Taxes for Dummies


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
We all know the reason for taxes: It is to fund the government and all that the government does. That is the simple answer.

Tax POLICY should strike the perfect balance of maximizing revenue, while minimizing the negative effects on the economy.

Republicans formulate tax policy for the purpose of helping the economy and growing business. When those things happen, jobs are created and Americans do well.

Democrats try to use tax policy to punish people who do well and manipulate behavior. For that reason they often hurt the economy which causes a loss of jobs, and overall hurts Americans.

A political trick the Democrats will use is to give tax breaks to the poor. That might put a couple hundred dollars in the pocket of a poor person for a brief moment, but that hundred will disappear quickly and the poor person will be as bad off as he was before.

The Republicans would rather see that poor person have a good job and raise their quality of life. To achieve this we want to give business tax breaks so that they grow and hire more people. Democrats lie to America and call this "Tax cuts for the rich". In fact, it is wise job creation policy.

Democrats also want to raise taxes on corporations. This plays well to the uneducated, but in fact all it does is cause corporations to move to another country. Therefore, the net result of the Democrats punitive policy is to lose revenue and jobs too.

Remember the first sentence of this OP? We all know the reason for taxes: It is to fund the government and all that the government does. If you raise tax rates, but you actually reduce revenues, then you have defeated the whole purpose of taxes. That's what Democrats do: They reduce revenue, destroy jobs and hurt business, because they use tax policy as punishment and not what it should be for: Growth.

When the Democrats say that the Trump Tax Law was a break for the rich that's a lie. His policy has helped cause economic growth and the creation of jobs.

That is Taxes 101, something that not one of the Democrat imbeciles in those debates has the first clue about.
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In economics, the Laffer curve illustrates the relationship between rates of taxation and the resulting levels of government revenue. It illustrates taxable income elasticity, meaning that taxable income changes in response to changes in the rate of taxation. The Laffer curve assumes that no tax revenue is raised at the extreme tax rates of 0% and 100%, and that there is a rate between 0% and 100% that maximizes government taxation revenue. The Laffer curve is typically represented as a graph that starts at 0% tax with zero revenue, rises to a maximum rate of revenue at an intermediate rate of taxation, and then falls again to zero revenue at a 100% tax rate.
Unfortuanetly if you give the money to the rich they will not buy goods with it like the poor so you have less manufacturing and less retail sales which slows the economy, yet, capitalism relies on a large unemployed sector to draw cheap labor from...Boeing was just outed on how they were contracting out their software developing for the 737 to engineers making nine dollars an hour while they skimmed the cream and people died over it.. But oh hell yeah, lick those nutz of the wealthy
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Unfortuanetly if you give the money to the rich.......

STOP!! Give money? Its not the governments money to give you moron. Taxes are about taking money. Nobody is giving anything.

You just demonstrated the twisted perverted way that Liberals look at taxes, like its the governments money to give away.

Second: Taxes rates for BUSINESSES, when they are lowered, is what creates jobs. Democrats LIE and call those rates "Tax Cuts for the Rich." Its a gigantic lie that imbeciles like you have bitten into.
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GOP propaganda 101 you mean. 35 years of the new garbage propaganda GOP in charge and what do we have, the worst inequality upward Mobility in the history of the United States and the worst in the modern world. Also we're the only rich country without any of the following...a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich more than anyone else percentage-wise. Also thanks for Ronald Reagan's Pal Saddam, allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever based on lies, a corrupt s&l crisis, a corrupt World depression. Thanks for Wrecking the world economy and World diplomacy, brainwashed functional moron.... And now you're trying to do it again.
Since Trump's Tax Cut, Low-Tax State Job Growth Is 77% Higher Than In High-Tax States
Chuck DeVore

Since President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 into law in December 2017, private sector job growth in states with smaller state and local tax burdens has run 77% ahead of states with heavier tax loads from December 2017 to February 2019. Among its provisions, the new law limited state and local tax (SALT) deductions to $10,000 per household, significantly curtailing the federal tax code’s subsidy of high-tax states.

