TB outbreak at Sacramento HS-

Uncontrolled immigration contains the seeds of the destruction of the Republic.

The 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent make a good down payment on such a gathering of seeds.

The most recent gaggle of unescorted brats are merely another minor accent in a much broader symphony of insane accommodation to outsiders.

That's not an answer to my question. But I will answer your answer: Illegal aliens wouldn't be here if the wealthiest individuals and corporations didn't want them here. They love their ultra-low wage ceiling in both the vegetable fields and the factories where they are paid under the table...
Agreed. Both Democrats and Republicans have whored themselves out to Corporate America in this context, working against the best interests of the Republic and its People.

...Insofar as "insane accommodation of outsiders" these people felt exactly the same way when YOUR ancestors showed up...
That's alright. They weren't doing anything with the land anyway. Way too much good stuff here to leave in the hands of Stone Age folk. We took it. It's ours now. And we're not giving it back, or allowing it to be taken from us. Nature de-selected them.

I will assume you are kidding. And you are not Jewish, either.

Oh, those pesky borders are just a bother, anyway.

We're all Americans, a community, a collective.


"...and all the lions and all the lambs shall lie down together..."

"I want to buy the world a Coke, and keep it com-pany..."

"Kumbya, my Lord, kumbya..."
That's not an answer to my question. But I will answer your answer: Illegal aliens wouldn't be here if the wealthiest individuals and corporations didn't want them here. They love their ultra-low wage ceiling in both the vegetable fields and the factories where they are paid under the table...
Agreed. Both Democrats and Republicans have whored themselves out to Corporate America in this context, working against the best interests of the Republic and its People.

...Insofar as "insane accommodation of outsiders" these people felt exactly the same way when YOUR ancestors showed up...
That's alright. They weren't doing anything with the land anyway. Way too much good stuff here to leave in the hands of Stone Age folk. We took it. It's ours now. And we're not giving it back, or allowing it to be taken from us. Nature de-selected them.

I will assume you are kidding. And you are not Jewish, either.
Just doin' my part to stimulate the conversation, and being a pain in the ass...

I never understood the hair-shirt and dirt-over-the-head, all over the conquest of the continent, more than a century ago...

At least not from anybody on the winning side...
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Disease. That will be our downfall.

Yes, well if you actually read the articles PoliticalQuack posted, you'll see that the kids have lice. Everything else seems rather dubious.

Having lived in Mexico and South America I can tell you I didn't have anything but a meningitis vac and when I got down to Peru I was told it was ineffective for their type of virus.

Did you hang out in the slums? Bet not. And just because you didn't catch anything, are you willing to expose your kids or grandkids? Or just because it didn't happen to you, you are blinded by what could very well happen?

It's impossible to avoid poor areas in most of their towns and cities, they don't have zoning like we do here in the States.

But seriously, do you think an average semi-rural town anywhere in Peru is anything like a small town in the U.S.? Bet not.

The worst thing I endured was a Mexican cold, their upper respiratory viruses make ours look like the most minor hay fever. I was sick for weeks.
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Agreed. Both Democrats and Republicans have whored themselves out to Corporate America in this context, working against the best interests of the Republic and its People.

That's alright. They weren't doing anything with the land anyway. Way too much good stuff here to leave in the hands of Stone Age folk. We took it. It's ours now. And we're not giving it back, or allowing it to be taken from us. Nature de-selected them.

I will assume you are kidding. And you are not Jewish, either.
Just doin' my part to stimulate the conversation, and being a pain in the ass...

I never understood the hair-shirt and dirt-over-the-head, all over the conquest of the continent, more than a century ago...

At least not from anybody on the winning side...

We simply had more guns than they did. It's the American way.
I will assume you are kidding. And you are not Jewish, either.
Just doin' my part to stimulate the conversation, and being a pain in the ass...

I never understood the hair-shirt and dirt-over-the-head, all over the conquest of the continent, more than a century ago...

At least not from anybody on the winning side...

We simply had more guns than they did. It's the American way.
More guns...

More leaders...

More education...

More science...

More medicine...

More industry...

More commerce...

More modes of transportation...

More agriculture...

And on and on and on...

All part of the American way...

It's how we win...

Cool, ain't it?
Then go fetch some of them, bring them in your home and help them become citizens as they live under your rood with your family.

Some will argue this forever. I won't bother to waste my time. Instead, i will just sit back and when people begin to fall like flies, I will say "Tolja so".
Facts about TB which had been eradicated until the boy king started shipping in illegals like crazy.. we've being hearing the stories and Dr.s are being threatened that if they speak out, they will be in trouble with king obama. Wait until American leftist children begin dying because of their greed for power.. Once again, you leftists own it..
CDC - Tuberculosis (TB)

Where is your evidence that Patient Zero is an illegal alien? The anti-vaccine crowd could be just as guilty.

