Tax the rich: Out of necessity, or simpl SPITE?

Is the desire to tax the rich out of necessity, or pure spite?

I admit, the arrogant, "fuck you I got mine" attitude of some rich people has made me become disgusted with them.

How much of the desire to tax the rich is just out of pure spite? Just to know that they are pissed off, and just becuase you'd like to see that they suffer some also?

While Im all for taxing enough to fund a competent government, I also know just increasing taxes on the rich wont fix shit, see California and New York.

But just out of spite??? A small, twisted side kinda gets enjoyment of the thought of some arrogant, hateful country clubber being irate that he is being taxed a tad bit more on his 20 million dollars.

That's why I regard liberalism to be the politics of envy and hate. So some rich people get hit with a larger tax bill, does that enhance your life at all? Do you consider the possibility it ends up costing YOU more when they have to raise the prices for the goods and services their companies provide?

Our government does not have a revenue issue, it's a spending issue. They waste more money on bullshit that enriches multinational corporations who have no loyalty to our nation.

I hope you're seeing the light.

We are borrowing 40% of the money we spend on the military. Who would YOU tax to pay that bill,

instead of borrowing that money?

Yeah... it is just the military stuff funding that is being borrowed :rolleyes:... not the entitlements, not the wasteful and redundant government agencies... ALL THE MILITARY :rolleyes:

Just cut it all across the board and eliminate those things not empowered to the government directly thru the constitution (AKA corporate and individual welfare).... and that includes auditing the military, cutting waste, cutting redundancy, etc as well.....

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