Tea Partiers distribute signs paid for by RNC

Actually, it's what we expect from the DNC. They openly promote Code Pink, Black Panthers, Obama Czars and all the Leftist wackos who parade around nude in Berkeley, California.

:cuckoo: So says the wacko who thinks there will be civil war. Not that you would ever fire the first shot there coward.
Actually, it's what we expect from the DNC. They openly promote Code Pink, Black Panthers, Obama Czars and all the Leftist wackos who parade around nude in Berkeley, California.

:cuckoo: So says the wacko who thinks there will be civil war. Not that you would ever fire the first shot there coward.

Well of course not. The chest thumpers don't actually FIGHT the wars they cry for. They simply send those less fortunate than themselves to do the fighting for them.
Actually, it's what we expect from the DNC. They openly promote Code Pink, Black Panthers, Obama Czars and all the Leftist wackos who parade around nude in Berkeley, California.

:cuckoo: So says the wacko who thinks there will be civil war. Not that you would ever fire the first shot there coward.
You keep bringing this up. I defy you to find proof that I was the first to bring up the idea of having a Civil War. With the number of gun owners in this country, there will be no need for civil war. Besides, our sons in the military would not dare fire upon their fathers and uncles. It is people of your ilk that may have cause to worry when the shit hits the fan. :lol:
Actually, it's what we expect from the DNC. They openly promote Code Pink, Black Panthers, Obama Czars and all the Leftist wackos who parade around nude in Berkeley, California.

:cuckoo: So says the wacko who thinks there will be civil war. Not that you would ever fire the first shot there coward.
You keep bringing this up. I defy you to find proof that I was the first to bring up the idea of having a Civil War. With the number of gun owners in this country, there will be no need for civil war. Besides, our sons in the military would not dare fire upon their fathers and uncles. It is people of your ilk that may have cause to worry when the shit hits the fan. :lol:

Ever hear of the NYC riots?
Kent State?
You keep bringing this up. I defy you to find proof that I was the first to bring up the idea of having a Civil War. With the number of gun owners in this country, there will be no need for civil war. Besides, our sons in the military would not dare fire upon their fathers and uncles. It is people of your ilk that may have cause to worry when the shit hits the fan. :lol:

I never said you were the first to bring up the idea of having a Civil War. I'm merely saying you keep saying it's going to happen.

You truly are delusional.
Yes. There is nothing wrong with a Tea Party getting help from the RNC as long as they disclose that info. It's up to the local members. There is no National Tea Party Command & Control Organization.

Grass roots does not mean that cooperation and collaboration with existing organizations is verboten.

Am I the only idiot here who thought I remembered Tea Baggers stating that independent thinking came from NOT being in bed with either one of the two large National political parties?
Kindly refer to Tea Partiers as “Tea Partiers” as Dog was intelligent enough to do in the OP. References to "Tea Baggers" makes a strong allusion about where you "hang out" since it's obviously very much on your mind. Just sayin’ you should stop embarrassing yourself to make an old joke that is too smart by half.
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Tea Partiers distribute signs paid for by RNC | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

The Republican National Committee is paying for signs and political buttons used by Tea Party groups — despite widespread disagreement among the conservative, grassroots activists on whether the movement should work to elect candidates within the Republican party or steer clear from it.

The items, paid for by the RNC, were on full display at a Friday press conference of Tea Party activists in Washington. At the afternoon event at the Capitol Hill Suites, activists in town for the “Take the Town Halls to Washington” project passed out the red-white-and-blue buttons and signs emblazoned with the words “Listen to Me!”

Text at the bottom of the sign reads: “Paid for by the Republican National Committee.”

Michael Patrick Leahy, an organizer of the Take the Town Halls to Washington project that is bringing Tea Party activists to the capital to lobby Democrats on President Obama’s health-care bill, admitted that the RNC “did provide the signage,” but said he didn’t know the details of the arrangement with Republicans and couldn’t explain how the signs got there. “They just showed up,” he said.

An RNC official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told The Daily Caller that the signs were given to the group at its request.

The buttons and signs were visible both at the press conference and inside “the war room,” a small area inside the hotel where the “Take the Town Halls to Washington” project is headquartered. A stack of signs sat on a chair in the conference room during the presser.

Leahy downplayed the significance of the items, explaining, “We’re taking help from anybody that has an interest in this cause.”

Of course, such facts will be downplayed by those who defend the tea party movement to the death and ignore such problems like this with the movement.
NOBODY but us paid for signs, you big gov tool and continuous Useful idiot.
Yes. There is nothing wrong with a Tea Party getting help from the RNC as long as they disclose that info. It's up to the local members. There is no National Tea Party Command & Control Organization.

Grass roots does not mean that cooperation and collaboration with existing organizations is verboten.

Am I the only idiot here who thought I remembered Tea Baggers stating that independent thinking came from NOT being in bed with either one of the two large National political parties?

No, you're not the only idiot, off the top of my head I can think of three other Libruls who thought the same thing and were also wrong
NOBODY but us paid for signs, you big gov tool and continuous Useful idiot.

Except both parties in this case admit the exact opposite.

Why you're trying to deny the facts of this article, I have not a clue.
:cuckoo: So says the wacko who thinks there will be civil war. Not that you would ever fire the first shot there coward.
You keep bringing this up. I defy you to find proof that I was the first to bring up the idea of having a Civil War. With the number of gun owners in this country, there will be no need for civil war. Besides, our sons in the military would not dare fire upon their fathers and uncles. It is people of your ilk that may have cause to worry when the shit hits the fan. :lol:

Ever hear of the NYC riots? ===> Nope. King assignation? Just another reason for looting
Watts? ==> It's Saturday night...time to loot!
Kent State? ===> Just hippy wannabes trying to be like the big University protesters and got in the way.

