TB outbreak at Sacramento HS-

So I list links where the CDC itself states TB had been eradicated until illegals starting flooding in with DRUG RESISTANT TB and the assholes in this thread don't get it.. Dumb as a fucking stump.. truly.

It will all be okay after obama visits the border on his trip to Texas next week.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Wednesday that President Barack Obama will not be visiting the southern U.S. border anytime soon, even though he will be in Texas next week for a fundraiser.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) has invited Obama a few times to visit the border to assess the immigration crisis that has evolved as tens of thousands of unaccompanied children have crossed into the United States. But Earnest said Obama at this point has not accepted.

“Schedules sometimes change and if they do we’ll let you know, but right now there is no plan to visit the border while he’s in Texas,” Earnest said.

Instead of visiting the border, Obama will fly from Denver to Dallas for a fundraiser on July 9, then will leave Texas from Austin the following day. Earnest declined to call it a fundraiser, instead saying Obama would be “building some support for Democratic candidates for office who are on the ballot in November.”

Earnest was asked whether Obama was comfortable with the idea of holding a fundraiser in Texas while people along the border are coping with what most agree is a humanitarian crisis. But Earnest indicated that enough senior officials are dealing with the problem at this time.

“This president is obviously very attuned to what’s happening at the border,” he said. “The president is getting regular updates on the situation

Oh good, he'll have time to tune in to the news on a regular basis. Thank God he will be informed, no more 'we did not know'. Yay!

Obama Won?t Visit Southern U.S. Border While in Texas, but Here?s What He Will Be Doing | TheBlaze.com
Nature was always going to win in the end, don't panic...

If it can be contained and quarantined the best thing to happen to the immigrant centers is an epidemic.

How very pro-life oh you. Cheered the death of any kid today?

"All hands... stand by to repel Drama Queens !!!"

Mexico sells medication over the counter. They can afford to treat their own citizens for TB. Pack them up and send them back. All of them. Strap them to a stretcher and bring the stretcher back.

Why the fuck would you want a TB infested stretcher back...kinda defeats the purpose...:lol:
Does everyone notice that the Conservative Christian Republican Right wants to dump sick children off on the other side of the Mexican border?

Nice try.

But in fact, it's the Mexican government, plus the families of these children, who are "dumping sick children off on the other side of the Mexican border", isn't it?
Tuberculosis outbreak at Sacramento high school - Wire Health & Science - The Sacramento Bee

Facts about TB which had been eradicated until the boy king started shipping in illegals like crazy.. we've being hearing the stories and Dr.s are being threatened that if they speak out, they will be in trouble with king obama. Wait until American leftist children begin dying because of their greed for power.. Once again, you leftists own it..
CDC - Tuberculosis (TB)

Yup, TB is Obama's fault. :cuckoo:
Is it possible that illegal immigrants are incubators for exotic diseases that Americans thought were extinguished?

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