Tax Reform: Always The Same Tired Lies


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The word on the street—Pennsylvania Avenue—is that the next big undertaking in the city that never wakes up to reality but always puts a good spin on a bad message, will be rewriting the tax code.

Here are two feel-good statements emanating from D.C.

The Nationals will win it all this year because their pitchers will have the lowest ERAs and the highest won-lost records and their hitters will score the most runs.

The tax reform bill will lower taxes on the middle class, create jobs, won’t reward special interests, and reduce the deficit. This is standard fare because tax reform is the scam that never gets old.

Neither statements is true but they aren’t both lies.

Whoever made the first statement—and were he a real person, he should be given the optimist of the year award—is guilty of wishful thinking.

Whoever made the second statement—and there are better than even odds that he will be a real person and most likely a Congressman—will be willfully lying.

A tax reform bill cannot pass without making indefensible claims. Detractors will claim it only helps the rich. No one will deny this but they’ll explain that the rich are also the job creators and everyone will win in the end.

When the last big tax reform measure was taken in 1986, these same promises were made—stronger middle class, more jobs, true the rich would receive benefits, but everyone would be winners—plus the deficit would go down.

The same promises made with George Bush’s tax reforms in 2001.

In 1986, there were 13 billionaires living in America, four times as many as I remember growing up in the fifties when there were three—J. Paul Getty, Howard Hughes, and the Rockefeller family. By 1987, there were 41. The number increased steadily to 149 in 1996 before dropping back to 49 in 2000.

Then came the Bush tax cut in 2001, where everyone got a $100 check in the mail and billionaires got their capital gains tax rate cut to 15 percent, the equivalent of what a family making $25,000-a-year might pay.

The number of billionaires quickly jumped to 272, decreased a bit following the 2008 Recession before rebounding to where it stands today at 565.

I know there has been many innovation over the last thirty years, a lot of opportunities created that have led to the current number of super wealthy Americans. I also know that favorable tax laws and a reluctance of job creators to share their wealth with the job doers has led to a shrinking middle class and a rather vibrant wealthy class. There are also more robots holding down jobs and God help us if they ever get to vote if Congress decides to call them people as they did with corporations.

However, this is not the whole story. Something else happened in 1986 that few Americans are aware of. Something that always seems to happen. In 1989, two reporters from the Philadelphia Inquirer, James B. Steele and Donald L. Barlett won the Pulitzer Prize for their reporting on the Tax Reform Act of 1986.

What they found was over a thousand pages of exemptions written into the law to benefit individual taxpayers and corporations.

This is what a tax exemption looks like when an American lawmaker wants to give special treatment to an American Corporation and doesn’t want anyone to know:

Subsection (f) of section 621of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraphs: For purposes applying section 382(k)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, preferred stock issued by an integrated steel manufacturer incorporated on November 9, 1982, and reincorporated on February 11, 1983, and having its principal place of business in Trenton, Michigan, and mentioned in a letter of intent dated July 10, 1987, signed by such manufacturer, shall not be treated as stock.

The one corporation fitting this description received a three-year $26-million tax break.

There are hundreds of pages of these embarrassing give-a-ways in the tax codes.

Politicians, always in need of funding, do everything they can to hide the identities of the billionaires and special interests. These breaks are a significant reason why government can’t keep its head above water. Five hundred and sixty-five billionaires will attest, “It’s not what you know but who you know and if no one knows who you are, that’s even better.

Congress will talk about the middle class and jobs, but will be silent about billionaires and special interests. Voters should pay attention to whom—and what--isn't being discussed.

Tax Reform: Always the same old thing
Tax cuts that bust the budget are the GOP's version of the handout to the American people.
Ready for some more "trickled down prosperity" right wingers???....LOL
The heart of any GOP tax plan is all about saving the off-spring of the super rich million-upon-millions in estate taxes. I think being handed bucks should at least be taxed the same rate as actually working your ass off for it.
The money I make is mine. It's not the government's.

Say that Republicans. With conviction.
FOLKS, FOLKS, FOLKS: the crime of taxation is not in the taking it part, it's in the way that it's spent!
Ready for some more "trickled down prosperity" right wingers???....LOL
Like we had with Reagan? Yeah let's do that.
Yeah, growing deficits under St Ronnie because deficits don't matter when a Republican is president!

Ready for some more "trickled down prosperity" right wingers???....LOL
Like we had with Reagan? Yeah let's do that.
Yeah, growing deficits under St Ronnie because deficits don't matter when a Republican is president!

