard who wants what belongs to other, the concept of private property ceases to exist.
Wal Mart closed stores also, along with KMart and Massey's..Online shopping is the future..
Thank God. It will buy decent citizens some privacy and protect them from sexual assaults until libtards start crying that it's not "fair" that we have private bathrooms in our home and pass legislation that mandates that we invite at least one transexual into our home per week and simultaneously use the same bathroom with them.

That's not a joke so don't even laugh. This really will happen. Liberals are that bat-shit crazy. Just look at George Soros' "Open Borders Society" organization. It advocates that any person should be able to go anywhere in the world at any time. Nobody is a citizen of any nation. In the mind of the greedy libtard who wants what belongs to other, the concept of private property ceases to exist.
That's just one man's opinion, opinions can be taken or discarded...
Target Sales Drop Amid Transgender Promotion, Consumer Boycott, $10 Billion Stock Crash - Breitbart

Retail giant Target is losing sales and may be on track for another major stock-drop in the second quarter, analysts say, amid a growing boycott caused by the company’s transgender friendly policies.
The company’s second-quarter sales, from April to June, may drop as much as 2 percent compared to the prior year, executives told reporters and Wall Street analysts. That’s “horrendous,” said Jim Cramer, founder of the stock-market website,

The earnings prediction comes a month after the left-leaning company announced April 19 that it would allow men claiming to be women to use the women’s bathrooms and changing rooms at its stores. The decision has sparked a boycott petition effort that garnered over 1.2 million signers in only a week.

Target executives deny the pro-family consumer boycott is making a significant difference. But, according to, the business-news website,

“We have seen a noticeable slowdown post-Easter,” Target CFO [chief financial officer] Cathy Smith said on a call with reporters. Target’s CEO Brian Cornell, who was also on the call, blamed the slowdown on unfavorable weather trends in the Northeast and volatile economic trends.

Cornell also said the company has not seen a “material” impact to its overall business from the protests, but has seen some hit to sales in a “handful” of stores. He declined to quantify the extent of the hit, however.

According to the Associated Press, Target expected a sales growth in new stores to hit 1.6 percent in the first quarter, but only realized a 1.2 percent growth.

This week, the company announced a reshuffle in the executive office.

Stock-pickers are getting nervous about the company’s executives. “Target is now a question… because the degredation of Target from month to month to month has them confused,” said Jim Cramer, founder of “Apparel [sales] is not good, electronics is not good, the [earnings] guidance is horrendous,” he said.

Amid Target’s troubles, Costco and the Walmart company will likely gain, he said.

Target’s stock has fallen 20 percent — from $84 per share to $67 per share — since it imposed the pro-transgender policy on its customer base of families. That loss has chopped roughly $10 billion from the overall shareholder value of the company, according to a chart produced by


Don't let this worry you Target, what does it matter, just so long as you can endanger women in bathrooms, all is good right?

Target's stock is now at $75.81. In other words, it has regained half of what it lost during the media madness concerning bathrooms. Looks like the financial hit was a short term thing.

What are you smoking? The day they announced it their share price was 83.98, it hit a low of 66.75 and is now 70.09.
Wal Mart closed stores also, along with KMart and Massey's..Online shopping is the future..
Thank God. It will buy decent citizens some privacy and protect them from sexual assaults until libtards start crying that it's not "fair" that we have private bathrooms in our home and pass legislation that mandates that we invite at least one transexual into our home per week and simultaneously use the same bathroom with them.

That's not a joke so don't even laugh. This really will happen. Liberals are that bat-shit crazy. Just look at George Soros' "Open Borders Society" organization. It advocates that any person should be able to go anywhere in the world at any time. Nobody is a citizen of any nation. In the mind of the greedy libtard who wants what belongs to other, the concept of private property ceases to exist.
That's just one man's opinion, opinions can be taken or discarded...
And if George Soros was the only person in that organization or supporting it, I would agree with you. Sadly though, there are tons of libtards both working for and supporting it.
Wal Mart closed stores also, along with KMart and Massey's..Online shopping is the future..
Thank God. It will buy decent citizens some privacy and protect them from sexual assaults until libtards start crying that it's not "fair" that we have private bathrooms in our home and pass legislation that mandates that we invite at least one transexual into our home per week and simultaneously use the same bathroom with them.

That's not a joke so don't even laugh. This really will happen. Liberals are that bat-shit crazy. Just look at George Soros' "Open Borders Society" organization. It advocates that any person should be able to go anywhere in the world at any time. Nobody is a citizen of any nation. In the mind of the greedy libtard who wants what belongs to other, the concept of private property ceases to exist.
That's just one man's opinion, opinions can be taken or discarded...
And if George Soros was the only person in that organization or supporting it, I would agree with you. Sadly though, there are tons of libtards both working for and supporting it.
How many liberals does it take to make a ton?
Wal Mart closed stores also, along with KMart and Massey's..Online shopping is the future..
Thank God. It will buy decent citizens some privacy and protect them from sexual assaults until libtards start crying that it's not "fair" that we have private bathrooms in our home and pass legislation that mandates that we invite at least one transexual into our home per week and simultaneously use the same bathroom with them.

That's not a joke so don't even laugh. This really will happen. Liberals are that bat-shit crazy. Just look at George Soros' "Open Borders Society" organization. It advocates that any person should be able to go anywhere in the world at any time. Nobody is a citizen of any nation. In the mind of the greedy libtard who wants what belongs to other, the concept of private property ceases to exist.
That's just one man's opinion, opinions can be taken or discarded...
And if George Soros was the only person in that organization or supporting it, I would agree with you. Sadly though, there are tons of libtards both working for and supporting it.
How many liberals does it take to make a ton?
About the same as it does to change a lightbulb or hold even a single full time job - thousands.
Wal Mart closed stores also, along with KMart and Massey's..Online shopping is the future..
Thank God. It will buy decent citizens some privacy and protect them from sexual assaults until libtards start crying that it's not "fair" that we have private bathrooms in our home and pass legislation that mandates that we invite at least one transexual into our home per week and simultaneously use the same bathroom with them.

That's not a joke so don't even laugh. This really will happen. Liberals are that bat-shit crazy. Just look at George Soros' "Open Borders Society" organization. It advocates that any person should be able to go anywhere in the world at any time. Nobody is a citizen of any nation. In the mind of the greedy libtard who wants what belongs to other, the concept of private property ceases to exist.
That's just one man's opinion, opinions can be taken or discarded...
And if George Soros was the only person in that organization or supporting it, I would agree with you. Sadly though, there are tons of libtards both working for and supporting it.
How many liberals does it take to make a ton?
About the same as it does to change a lightbulb or hold even a single full time job - thousands.
I used to worked two and three jobs before running my own business. I sure miss the money, but not the work

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