I told you.. Here it is: a moronic dummy who can't add one plus one..

Illegals Bringing Drug-Resistant TB to U.S. | American Renaissance
Undocumented Immigrants bringing diseases across border? - ABC15 Arizona
Border Patrol Confirms Second Illegal Immigrant Child with Swine Flu
Dan Patrick has called illegal immigration an invasion and said immigrants bring 'Third-World diseases' | PolitiFact Texas
New wave of illegal immigrants could be bringing diseases to US - Finance Post
Obama Dumping Illegals with Diseases Across AmericaTop Right News

I could list links alllll day long to include the CDC.. you leftists own this.

So, still no word on where the four kids in Sacramento's Grant High School got the TB?
Tuberculosis outbreak at Sacramento high school - Wire Health & Science - The Sacramento Bee

Facts about TB which had been eradicated until the boy king started shipping in illegals like crazy.. we've being hearing the stories and Dr.s are being threatened that if they speak out, they will be in trouble with king obama. Wait until American leftist children begin dying because of their greed for power.. Once again, you leftists own it..
CDC - Tuberculosis (TB)

the Facts fail to include illegals ... you added YOUR FACT for drama. :eusa_boohoo:
Facts about TB which had been eradicated until the boy king started shipping in illegals like crazy.. we've being hearing the stories and Dr.s are being threatened that if they speak out, they will be in trouble with king obama. Wait until American leftist children begin dying because of their greed for power.. Once again, you leftists own it..
CDC - Tuberculosis (TB)

Where is your evidence that Patient Zero is an illegal alien? The anti-vaccine crowd could be just as guilty.

I told you.. Here it is: a moronic dummy who can't add one plus one..

Illegals Bringing Drug-Resistant TB to U.S. | American Renaissance
Undocumented Immigrants bringing diseases across border? - ABC15 Arizona
Border Patrol Confirms Second Illegal Immigrant Child with Swine Flu
Dan Patrick has called illegal immigration an invasion and said immigrants bring 'Third-World diseases' | PolitiFact Texas
New wave of illegal immigrants could be bringing diseases to US - Finance Post
Obama Dumping Illegals with Diseases Across AmericaTop Right News

I could list links alllll day long to include the CDC.. you leftists own this.

You're dodging my question. Want to try again? Yes, I'm sure you go ALLLLLL day long with links, but I doubt any of them would have any relevancy to what I asked you.
Facts about TB which had been eradicated until the boy king started shipping in illegals like crazy.. we've being hearing the stories and Dr.s are being threatened that if they speak out, they will be in trouble with king obama. Wait until American leftist children begin dying because of their greed for power.. Once again, you leftists own it..
CDC - Tuberculosis (TB)

Where is your evidence that Patient Zero is an illegal alien? The anti-vaccine crowd could be just as guilty.
In some oddball Alternate Universe...

In which you were being forced against your will to bet the title to your house, or that of a loved one...

In which you are not permitted to do any research first...

In which your choices are...

1. patient zero is an Illegal Alien

2. patient zero is one of the anti-vaccine crowd

...which would you bet the house on?

That's the test, during the early going, until more information comes to light.

Sorry, but I prefer evidence, not speculation and bias.

Don't expect an answer to that question.
Does everyone notice that the Conservative Christian Republican Right wants to dump sick children off on the other side of the Mexican border?

The richest nation in the history of the world, with cures for diseases sitting on shelves in every major city, can't afford to help sick children.

America is soulless. This worthless "culture" legalized torture, dubbed money as "speech", corporations are "people" with religious freedom, and the 40-year-old drug war lie is still going strong, making cartels and governments more powerful.

Bitch about some "illegals" with TB, you fucking morons. Your government killed one of your own citizens without a trial.
Does everyone notice that the Conservative Christian Republican Right wants to dump sick children off on the other side of the Mexican border?

The richest nation in the history of the world, with cures for diseases sitting on shelves in every major city, can't afford to help sick children.

America is soulless. This worthless "culture" legalized torture, dubbed money as "speech", corporations are "people" with religious freedom, and the 40-year-old drug war lie is still going strong, making cartels and governments more powerful.

Bitch about some "illegals" with TB, you fucking morons. Your government killed one of your own citizens without a trial.


We take care of our own.

Other countries can do the same.

Starting with controlling their people sufficiently so that they are not sending their kids across the border unaccompanied.
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Perhaps KNB has gone through the procedures to bring some of those kids to his town, and made a nice room for them in his home next to his kids rooms.:eusa_whistle:
Mexico sells medication over the counter. They can afford to treat their own citizens for TB. Pack them up and send them back. All of them. Strap them to a stretcher and bring the stretcher back.
We'd better move these kids to Democrat districts ASAP

Only Dems will properly care for them

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