tax dollars ,human rights,blah,blah from any President ,why complain it doesnt matter

bob dowling

Mar 3, 2015
Rest of winning strategy. Human right abuses,US taxpayer abuses ppart of US foreign policy
Bush told PBS he prefers his war in Colombia, where the U.S. wipes away the indigenous peoples, steals their land, gives it to its multinational corporations, and maintains a facade of democracy, all under the guise of the noble cause

Posted on March 3, 2015
The Past fifty years,even longer since JFK involved US in Colombia and following along since different American governments and their representatives have become involved in Colombian affairs through the implementation of policies especially to fit US concerns of land and natural resources.I believe all US policies effecting Colombia are about,land natural resource resources and strategic control; not the the issues told to American taxpayers

US influences have catalyzed internal conflicts and substantially expanded the scope and nature of human rights abuses in Colombia Colombia is controlled ny a powerful elite oligarchy class who continue the charade of Colombia being a Democracy,with free election and rule of law regardless of their real ideologies or political or economic systems.Democracy is an illusion For this reason, the Colombian economy depends on US foreign aid,trade policy not deserved designed to Colombia needs, billions from two wars, military assistants including US bases elections favorable to maintaining ā€˜client stateā€™laws serve possibly 20% pf Colombians .however Colombia adheres international laws, trade following the guidelines given by international law Regional relations otherwise the pu[[et show would be in danger f imploding despite occasional issues with neighbors, especially regarding spillover from Colombiaā€™s armed conflict, including cross-border guerrilla/paramilitary crossings the flow of refugees, and the spread of drug trafficking Colombia does rock the region.

US state dept put FARC on terrorist list,the War on Drugs is primarily a code term for assisting Colombian in their fifty year war with FARC no one argues about drugs,but drugs have financial limits especially when the war on drugs is losing disaster,however after 911 no one objects to money used against terrorism,hence FARC became a convenient terrorist organization and the money flowed without any objections or restrains. I would think Bolivians considered Colombia bombing of there sovereign Bolivia ,in order to killing FARC Reyes an act of terrorism and done using US GPS loaned for domestic purposes ONLY.

The best secret and one no one wants to know about is the US government involved in foreign governments with US tax dollars.US military,DEA.CIA is more involved with Colombia than any nation in Western hemisphere and possibly the world.Colombia third largest recipient of foreign aid overwhelmingly the majority of all aid is funneled to the efforts battling the FARC and their alleged threat posed to US interests of maintaining the Government the US cant afford to have toppled.Sound good but has nothing do with any of US stated reasons Democracy,War on Terror &Drugs ,SEVEN US military bases inside Colombia is not required and certainly will not turn the defeat of the War on Drugs or the non existent threat FARC represents[except to Colombian govt]to US or turning any other place into a victory over terrorism and increase safety in Cleveland.

OF interest to US govt and multi national corporations is the fact Colombia has 2nd largest IDP five million displaced people,if your thinking the people WRONG only concerns the US and multinationals have areā€™ land and natural resources ,coincidentally displaced people own the riches land and natural resources The massacres,executions.murders,bombing,violence rape,kidnapping,mass braves of rural,indigenous,afro,Colombians by,death squads,ex paramilitary,government troops,land owners who bought IDP land illegally all acting with impunity not a conviction by Colombian authorities, has anyone heard the US govt say a word about crimes against humanity,Human Rights of course not, only if thereā€™s no riches re Africa,etc otherwise US stays the course following their hypocritical foreign policy of either doing nothing or saying one thing and doing another; Why not,nobody seems to care especially in Colombia,In US I guess 90% of Americans have NO idea who,what the FARC means,same percentage believes their a Terrorist group which is pathetic,the same group has been labeled over the past +55yrs Communist,Marxist,Socialist,narco guerrillas now their terrorist,of course the FARC is not the peace corp but it a civil war US calls FARC whatever the buzz word of the decade that works happen to be,I only point this out because Colombian American governments constantly referred to FARC who allegedly consisted of 20,000 ā€œuneducated peasants young men and women.Really?Explain how is it ā€˜uneducated young peasantsā€
systematically acquired the Drug
trade controlling all from growing ,processing,manufacturing,distribution along with having the Mexicans do all the dirty work*we never see Colombian busted shipping into US like before now the Mexicans do their logistics,violence,,again ā€œuneducated peasantsā€ we are to believe are the brains who also figured out how to convert pesos into dollar &euros laundering the money and in process accumulated 10billions to invest around the world ā€ uneducated peasantsā€ also handling all purchasing of Aems ,shipping routes for the Arms purchasing in Eastern Europe, Middle east all destine for the Amazon Jungle .SURE!! ,from jungle HQ if anyone actually believes this, please write me.,because NO way ā€œuneducated peasantsā€ living in the jungles of Colombia are the mastermind ,total BS,something is going on ,just not what were told You do not even have to know all this , should be able to with stop,ā€™ the Colombian military consists of 250,000 trained soldiers,Air force,Navy,Special forces, TANKS,helicopters,latest equipment,US intelligence,training,equipment advisors plus govt sanctioned para paramilitaries numbering 50,000.The ā€œUneducated peasantsā€aka FARC had max 18,000,down to
.8000,& arms they purchased on the black market PERIOD no contest,should be over not by negotiating but a crushing defeat,yet NEVER happened,never will WHY impossible hence the rest while happening should also be impossible have not in fifty years defeated ā€˜uneducated peasants|instead their currently negotiating with the FARC like their equals allegedly have controlled 45% of Colombia land,seized the US agenda is Colombiaā€™s is their natural resource, ,strategic positioning since NO other Latin American country wants or needs US protection,interference clearly making it known with free Democratic elections unfortunately for US the elections rejected their past governments consisting of dictators and,Military not to mention PINOCHET hangover the last time the US ā€œhelpedā€ resulting in six counties voting for former guerrillas or sympathizers, .Colombia &US biggest fear if FARC were permitted to participate in the ā€œfreeā€open elections is exactly what has happen everywhere else puppets would lose and US would no real influence anywhere in Latin America,sympathiser{Brazil,Uruguay,Venezuela,Bolivia,Ecuador.El Salvador,, and influence in all of Latin America at any cost Dispute with Venezuela over waters in the Gulf of Venezuela. Issues with countries include the influx of Colombian refugees into neighboring states and illegal activities related to drug-trafficking and terrorism US state dept has put FARC on terrorist list,the War on Drugs is primarily a code term for assisting Colombian in their fifty year war with FARC.Colombia bombing a sovereign Bolivia killing FARC Reyes using US GPS loaned for domestic purposes ONLY. The US government.US military,DEA.CIA is more involved with Colombia than any nation in Western hemisphere and possibly the world.Colombia third largest recipient of foreign aid overwhelmingly the majority of all aid is funneled to the efforts battling the FARC and their threat posed to US interests which has nothing do with any of US stated reasons Democracy,War on Terror &Drugs ,SEVEN US military bases inside Colombia is not required and certainly will not turn the defeat of the War on Drugs or tne non existent threat FARC represents[except to Colombian govt]to US or any other place into a victory and increase safety in Cleveland.

