Tax Cuts and Job Growth: They're Just Not That Into Each Other


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Jared Bernstein: Tax Cuts and Job Growth: They're Just Not That Into Each Other

The three policy ideas I hear most often for greater job creation are cut taxes, cut regulation, and more education. While I support the latter, especially for those whose access is blocked by income constraints, none of these ideas will do much to increase the quantity of jobs.

What will? Greater consumer demand, an end to deleveraging, a growing housing market, more domestic production of the goods we consume, new innovations that generate hungry, job-creating start-ups financed by now-idle capital, clean energy investment, and if all else fails, a national program to rebuild and repair the nation's infrastructure, from roads to schools.

Boom...there's your jobs program. And I can think of policies that go along with each one of the above--in order: consumer demand: stimulus; housing: loan mods and principal reduction for some, time for others; more domestic production: weaker dollar, smaller trade deficits, manufacturing policies; innovation/start-ups: R&D, public/pvt/academic partnerships; infrastructure: FAST!

Jared Bernstein: Tax Cuts and Job Growth: They're Just Not That Into Each Other

The three policy ideas I hear most often for greater job creation are cut taxes, cut regulation, and more education. While I support the latter, especially for those whose access is blocked by income constraints, none of these ideas will do much to increase the quantity of jobs.

What will? Greater consumer demand, an end to deleveraging, a growing housing market, more domestic production of the goods we consume, new innovations that generate hungry, job-creating start-ups financed by now-idle capital, clean energy investment, and if all else fails, a national program to rebuild and repair the nation's infrastructure, from roads to schools.

Boom...there's your jobs program. And I can think of policies that go along with each one of the above--in order: consumer demand: stimulus; housing: loan mods and principal reduction for some, time for others; more domestic production: weaker dollar, smaller trade deficits, manufacturing policies; innovation/start-ups: R&D, public/pvt/academic partnerships; infrastructure: FAST!


So you're advocating ballooning the national debt and hiking inflation. Doesn't sound like a very bright plan to me. Also comes down to a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich.
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it helps if you actually cut taxes. because when people keep more of their own money, they make more money and government benefits from an increase of revenue. It happens every time it's tried.

Of course, when you pretend to cut taxes and dont actually do anything, nothing happens.
It's really just common sense that the way to stimulate an economy is to invest in infrastructure, education, and science/technology. The people denying it are just the US version of the taliban - crazy people who will say and do anything to force their whacky ideology on the rest of us.
It's really just common sense that the way to stimulate an economy is to invest in infrastructure, education, and science/technology. The people denying it are just the US version of the taliban - crazy people who will say and do anything to force their whacky ideology on the rest of us.

Nobody denies the need to invest in necessary infrastructure. But that is different from just throwing money around on pet projects. And money that needs to be invested needs to be freed up first by economizing in unnecessary spending.

The idea of calling people who have opposing views terrorists and extremists is a sign of intolerance and/or stupidity.
It's really just common sense that the way to stimulate an economy is to invest in infrastructure, education, and science/technology. The people denying it are just the US version of the taliban - crazy people who will say and do anything to force their whacky ideology on the rest of us.

Nobody denies the need to invest in necessary infrastructure. But that is different from just throwing money around on pet projects. And money that needs to be invested needs to be freed up first by economizing in unnecessary spending.

The idea of calling people who have opposing views terrorists and extremists is a sign of intolerance and/or stupidity.

They're talking about tax cuts for the rich and for the wealthy businesses, stop distorting, those two things don't spur job and economy growth.
It's really just common sense that the way to stimulate an economy is to invest in infrastructure, education, and science/technology. The people denying it are just the US version of the taliban - crazy people who will say and do anything to force their whacky ideology on the rest of us.

Nobody denies the need to invest in necessary infrastructure. But that is different from just throwing money around on pet projects. And money that needs to be invested needs to be freed up first by economizing in unnecessary spending.

The idea of calling people who have opposing views terrorists and extremists is a sign of intolerance and/or stupidity.