There are 33 states where the average SALT deduction was under $10,000 in 2014. On average, the SALT deduction in these states was $7,839 per household, compared to $13,300 in the 17 high-tax states, which is 70% higher. For a small business owner filing individual federal taxes who pays at the 35% marginal income tax rate, the $10,000 SALT cap could mean paying an average of $1,155 more in federal taxes that a counterpart in the average low-cost tax state would pay. For the average tax return from New York, the difference would be about $3,850, since the average pre-tax reform SALT deduction was $21,000 in the 2014 tax year.

Many factors go into where and how many jobs are created or lost. Government tax and regulatory policy, the lawsuit environment, the availability of suitable labor and land, and access to capital all play a role.

While greater relative tax liabilities of from $1,000 to $4,000 per household among the 30% of households who itemize their taxes may seem like a modest change, spread out over 54 million tax returns in 50 states, it does add up, affecting decisions on where, when and how much to invest in job-creating businesses. And more so, when considering that 57% of American workers labor at businesses which employ fewer than 100 people. Most of these businesses are sole proprietorships, where the owner doesn’t pay federal corporate income taxes, but rather pays individual income taxes.

Because of the federal tax code’s new limitation on SALT deductions has had the same effect as changing the tax code at the state level in all 50 states—all at once. This makes state level economic performance—since the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017—particularly interesting
We all know the reason for taxes: It is to fund the government and all that the government does. That is the simple answer.

Tax POLICY should strike the perfect balance of maximizing revenue, while minimizing the negative effects on the economy.

Republicans formulate tax policy for the purpose of helping the economy and growing business. When those things happen, jobs are created and Americans do well.

Democrats try to use tax policy to punish people who do well and manipulate behavior. For that reason they often hurt the economy which causes a loss of jobs, and overall hurts Americans.

A political trick the Democrats will use is to give tax breaks to the poor. That might put a couple hundred dollars in the pocket of a poor person for a brief moment, but that hundred will disappear quickly and the poor person will be as bad off as he was before.

The Republicans would rather see that poor person have a good job and raise their quality of life. To achieve this we want to give business tax breaks so that they grow and hire more people. Democrats lie to America and call this "Tax cuts for the rich". In fact, it is wise job creation policy.

Democrats also want to raise taxes on corporations. This plays well to the uneducated, but in fact all it does is cause corporations to move to another country. Therefore, the net result of the Democrats punitive policy is to lose revenue and jobs too.

Remember the first sentence of this OP? We all know the reason for taxes: It is to fund the government and all that the government does. If you raise tax rates, but you actually reduce revenues, then you have defeated the whole purpose of taxes. That's what Democrats do: They reduce revenue, destroy jobs and hurt business, because they use tax policy as punishment and not what it should be for: Growth.

When the Democrats say that the Trump Tax Law was a break for the rich that's a lie. His policy has helped cause economic growth and the creation of jobs.

That is Taxes 101, something that not one of the Democrat imbeciles in those debates has the first clue about.

sorry but I couldnt get past your first sentence,,,

the constitution is very clear what the government can do, and taxs should be based on that and not what people make or what the government wants to do,,,more so if its not allowed by the constitution,,,

and the republicans are just as ignorant to these facts as democrats,,,
GOP propaganda 101 you mean.......

I don't expect retarded dopes like you to understand these facts about taxes. Go smoke some more crack and leave the tax discussion to the adults.
As always with the dumbasses like you, you go immediately from garbage propaganda to stupid insults. Do you have any argument at all? No you do not.
Unfortuanetly if you give the money to the rich.......

STOP!! Give money? Its not the governments money to give you moron. Taxes are about taking money. Nobody is giving anything.

You just demonstrated the twisted perverted was Liberals look at taxes, like its the governments money to give away.

Second: Taxes rates for BUSINESSES, when they are lowered, is what creates jobs. Democrats LIE and call those rates "Tax Cuts for the Rich." Its a gigantic lie that imbeciles like you have bitten into.
The rich do not need a tax cut they need to pay their workers more or stop raising commodity prices to make themselves richer.. But you may kneel and bob at the altar of the rich it's your time.
Unfortuanetly if you give the money to the rich.......

STOP!! Give money? Its not the governments money to give you moron. Taxes are about taking money. Nobody is giving anything.