OF interest to US govt and multi national corporations is the fact Colombia has 2nd largest IDP five million displaced people,if your thinking the people WRONG only concerns the US and multinationals have areā€™ land and natural resources ,coincidentally displaced people own the riches land and natural resources The massacres,executions.murders,bombing,violence rape,kidnapping,mass braves of rural,indigenous,afro,Colombians by,death squads,ex paramilitary,government troops,land owners who bought IDP land illegally all acting with impunity not a conviction by Colombian authorities, has anyone heard the US govt say a word about crimes against humanity,Human Rights of course not, only if thereā€™s no riches re Africa,etc otherwise US stays the course following their hypocritical foreign policy of either doing nothing or saying one thing and doing another; Why not,nobody seems to care especially in Colombia,In US I guess 90% of Americans have NO idea who,what the FARC means,same percentage believes their a Terrorist group which is pathetic,the same group has been labeled over the past +55yrs Communist,Marxist,Socialist,narco guerrillas now their terrorist,of course the FARC is not the peace corp but it a civil war US calls FARC whatever the buzz word of the decade that works happen to be,I only point this out because Colombian &Amerocan goverenments constantly feferred to FARC whp allegedly consisted of 20,000 ā€œuneducated peasants young men and women.Really?Eplain how is it ā€˜uneducated young peasantsā€
systematically acquired the Drug
trade controlling all from growing ,processing,manufacturing,distribution along with having the Mexicans do all the dirty work*we never see Colombian busted shipping into US like before now the Mexicans do their logistics,violence,,again ā€œuneducated peasantsā€ we are to believe are the brains who also figured out how to convert pesos into dollar &euros laundering the money and in process accumulated 10billions to invest around the world ā€ uneducated peasantsā€ also handling all purchasing of Aems ,shipping routes for the Arms purchasing in Eastern Europe, Middle east all destine for the Amazon Jungle .SURE!! ,from jungle HQ if anyone actually believes this, please write me.,because NO way ā€œuneducated peasantsā€ living in the jungles of Colombia are the mastermind ,total BS,something is going on ,just not what were told You do not even have to know all this , should be able to with stop,ā€™ the Colombian military consists of 250,000 trained soldiers,Air force,Navy,Special forces, TANKS,helicopters,latest equipment,US intelligence,training,equipment advisors plus govt sanctioned para paramilitaries numbering 50,000.The ā€œUneducated peasantsā€aka FARC had max 18,000,down to
.8000,& arms they purchased on the black market PERIOD no contest,should be over not by negotiating but a crushing defeat,yet NEVER happened,never will WHY impossible hence the rest while happening should also be impossible have not in fifty years defeated ā€˜uneducated peasants|instead their currently negotiating with the FARC like their equals allegedly have controlled 45% of Colombia land,seized the US agenda is Colombiaā€™s is their natural resource, ,strategic positioning since NO other Latin American country wants or needs US protection,interference clearly making it known with free Democratic elections unfortunately for US the elections rejected their past governments consisting of dictators and,Military not to mention PINOCHET hangover the last time the US ā€œhelpedā€ resulting in six counties voting for former guerrillas or sympathizers, .Colombia &US biggest fear if FARC were permitted to participate in the ā€œfreeā€open elections is exactly what has happen everywhere else puppets would lose and US would have no real influence anywhere in Latin America,sympathiser{Brazil,Uruguay,Venezuela,Bolivia,Ecuador.El Salvador,, and influence in all of Latin America at any cost taxpayers complaining about food stamps., rich ,usual blah blah need to shut up until the know where tax dollars are really spent unfortunately our media has been co opted including FOX due their same narrative nobody believe it anything more then partisan politics entertainment ing preaching to the choir its too bad but true
Bob, this is your 2nd. post with the same content. For your next 2 posts, try to be more flexible. Mention Obama's bang up foreign policy in one of them. ;)

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