TB outbreak at Sacramento HS-


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Tuberculosis outbreak at Sacramento high school - Wire Health & Science - The Sacramento Bee

Facts about TB which had been eradicated until the boy king started shipping in illegals like crazy.. we've being hearing the stories and Dr.s are being threatened that if they speak out, they will be in trouble with king obama. Wait until American leftist children begin dying because of their greed for power.. Once again, you leftists own it..
CDC - Tuberculosis (TB)

Nancy Pelosi needs to wash that kids feet
Tuberculosis outbreak at Sacramento high school - Wire Health & Science - The Sacramento Bee

Facts about TB which had been eradicated until the boy king started shipping in illegals like crazy.. we've being hearing the stories and Dr.s are being threatened that if they speak out, they will be in trouble with king obama. Wait until American leftist children begin dying because of their greed for power.. Once again, you leftists own it..
CDC - Tuberculosis (TB)

Nancy Pelosi needs to wash that kids feet

Now watch the leftist rats jump ship and claim they never supported all of these illegals being flown, bused in here-- The conditions in the Internment Camps Obama keeps them is filthy and disgusting. It was only a matter of time we had been warned that this happened with the complete chaos at the border.. here it is.. These kids will suffer the rest of their lives now and may even die.
Tuberculosis outbreak at Sacramento high school - Wire Health & Science - The Sacramento Bee

Facts about TB which had been eradicated until the boy king started shipping in illegals like crazy.. we've being hearing the stories and Dr.s are being threatened that if they speak out, they will be in trouble with king obama. Wait until American leftist children begin dying because of their greed for power.. Once again, you leftists own it..
CDC - Tuberculosis (TB)

Nancy Pelosi needs to wash that kids feet

Now watch the leftist rats jump ship and claim they never supported all of these illegals being flown, bused in here-- The conditions in the Internment Camps Obama keeps them is filthy and disgusting. It was only a matter of time we had been warned that this happened with the complete chaos at the border.. here it is.. These kids will suffer the rest of their lives now and may even die.

I wouldn't bet on Libs getting upset about the Karmic Ass Bite. Let's not forget that FDR called Stalin "Uncle Joe" right after he starved 3MM Children to death. They don't value human life like normal people
Facts about TB which had been eradicated until the boy king started shipping in illegals like crazy.. we've being hearing the stories and Dr.s are being threatened that if they speak out, they will be in trouble with king obama. Wait until American leftist children begin dying because of their greed for power.. Once again, you leftists own it..
CDC - Tuberculosis (TB)

Where is your evidence that Patient Zero is an illegal alien? The anti-vaccine crowd could be just as guilty.
This is really sad. Obama has really screwed up.

Facts about TB which had been eradicated until the boy king started shipping in illegals like crazy.. we've being hearing the stories and Dr.s are being threatened that if they speak out, they will be in trouble with king obama. Wait until American leftist children begin dying because of their greed for power.. Once again, you leftists own it..
CDC - Tuberculosis (TB)

Where is your evidence that Patient Zero is an illegal alien? The anti-vaccine crowd could be just as guilty.

I told you.. Here it is: a moronic dummy who can't add one plus one..

Illegals Bringing Drug-Resistant TB to U.S. | American Renaissance
Undocumented Immigrants bringing diseases across border? - ABC15 Arizona
Border Patrol Confirms Second Illegal Immigrant Child with Swine Flu
Dan Patrick has called illegal immigration an invasion and said immigrants bring 'Third-World diseases' | PolitiFact Texas
New wave of illegal immigrants could be bringing diseases to US - Finance Post
Obama Dumping Illegals with Diseases Across AmericaTop Right News

I could list links alllll day long to include the CDC.. you leftists own this.
No telling where it came from, but my bet is that it is affiliated with all the kids coming over from Mexico, Honduras, etc. Somebody sneezed on someone else then carried it a few miles to someone else who happened to be friends with so and so's kid that happened to be in the same vicinity of joe blow who in turn touched jane doe who in turn passed on some germs to whomever...and so far, ol Capt Tripps is slowly making its way around the usa while nothing is being done about the carriers who are being shipped willy nilly instead of BACK to the fucking border.
As a parent , if I lived in a Border state- I would be very very concerned.. This is your child's life.
We don't want them here & they won't leave. Maybe someone figured a deadly disease would solve the problem.
Those who say "we must help those children. They are just KIDS, fercrissakes" need to step up and take them into their homes, with their own kids, feed them and send them to school and pay for doctors care. Oh. Wait.
Maybe Obama should get off his ass and do something like it should have been done when they first started arriving in waves.
We don't want them here & they won't leave. Maybe someone figured a deadly disease would solve the problem.

Good point. Sacramento is the Capitol. Hugely hispanic. Very liberal. What could go wrong?
I don't care that they are from Honduras and El Salvador, or that they are running from danger. They came IN through Mexico. It's Mexico's problem. Ship them back to the border and push them across and slam the gate. Oh. Wait. we need a gate first.
Public Health - Disease

Many illegals entering this country have tuberculosis, according to the report. “That disease had largely disappeared from America, thanks to excellent hygiene and powerful modern drugs such as isoniazid and rifampin,” says the report. “TB’s swift, deadly return now is lethal for about 60 percent of those infected because of new Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. Until recently MDR-TB was endemic to Mexico. This Mycobacterium tuberculosis is resistant to at least two major anti-tubercular drugs. Ordinary TB usually is cured in six months with four drugs that cost about $2,000. MIDR-TB takes 24 months with many expensive drugs that cost around $250,000 with toxic side effects.

This is just TB.. I read today there are actually illegals bringing EBOLA in here..

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