You just demonstrated the twisted perverted was Liberals look at taxes, like its the governments money to give away.

Second: Taxes rates for BUSINESSES, when they are lowered, is what creates jobs. Democrats LIE and call those rates "Tax Cuts for the Rich." Its a gigantic lie that imbeciles like you have bitten into.
The rich do not need a tax cut they need to pay their workers more or stop raising commodity prices to make themselves richer.. But you may kneel and bob at the altar of the rich it's your time.

who are you to tell another what he can do with his own property???

you dont like it dont buy it,,,

I bet you got a computer or phone from one of those rich guys,,,
President John F. Kennedy in 1962, "The paradoxical truth is that the tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut rates now."

President Ronald Reagan said, "The more government takes in taxes, the less incentive people have to work. If, on the other hand, you reduce tax rats and allow people to spend or save more of what they earn, they'll become more industrious; they'll have more incentive to work hard, and money they earn will add fuel to the great economic machine that energizes our national progress. The result: more prosperity for all--and more revenue for government."
We all know the reason for taxes: It is to fund the government and all that the government does. That is the simple answer.

Tax POLICY should strike the perfect balance of maximizing revenue, while minimizing the negative effects on the economy.

Republicans formulate tax policy for the purpose of helping the economy and growing business. When those things happen, jobs are created and Americans do well.

Democrats try to use tax policy to punish people who do well and manipulate behavior. For that reason they often hurt the economy which causes a loss of jobs, and overall hurts Americans.

A political trick the Democrats will use is to give tax breaks to the poor. That might put a couple hundred dollars in the pocket of a poor person for a brief moment, but that hundred will disappear quickly and the poor person will be as bad off as he was before.

The Republicans would rather see that poor person have a good job and raise their quality of life. To achieve this we want to give business tax breaks so that they grow and hire more people. Democrats lie to America and call this "Tax cuts for the rich". In fact, it is wise job creation policy.

Democrats also want to raise taxes on corporations. This plays well to the uneducated, but in fact all it does is cause corporations to move to another country. Therefore, the net result of the Democrats punitive policy is to lose revenue and jobs too.

Remember the first sentence of this OP? We all know the reason for taxes: It is to fund the government and all that the government does. If you raise tax rates, but you actually reduce revenues, then you have defeated the whole purpose of taxes. That's what Democrats do: They reduce revenue, destroy jobs and hurt business, because they use tax policy as punishment and not what it should be for: Growth.

When the Democrats say that the Trump Tax Law was a break for the rich that's a lie. His policy has helped cause economic growth and the creation of jobs.

That is Taxes 101, something that not one of the Democrat imbeciles in those debates has the first clue about.

It is kind of cute how you think our tax policy is just about raising revenue. Our tax policy is used for social engineering. We give breaks for things the government wants to promote and we punish those things the government has decided are bad for you.
It is kind of cute how you think our tax policy is just about raising revenue........

I never said that you fucking moron. Good God what is it with you dopes.
  • I said the purpose of taxes - just taxes - is to raise revenue.
  • I then said that Tax POLICY should strike the perfect balance of maximizing revenue, while minimizing the negative effects on the economy.
  • I THEN said Republicans formulate tax policy for the purpose of helping the economy and growing business. When those things happen, jobs are created and Americans do well.
Now shut the fuck up shitface.
I guess that you think that you built those roads that transport our products to market just got there by themselves. Nobody likes paying axes but they sure as hell want everything fixed/ The simple fact is that to have a country that has the ability to get things to market which comes from taxes. We have ambassadors all over the world working to increace trade. They are paid by taxes. Our military is paid by taxes. So which of these is wrong.
It is kind of cute how you think our tax policy is just about raising revenue........

I never said that you fucking moron. Good God what is it with you dopes.
  • I said the purpose of taxes - just taxes - is to raise revenue.
  • I then said that Tax POLICY should strike the perfect balance of maximizing revenue, while minimizing the negative effects on the economy.
  • I THEN said Republicans formulate tax policy for the purpose of helping the economy and growing business. When those things happen, jobs are created and Americans do well.
Now shut the fuck up shitface.

thats why republicans are as fucked in the head as democrats,,,

taxs are not for growing the economy or business,,,

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