A better economy stops the deficit. You may have not noticed but obies higher taxes and regulations have resulted in no economic growth and a doubling of that deficit you're so concerned about. How do you explain that?
Ready for some more "trickled down prosperity" right wingers???....LOL
Like we had with Reagan? Yeah let's do that.
Yeah, growing deficits under St Ronnie because deficits don't matter when a Republican is president!

A better economy stops the deficit. You may have not noticed but obies higher taxes and regulations have resulted in no economic growth and a doubling of that deficit you're so concerned about. How do you explain that?
Only wing-nut fuzzy math would call reducing the deficit from $1.2 trillion when Obama started to $441 billion now a "doubling of the deficit!"
A better economy stops the deficit. You may have not noticed but obies higher taxes and regulations have resulted in no economic growth and a doubling of that deficit you're so concerned about. How do you explain that?

Actually simple......if you don't mind dwelling among facts....

First, Obama extended the GWB HUGE tax cuts that were to end in 10 years..So, the bullshit, "obie's higher taxes" is precisely that....bullshit.

Second, the stock market grew under Obama by 140%

Third, under Obama the economy DID grow...slower, no doubt, but it grew even after the scare of an all out depression.

Fourth, the doubling of the deficit was caused by "the chicken coming home" from TWO huge wars, an unpaid for Medicare Advantage, AND the stimulus that was very much needed to save car companies, etc.

Fifth, we can tell a CEO of a large company that his enterprise does NOT have to pay more than 3% on taxes, and he STILL would find the cheapest labor to manufacture whatever the hell he is manufacturing.....
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Ready for some more "trickled down prosperity" right wingers???....LOL
Like we had with Reagan? Yeah let's do that.
Yeah, growing deficits under St Ronnie because deficits don't matter when a Republican is president!

A better economy stops the deficit. You may have not noticed but obies higher taxes and regulations have resulted in no economic growth and a doubling of that deficit you're so concerned about. How do you explain that?
Only wing-nut fuzzy math would call reducing the deficit from $1.2 trillion when Obama started to $441 billion now a "doubling of the deficit!"
Actually only a complete retard can't follow that if the deficit is anything but a negative number then the debt is still increasing. Am I supposed to high five obie who doubled or debt yet is only adding half a billion to it because you don't know how math works?
A better economy stops the deficit. You may have not noticed but obies higher taxes and regulations have resulted in no economic growth and a doubling of that deficit you're so concerned about. How do you explain that?

Actually simple......if you don't mind dwelling among facts....

First, Obama extended the GWB HUGE tax cuts that were to end in 10 years..SDo, the bullshit,"obie's higher taxes" is precisely that....bullshit.

Second, the stock market grew under Obama by 140%

Third, under Obama the economy DID grow...slower, no doubt, but it grew even after the scare of an all out depression.

Fourth, the doubling of the deficit was caused by "the chicken coming home" from TWO huge wars, an unpaid for Medicare Advantage, AND the stimulus that was very much needed to save car companies, etc.

Fifth, we can tell a CEO of a large company that his enterprise does NOT have to pay more than 3% on taxes, and he STILL would find the cheapest labor to manufacture whatever the hell he is manufacturing.....
So if all that was true then why are we still in debt and in a shitty economy? If the floppy eared idiot was so good...what the hell happened?
The heart of any GOP tax plan is all about saving the off-spring of the super rich million-upon-millions in estate taxes. I think being handed bucks should at least be taxed the same rate as actually working your ass off for it.

We grudge no man a fortune in civil life if it is honorably obtained and well used. It is not even enough that it should have been gained without doing damage to the community. We should permit it to be gained only so long as the gaining represents benefit to the community … The really big fortune, the swollen fortune, by the mere fact of its size, acquires qualities which differentiate it in kind as well as in degree from what is possessed by men of relatively small means. Therefore, I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and … a graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes, properly safeguarded against evasion, and increasing rapidly in amount with the size of the estate.

Teddy Roosevelt on the Estate Tax, 100 Years Ago
A better economy stops the deficit. You may have not noticed but obies higher taxes and regulations have resulted in no economic growth and a doubling of that deficit you're so concerned about. How do you explain that?

Actually simple......if you don't mind dwelling among facts....

First, Obama extended the GWB HUGE tax cuts that were to end in 10 years..SDo, the bullshit,"obie's higher taxes" is precisely that....bullshit.

Second, the stock market grew under Obama by 140%

Third, under Obama the economy DID grow...slower, no doubt, but it grew even after the scare of an all out depression.

Fourth, the doubling of the deficit was caused by "the chicken coming home" from TWO huge wars, an unpaid for Medicare Advantage, AND the stimulus that was very much needed to save car companies, etc.