They're talking about tax cuts for the rich and for the wealthy businesses, stop distorting, those two things don't spur job and economy growth.

But ballooning the debt and hiking inflation does?
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It's really just common sense that the way to stimulate an economy is to invest in infrastructure, education, and science/technology. The people denying it are just the US version of the taliban - crazy people who will say and do anything to force their whacky ideology on the rest of us.


Government austerity is a fast track to the third world.
Nobody denies the need to invest in necessary infrastructure. But that is different from just throwing money around on pet projects. And money that needs to be invested needs to be freed up first by economizing in unnecessary spending.

The idea of calling people who have opposing views terrorists and extremists is a sign of intolerance and/or stupidity.

They're talking about tax cuts for the rich and for the wealthy businesses, stop distorting, those two things don't spur job and economy growth.

But balloning the debt and hiking inflation does?

Debt isn't necessarily a bad thing. As long as it is managed correctly.
But balloning the debt and hiking inflation does?

Debt isn't necessarily a bad thing. As long as it is managed correctly.

And we have yet to see the fucking government do that.

Well it kinda depends on who you have running it.

Issuing big tax hikes while proscecuting multiple wars and putting up expensive new social programs is a recipe for exploding the debt. George W. Bush was a real winner, no?
Debt isn't necessarily a bad thing. As long as it is managed correctly.

And we have yet to see the fucking government do that.

Well it kinda depends on who you have running it.

Issuing big tax hikes while proscecuting multiple wars and putting up expensive new social programs is a recipe for exploding the debt. George W. Bush was a real winner, no?

Bam Bam ain't doing so hot either.
And we have yet to see the fucking government do that.

Well it kinda depends on who you have running it.

Issuing big tax hikes while proscecuting multiple wars and putting up expensive new social programs is a recipe for exploding the debt. George W. Bush was a real winner, no?

Bam Bam ain't doing so hot either.

He don't want to hear that.

Its all still Bush's fault and will be till the day Barry and his posse hit the road.
it helps if you actually cut taxes. because when people keep more of their own money, they make more money and government benefits from an increase of revenue. It happens every time it's tried.

Of course, when you pretend to cut taxes and dont actually do anything, nothing happens.

You seem to know what you're talking about. Why don't you point out that period in our history when taxes were lower than they are now and job creation was soaring. That should end the debate once and for all.
Well it kinda depends on who you have running it.

Issuing big tax hikes while proscecuting multiple wars and putting up expensive new social programs is a recipe for exploding the debt. George W. Bush was a real winner, no?

Bam Bam ain't doing so hot either.

He don't want to hear that.

Its all still Bush's fault and will be till the day Barry and his posse hit the road.

It is still Bush's fault.

Bush ran up 8 years worth of debt. You expect that to be paid off in three years with no new revenue and zero interest rates?

You people are completely nuts.

It's really just common sense that the way to stimulate an economy is to invest in infrastructure, education, and science/technology. The people denying it are just the US version of the taliban - crazy people who will say and do anything to force their whacky ideology on the rest of us.

Nobody denies the need to invest in necessary infrastructure. But that is different from just throwing money around on pet projects. And money that needs to be invested needs to be freed up first by economizing in unnecessary spending.

The idea of calling people who have opposing views terrorists and extremists is a sign of intolerance and/or stupidity.

Ah yes, unneccessary spending such as health care and education for the nation's children. And infrastructure is not the military industrial complex.
It's really just common sense that the way to stimulate an economy is to invest in infrastructure, education, and science/technology. The people denying it are just the US version of the taliban - crazy people who will say and do anything to force their whacky ideology on the rest of us.

Nobody denies the need to invest in necessary infrastructure. But that is different from just throwing money around on pet projects. And money that needs to be invested needs to be freed up first by economizing in unnecessary spending.

The idea of calling people who have opposing views terrorists and extremists is a sign of intolerance and/or stupidity.

Ah yes, unneccessary spending such as health care and education for the nation's children. And infrastructure is not the military industrial complex.

Have you ever really read the US budget?

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