Tax the rich: Out of necessity, or simpl SPITE?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Is the desire to tax the rich out of necessity, or pure spite?

I admit, the arrogant, "fuck you I got mine" attitude of some rich people has made me become disgusted with them.

How much of the desire to tax the rich is just out of pure spite? Just to know that they are pissed off, and just becuase you'd like to see that they suffer some also?

While Im all for taxing enough to fund a competent government, I also know just increasing taxes on the rich wont fix shit, see California and New York.

But just out of spite??? A small, twisted side kinda gets enjoyment of the thought of some arrogant, hateful country clubber being irate that he is being taxed a tad bit more on his 20 million dollars.
its total spite buc and the left know it. they know damn well they wont see a dime of it.
The Debbie Wasserman's and the Elizabeth Warrens and the Joe Bidens will never ever
be happy with the taxes they get from the people who produce and make money.
As more and more money is concentrated in the hands of the wealthy, and as more and more income is concentrated at the upper end of the ladder,

where else are you going to go to pay the bills?
Is the desire to tax the rich out of necessity, or pure spite?

I admit, the arrogant, "fuck you I got mine" attitude of some rich people has made me become disgusted with them.

How much of the desire to tax the rich is just out of pure spite? Just to know that they are pissed off, and just becuase you'd like to see that they suffer some also?

While Im all for taxing enough to fund a competent government, I also know just increasing taxes on the rich wont fix shit, see California and New York.

But just out of spite??? A small, twisted side kinda gets enjoyment of the thought of some arrogant, hateful country clubber being irate that he is being taxed a tad bit more on his 20 million dollars.

That's why I regard liberalism to be the politics of envy and hate. So some rich people get hit with a larger tax bill, does that enhance your life at all? Do you consider the possibility it ends up costing YOU more when they have to raise the prices for the goods and services their companies provide?

Our government does not have a revenue issue, it's a spending issue. They waste more money on bullshit that enriches multinational corporations who have no loyalty to our nation.

I hope you're seeing the light.
Is the desire to tax the rich out of necessity, or pure spite?

I admit, the arrogant, "fuck you I got mine" attitude of some rich people has made me become disgusted with them.

How much of the desire to tax the rich is just out of pure spite? Just to know that they are pissed off, and just becuase you'd like to see that they suffer some also?

While Im all for taxing enough to fund a competent government, I also know just increasing taxes on the rich wont fix shit, see California and New York.

But just out of spite??? A small, twisted side kinda gets enjoyment of the thought of some arrogant, hateful country clubber being irate that he is being taxed a tad bit more on his 20 million dollars.

That's why I regard liberalism to be the politics of envy and hate. So some rich people get hit with a larger tax bill, does that enhance your life at all? Do you consider the possibility it ends up costing YOU more when they have to raise the prices for the goods and services their companies provide?

Our government does not have a revenue issue, it's a spending issue. They waste more money on bullshit that enriches multinational corporations who have no loyalty to our nation.

I hope you're seeing the light.

We are borrowing 40% of the money we spend on the military. Who would YOU tax to pay that bill,

instead of borrowing that money?
The OP shows a great example of the attitude on the left towards the wealthy. It's the left who came up with the "I got mine, fuck you" line and I think that is their perception of what rich people must be thinking, but you can't paint all the wealthy with one brush. Considering the sequestration and White House closed for tours and the way Obama still takes vacations, one might think he is saying 'fuck you people, I've got mine'.

There are people who don't understand how wealth is created and seem to believe that some have more simply because they were given more and, therefore, it's unfair.

Billions, maybe trillions, by now have been spent on government dependents. It's still not enough? Of course, it would have been way more than enough had the actual goal been to help elevate the poor and assist them in getting out of poverty.

Income taxes are bullshit to begin with, much like Obamacare. Government does not have the ability to manage money, as they have proven time and time again. They confiscate more and more and they waste a great deal of it because they don't know how to manage anything and can't even account for all the money they took and spent.

Now they want more. Not just money, but equal outcomes. Equal opportunity didn't help some people because they didn't want to try as hard, so now some politicians want to artificially make everyone equal regardless of effort. They can't elevate some people, but they have figured out how to bring others down to the same level. That is where we are headed.

The real evil wealthy are the Federal Reserve banks, who are hoarding the money and are in bed with the politicians. And you think the politicians are going to fix this? They are making slaves out of us all and some are still so stupid that they believe they will help. They won't. We'll all be reduced to poor and the wealthy politicians and Federal Reserve will rule. Wake up, people.
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Is the desire to tax the rich out of necessity, or pure spite?

I admit, the arrogant, "fuck you I got mine" attitude of some rich people has made me become disgusted with them.

How much of the desire to tax the rich is just out of pure spite? Just to know that they are pissed off, and just becuase you'd like to see that they suffer some also?

While Im all for taxing enough to fund a competent government, I also know just increasing taxes on the rich wont fix shit, see California and New York.

But just out of spite??? A small, twisted side kinda gets enjoyment of the thought of some arrogant, hateful country clubber being irate that he is being taxed a tad bit more on his 20 million dollars.

Answer one question, how much of what an American earns should they be allowed to keep?
We are borrowing money at a pace that is unsustainable, the fed continues to purchase T Bills and mortgage backed securities at $85 Billion dollars a month, QE 3 soon to be QE 4 to hold interest rates down, and you think increasing taxes is going to allow you to spend your way out of this financial calamity? Are you nuts? You could increase the maximum tax bracket to 80% which would allow states to collect their "fair share", composed of state income and property taxes, and you still would be on a collision course with destiny, insolvency. At what point will it take you to look at the numbers? PS we still haven't addressed the true cost of your socialized medical plan which current estimates indicate it will eclipse well over $260 Billion in the years to come. Do the math the candle is burning from both ends and serious cuts need to be made. I am tired of hearing about evil this, evil that, the time has come to look at our politicians and ask who has the balls to make cuts!

A stagnate economy sucks and the liberals blame everyone else but their own policies and they have the guts to demand those that work to pay more?
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I don't understand the need for the rich/wealthy/well to do/prosperous/productive
call them what you will need to be vilified by the Democrats.

We all want government to provide the roads and bridges and military and what have you.
The Democrats want the wealthy to pay for all the spending.
Everyone who benefits from this has to kick in.
Envy of other people's success is a very bad basis for public policy.

Just sayin'.
I don't understand the need for the rich/wealthy/well to do/prosperous/productive
call them what you will need to be vilified by the Democrats.

We all want government to provide the roads and bridges and military and what have you.
The Democrats want the wealthy to pay for all the spending.
Everyone who benefits from this has to kick in.

Funny thing is, we had roads, trains, bridges, schools, colleges and military before income tax.
Yep. And back then, it didn't take 24+ years to replace a bridge span unlike the insanely expensive and lengthy process to replace the eastern Bay Bridge.
Is the desire to tax the rich out of necessity, or pure spite?

I admit, the arrogant, "fuck you I got mine" attitude of some rich people has made me become disgusted with them...........

Me Too:

- Vice President Joe Biden giving less than 1% of his income to Charities
- Michael Moore moving his movie production in Canada to trash Capitalism so that he would not have to pay higher wages to Union workers
- Nancy Pelosi taking Union donations while investing in restaurants and hotels that do not hire Union workers.
- President Bill Clinton taking a tax deduction for his used underwear
- Massachusetts Senator John Kerry moving his $7M yacht to Rhode Island so that he would not have to pay the higher Massachusetts boat tax.
Taxation is anti capitalism! The left wants socialism so they use taxation to redistribute the wealth. It will never be enough; they want it all so they can allocate it as they see fit - fuck the left!

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