Tea Partiers distribute signs paid for by RNC

Tea Partiers distribute signs paid for by RNC | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

The Republican National Committee is paying for signs and political buttons used by Tea Party groups — despite widespread disagreement among the conservative, grassroots activists on whether the movement should work to elect candidates within the Republican party or steer clear from it.

The items, paid for by the RNC, were on full display at a Friday press conference of Tea Party activists in Washington. At the afternoon event at the Capitol Hill Suites, activists in town for the “Take the Town Halls to Washington” project passed out the red-white-and-blue buttons and signs emblazoned with the words “Listen to Me!”

Text at the bottom of the sign reads: “Paid for by the Republican National Committee.”

Michael Patrick Leahy, an organizer of the Take the Town Halls to Washington project that is bringing Tea Party activists to the capital to lobby Democrats on President Obama’s health-care bill, admitted that the RNC “did provide the signage,” but said he didn’t know the details of the arrangement with Republicans and couldn’t explain how the signs got there. “They just showed up,” he said.

An RNC official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told The Daily Caller that the signs were given to the group at its request.

The buttons and signs were visible both at the press conference and inside “the war room,” a small area inside the hotel where the “Take the Town Halls to Washington” project is headquartered. A stack of signs sat on a chair in the conference room during the presser.

Leahy downplayed the significance of the items, explaining, “We’re taking help from anybody that has an interest in this cause.”

Of course, such facts will be downplayed by those who defend the tea party movement to the death and ignore such problems like this with the movement.

why is this a problem?
:lol: WUT.

Do you not know the definition of grassroots?

If a Tea Party is getting help from the RNC, they are no longer a grassroots group but a arm of the RNC.

B'loney. Grassroots just means an (often local) community-based movement. The members are perfectly free decide with whom they align on various issues.

So they are not taking signs from the dems right?

Then I guess they are affiliated with the R party.

I think it will come back to bite the R party in electioons.

Like ACORN is an affliation of the democwat party and it used to use FEDERAL

FUNDS paid by all taxpayers.. yup!!!!
There are hundreds and hundreds of tea party groups across the country. Some have close relationships with the RNC and some don't.

Freedom of association - it's a wonderful thing.

But by definition, none of them should have close relationships with the RNC. Especially the largest ones who are going to D.C.

How you think it's okay for a grassroots movement to have ties to the RNC is boggling.
We do. The GOP has the best chance to kick your liberal, Democratic asses out of Congress - perhaps for good. The GOP candidates will be conservatives who were inspired to take action by the Tea Party movement.
As usual, Junior is spouting off about things of which he knows very little.

Grassroots efforts quite often ending up supporting positions or candidates at the national level (Moveon.org - have you heard of it?). The definition of Grassroots does not include shunning any existing party. If you have reliable evidence to the contrary, please post it.

There is a difference between supporting and taking things like money or items from such candidates. All these tea parties groups here are doing is acting like a arm of the RNC.
We do. The GOP has the best chance to kick your liberal, Democratic asses out of Congress - perhaps for good. The GOP candidates will be conservatives who were inspired to take action by the Tea Party movement.

Says the guy who was sprouting off about their being a civil war.

The GOP candidates will be Big Government Republicans who play up the whole Conservative image while in reality are not Conservative. Much like the GOP's hero, Ronald Reagan.
Are you sure? Seems to me that the RNC paid for the stuff and used the Tea Party slogans, are you sure you got it correct, because I think you have it totally wrong (yeah, I know, big surprise)

And for some reason if the Coffee Parties were found to be using signs paid for by the DNC, you would not be having the same reaction.

Which is why you're a hack Frank.
B'loney. Grassroots just means an (often local) community-based movement. The members are perfectly free decide with whom they align on various issues.

So in that case, the tea parties are not grassroots. Since the RNC is not a community-based movement.

You're actually trying to defend these people in the groups who have no problem selling out to the RNC. You're trying to say that taking things like signs from the RNC is not being a arm of the RNC, which is complete bullshit. The Tea Parties in this case are doing the job of people that the RNC would of had to pay to complete.