My comments embedded in red.
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You keep bringing this up. I defy you to find proof that I was the first to bring up the idea of having a Civil War. With the number of gun owners in this country, there will be no need for civil war. Besides, our sons in the military would not dare fire upon their fathers and uncles. It is people of your ilk that may have cause to worry when the shit hits the fan. :lol:

I never said you were the first to bring up the idea of having a Civil War. I'm merely saying you keep saying it's going to happen.

You truly are delusional.
And you are wrong.
NOBODY but us paid for signs, you big gov tool and continuous Useful idiot.

Except both parties in this case admit the exact opposite.

Why you're trying to deny the facts of this article, I have not a clue.
Hey bobby, pay attention:




When you see these 'articles,' they are meant for you, the useful idiot, to go post on web sites to undermine the purpose of the movement, to hold gov accountable and place it back in the hands of the people.

Stooges like you do more damage to attempts at reform then a truckload of Pelosis, she means to do it, you do it without realizing it.
The funny thing is they are supporting a third party that may eat their lunch in the end.

Nah, not going to happen. The Tea Parties are an outgrowth of the Libertarian Tax Day Protests that have been going on since at least the Clinton Administration. Most of the newcomers to the movement are naturally Republican voters. There are philosophical differences between the stated purpose of the Tea Partiers and the RNC, but in the end most of them will come back to the GOP fold if the RNC pays them enough lip service. Or register independent but vote primarily Republican. What are they going to do, vote for Democrats? The GOP isn't losing anything here, if anything they're working on coopting the third party who actually does siphon off GOP support at the polls: the Libertarians.

Just smart tactics by the RNC. If it were the DNC in their shoes, they'd do the same thing.
The funny thing is they are supporting a third party that may eat their lunch in the end.

Nah, not going to happen. The Tea Parties are an outgrowth of the Libertarian Tax Day Protests that have been going on since at least the Clinton Administration. Most of the newcomers to the movement are naturally Republican voters. There are philosophical differences between the stated purpose of the Tea Partiers and the RNC, but in the end most of them will come back to the GOP fold if the RNC pays them enough lip service. Or register independent but vote primarily Republican. What are they going to do, vote for Democrats? The GOP isn't losing anything here, if anything they're working on coopting the third party who actually does siphon off GOP support at the polls: the Libertarians.

Just smart tactics by the RNC. If it were the DNC in their shoes, they'd do the same thing.

More than once during the last few months, when I've gotten calls from the R. Party for donations I've bent their ears as long as I could keep them on the line that "I'm giving to the Tea Party movement where it will do some real good. You tell the party people 'if you want my money again you'll change your ways and get on board.' "

I suspect they are really having a lot of trouble getting the usual donations from people with attitudes just like mine! That's what I do for right now, including to actually giving money to the movement and attending and supporting events by spreading the word among neighbors, business associates, family, and friends.
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Hey bobby, pay attention:




When you see these 'articles,' they are meant for you, the useful idiot, to go post on web sites to undermine the purpose of the movement, to hold gov accountable and place it back in the hands of the people.

Stooges like you do more damage to attempts at reform then a truckload of Pelosis, she means to do it, you do it without realizing it.

Unless you're a member of every tea party in the country, I'm going to have to disagree with you.

I'm not trying to undermine the purpose of the tea party movement. I want to hold the Government accountable just as much as you do. However, if you want to ignore the fringe elements of your group and the people who are willing to work with the RNC despite the whole "We're not for any political party" rhetoric then it does not mean it does not exist.

It does exist. And if you don't want to take responsibility (the word you harp on) and deal with it, then others will.

People like you are more damage to attempts at reform than Nancy and Harry because you pick and choose when to hold not only others accountable but yourselves.
More than once during the last few months, when I've gotten calls from the R. Party for donations I've bent their ears as long as I could keep them on the line that "I'm giving to the Tea Party movement where it will do some real good. You tell the party people 'if they want my money again you'll change your ways and get on board.' "

I suspect they are really having a lot of trouble getting the usual donations from people with attitudes just like mine! That's what I do for right now, including to actually giving money to the movement and attending and supporting events by spreading the word among neighbors, business associates, family, and friends.

Actually, the RNC is hoping that if you're not rich you'll be "fear-driven" to donate. If you're rich though, they hope your "ego-driven."
Hey bobby, pay attention:




When you see these 'articles,' they are meant for you, the useful idiot, to go post on web sites to undermine the purpose of the movement, to hold gov accountable and place it back in the hands of the people.

Stooges like you do more damage to attempts at reform then a truckload of Pelosis, she means to do it, you do it without realizing it.

Unless you're a member of every tea party in the country, I'm going to have to disagree with you.

I'm not trying to undermine the purpose of the tea party movement. I want to hold the Government accountable just as much as you do. However, if you want to ignore the fringe elements of your group and the people who are willing to work with the RNC despite the whole "We're not for any political party" rhetoric then it does not mean it does not exist.

It does exist. And if you don't want to take responsibility (the word you harp on) and deal with it, then others will.

People like you are more damage to attempts at reform than Nancy and Harry because you pick and choose when to hold not only others accountable but yourselves.
Sounds nice, but highly theoretical rhetoric.
More accurate title would have been:

RNC does Tea Party Bidding.

You keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, it's Republican candidates and not tea party ones who will be electing to higher offices. :thup:

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