Tax Cuts For The Poor Are Bad For The Country


May 4, 2012
As a conservative I am tired of hearing Republicans go along with liberal plans for payroll tax breaks and tax holidays for the poor.

Everyone in this country must pull his own weight or our country will deteriorate into poverty that has not been seen for several hundred years in this country.

The bottom 48% of wage earners already pay no federal income tax. Many of them also receive thousands of dollars in so-called tax refunds despite the fact that they pay no taxes. Many of them also receive thousands of dollars in food stamps, WIC, energy subsidies, rent subsidies and a plethora of other subsidies.

Many people who are considered below the poverty level have much more disposable income than so-called middle class tax-payers.

Tax cuts for the poor will not help our economy, create jobs or get people off the government dole. Benefits for the poor keep them lazy and unproductive which hurts the economy and the will loose their incentive to make something of themselves.
As a conservative I am tired of hearing Republicans go along with liberal plans for payroll tax breaks and tax holidays for the poor.

Everyone in this country must pull his own weight or our country will deteriorate into poverty that has not been seen for several hundred years in this country.

The bottom 48% of wage earners already pay no federal income tax. Many of them also receive thousands of dollars in so-called tax refunds despite the fact that they pay no taxes. Many of them also receive thousands of dollars in food stamps, WIC, energy subsidies, rent subsidies and a plethora of other subsidies.

Many people who are considered below the poverty level have much more disposable income than so-called middle class tax-payers.

Tax cuts for the poor will not help our economy, create jobs or get people off the government dole. Benefits for the poor keep them lazy and unproductive which hurts the economy and the will loose their incentive to make something of themselves.

If you make below a certain income and have kids, you get a lot of help with food, medical, housing and utilities. If you make just over that line, you spend all your own money on those things. So, you're right about some of the lower income families getting welfare having more disposable income each month than many in the middle class.

I thought the idea to help the poor was to ensure they had the basic necessities until they could pull themselves up. If we keep adding more programs, and there are countless ones now, what will the incentive be to walk away from government handouts? If they were going without things like television or cell phones, maybe they'd be more apt to take advantage of the job training they are offered. Of course, now jobs have disappeared and small business continue to fold. Before the financial meltdown, we should have given the people a nudge out of the giverment nest.

I know some people, one a relative, who had cells phones for years and had no trouble paying for them. Now they have given up their paid plans so they could take advantage of the freebies. Considering that they could afford them before, why did we do this? Others I know, who have kids, get free food from a variety of programs and always end up with more than they need and they give away cereal and other products to their friends. If people don't really need things, why are we offering it and why are they taking it?

We should help the poor, but we shouldn't give them so much that they have it better than those paying the bill. Poor people in America have homes, cars, Medicaid, nice televisions, cell phones and a full cabinet of food. Many don't worry about paying rent or utilities because they get help with that. And we call them poor and keep coming up with new ways to "improve" their life by making government dependence a comfortable place to be.

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