Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified

Let her whip up the low brow kids to go in and vote. There is a tsunami building for November and the only way the Left will win is to steal it again and THAT will spell the end for America. You lot can point to your media voices and repeat to each other that you won but that doesn't mean you can compel the rest of us to obey a government we see as illegitimate.
What fuckup…did abortion go away?
She dresses like a prostitute and is a true attention whore. Why cant she wear pants or dresses from time to time. Instead she wears tiny outfits you wear in the bedroom. I can't wait until they break up. She is annoying and Kelce's parents have warned others that Kelce is a cheater. Get WOKE Football NFL back to normal.
Regardless he was a celebrity that did the very thing you condemn others for.
Before he was a politician, of course no one should have listened to his endorsements. I know I didn't, because he didn't matter. As a candidate, however, and especially now as a former POTUS, he does matter, and his endorsements actually mean something. His celebrity status, moreover, apparently causes the usual suspects (you know who you are) to get night sweats and ponder the meaning of their very existence.

If TS ran for office, it would be worth taking the three seconds necessary to evaluate her policy proposals before rejecting her candidacy outright. Letting her inform your voting decisions now, however, is foolish in the extreme.
She dresses like a prostitute and is a true attention whore. Why cant she wear pants or dresses from time to time. Instead she wears tiny outfits you wear in the bedroom. I can't wait until they break up. She is annoying and Kelce's parents have warned others that Kelce is a cheater. Get WOKE Football NFL back to normal.
Before he was a politician, of course no one should have listened to his endorsements. I know I didn't, because he didn't matter. As a candidate, however, and especially now as a former POTUS, he does matter, and his endorsements actually mean something. His celebrity status, moreover, apparently causes the usual suspects (you know who you are) to get night sweats and ponder the meaning of their very existence.

If TS ran for office, it would be worth taking the three seconds necessary to evaluate her policy proposals before rejecting her candidacy outright. Letting her inform your voting decisions now, however, is foolish in the extreme.
That's what everyone does. It's why people watch the celebrity talking heads on the "news channels".
she's nots going to influence the children of conservative parents.
Homophobic Parents can’t be in the voting booth with their much more tolerant and loving conservative raised kids.

take the abortion vote in Ohio last November. Even evangelicals voted to uphold abirtion rights in their red state

Letting her inform your voting decisions now, however, is foolish in the extreme.
Taylor Swift is not informing voting decisions to anybody. Take choice for example if young people are for choice but don’t bother to vote she is sayin get your young ass off the social network and vote or STFU complaining about it
Taylor Swift is not informing voting decisions to anybody. Take choice for example if young people are for choice but don’t bother to vote she is sayin get your young ass off the social network and vote or STFU complaining about it
All the while endorsing Quid Pro Joe. Sure, let's get all excited because TS is telling us to vote, and let's be sure to vote for the guy she did NOT endorse.

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