Fifth, we can tell a CEO of a large company that his enterprise does NOT have to pay more than 3% on taxes, and he STILL would find the cheapest labor to manufacture whatever the hell he is manufacturing.....
So if all that was true then why are we still in debt and in a shitty economy? If the floppy eared idiot was so good...what the hell happened?
What happened was that people like you put in a first class dummy in office, and he reduced taxes, got us into a couple of unnecessary wars, and defunded much of the SEC, and then the banks put us almost into the Second Great Republican Depression.

So, President Obama took office with the market going straight down, and we lost 700,000 jobs that month. By spring, things were going the other way, but slowly, as it takes time to pull out of that deep a recession. After 2010, with a GOP House, everything that the President proposed was shot down simply because he proposed it. Still, President Obama ended his term with the market almost at 20,000, and unemployment down to 4.8%.

Now the clown has taken office with an excellent market, and very low unemployment. Let us see if he can at least stay where we are. I think by the end of 2019, that the orange clown will have us back where Bush left us.
So if all that was true then why are we still in debt and in a shitty economy? If the floppy eared idiot was so good...what the hell happened?

Oh, Obama was indeed good......But NOT a miracle maker....(and did you happen to notice how helpful that republican congress was to him???.....LOL)
The word on the street—Pennsylvania Avenue—is that the next big undertaking in the city that never wakes up to reality but always puts a good spin on a bad message, will be rewriting the tax code.

Here are two feel-good statements emanating from D.C.

The Nationals will win it all this year because their pitchers will have the lowest ERAs and the highest won-lost records and their hitters will score the most runs.

The tax reform bill will lower taxes on the middle class, create jobs, won’t reward special interests, and reduce the deficit. This is standard fare because tax reform is the scam that never gets old.

Neither statements is true but they aren’t both lies.

Whoever made the first statement—and were he a real person, he should be given the optimist of the year award—is guilty of wishful thinking.

Whoever made the second statement—and there are better than even odds that he will be a real person and most likely a Congressman—will be willfully lying.

A tax reform bill cannot pass without making indefensible claims. Detractors will claim it only helps the rich. No one will deny this but they’ll explain that the rich are also the job creators and everyone will win in the end.

When the last big tax reform measure was taken in 1986, these same promises were made—stronger middle class, more jobs, true the rich would receive benefits, but everyone would be winners—plus the deficit would go down.

The same promises made with George Bush’s tax reforms in 2001.

In 1986, there were 13 billionaires living in America, four times as many as I remember growing up in the fifties when there were three—J. Paul Getty, Howard Hughes, and the Rockefeller family. By 1987, there were 41. The number increased steadily to 149 in 1996 before dropping back to 49 in 2000.

Then came the Bush tax cut in 2001, where everyone got a $100 check in the mail and billionaires got their capital gains tax rate cut to 15 percent, the equivalent of what a family making $25,000-a-year might pay.

The number of billionaires quickly jumped to 272, decreased a bit following the 2008 Recession before rebounding to where it stands today at 565.

I know there has been many innovation over the last thirty years, a lot of opportunities created that have led to the current number of super wealthy Americans. I also know that favorable tax laws and a reluctance of job creators to share their wealth with the job doers has led to a shrinking middle class and a rather vibrant wealthy class. There are also more robots holding down jobs and God help us if they ever get to vote if Congress decides to call them people as they did with corporations.

However, this is not the whole story. Something else happened in 1986 that few Americans are aware of. Something that always seems to happen. In 1989, two reporters from the Philadelphia Inquirer, James B. Steele and Donald L. Barlett won the Pulitzer Prize for their reporting on the Tax Reform Act of 1986.

What they found was over a thousand pages of exemptions written into the law to benefit individual taxpayers and corporations.

This is what a tax exemption looks like when an American lawmaker wants to give special treatment to an American Corporation and doesn’t want anyone to know:

Subsection (f) of section 621of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraphs: For purposes applying section 382(k)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, preferred stock issued by an integrated steel manufacturer incorporated on November 9, 1982, and reincorporated on February 11, 1983, and having its principal place of business in Trenton, Michigan, and mentioned in a letter of intent dated July 10, 1987, signed by such manufacturer, shall not be treated as stock.

The one corporation fitting this description received a three-year $26-million tax break.

There are hundreds of pages of these embarrassing give-a-ways in the tax codes.

Politicians, always in need of funding, do everything they can to hide the identities of the billionaires and special interests. These breaks are a significant reason why government can’t keep its head above water. Five hundred and sixty-five billionaires will attest, “It’s not what you know but who you know and if no one knows who you are, that’s even better.

Congress will talk about the middle class and jobs, but will be silent about billionaires and special interests. Voters should pay attention to whom—and what--isn't being discussed.

Tax Reform: Always the same old thing
Trump tax plan rocks out with its cock out!

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