How you can try to justify being a shrill to the RNC while saying they have independence is boggling. :cuckoo:

Your concern for the purity of the Tea Party Movement is....well goshdarnit....moving.
The RNC paying for signs for a local tea party event is certainly much better than the Democrats paying for Chicken Dinners to pay black people in Oakland to vote:

The idea behind the dinner coupons (each worth $5) was to increase black voter turnout for the former Oakland mayor.

Can't say for sure whether it worked, but Harris won the race against rival Democrat Frank Russo by, well, just over 4,000 votes.

As you may imagine, the jokes and puns have been flying ever since.

Harris campaign manager Richie Ross was the first out of the gate, wisecracking about how "tasty" Tuesday's victory was.

"What can I say? The chickens came home to roost," said Ross.

Consultant John Whitehurst followed up, saying: "By the night before the election, there wasn't an absentee vote or a chicken left in all of Northern California."

Oakland NAACP head Shannon Reeves, however, was not amused.

"This was a slap right in the face," he said. "They didn't go into low voter turnout districts in Chinatown and hand out free fortune cookies. They didn't go into low- voting Hispanic districts and hand out free Mexican food.

"But they can go into black neighborhoods and do this, and no one will be outraged because all of the black leaders are Democrats."

Not that Reeves -- who is Republican -- thought the GOP tactics were much better.

"They don't go after the black vote in any fashion or form," Reeves said.

(No kidding, they didn't even have a candidate.)

Democrat state party strategist Bob Mulholland's response: "Race had nothing to do with it. We just took the voter rolls, and let the computer do the walking and the chickens do the talking."

Or in this case -- the clucking.

Whole Lotta Clucking Going On Over Chicken-Dinner Votes - SFGate

And note, Shannon Reeves is a Conservative. He has been much maligned in the local press.
:lol: WUT.

Do you not know the definition of grassroots?

If a Tea Party is getting help from the RNC, they are no longer a grassroots group but a arm of the RNC.

B'loney. Grassroots just means an (often local) community-based movement. The members are perfectly free decide with whom they align on various issues.

So they are not taking signs from the dems right?

Then I guess they are affiliated with the R party.

I think it will come back to bite the R party in electioons.
Oh gee....you mean we CAN'T count on your support and vote?
Are you sure? Seems to me that the RNC paid for the stuff and used the Tea Party slogans, are you sure you got it correct, because I think you have it totally wrong (yeah, I know, big surprise)

And for some reason if the Coffee Parties were found to be using signs paid for by the DNC, you would not be having the same reaction.

Which is why you're a hack Frank.

Join me and my non-fringe friends

The RNC paying for signs for a local tea party event is certainly much better than the Democrats paying for Chicken Dinners to pay black people in Oakland to vote:

The idea behind the dinner coupons (each worth $5) was to increase black voter turnout for the former Oakland mayor.

Can't say for sure whether it worked, but Harris won the race against rival Democrat Frank Russo by, well, just over 4,000 votes.

As you may imagine, the jokes and puns have been flying ever since.

Harris campaign manager Richie Ross was the first out of the gate, wisecracking about how "tasty" Tuesday's victory was.

"What can I say? The chickens came home to roost," said Ross.

Consultant John Whitehurst followed up, saying: "By the night before the election, there wasn't an absentee vote or a chicken left in all of Northern California."

Oakland NAACP head Shannon Reeves, however, was not amused.

"This was a slap right in the face," he said. "They didn't go into low voter turnout districts in Chinatown and hand out free fortune cookies. They didn't go into low- voting Hispanic districts and hand out free Mexican food.

"But they can go into black neighborhoods and do this, and no one will be outraged because all of the black leaders are Democrats."

Not that Reeves -- who is Republican -- thought the GOP tactics were much better.

"They don't go after the black vote in any fashion or form," Reeves said.

(No kidding, they didn't even have a candidate.)

Democrat state party strategist Bob Mulholland's response: "Race had nothing to do with it. We just took the voter rolls, and let the computer do the walking and the chickens do the talking."

Or in this case -- the clucking.

Whole Lotta Clucking Going On Over Chicken-Dinner Votes - SFGate

And note, Shannon Reeves is a Conservative. He has been much maligned in the local press.

We're not discussing the Democrats. This is clearly you making the "BUT MOM, THEY DID IT TOO BUT WORSE" argument.

Aw, Doggie - you are just so cute and naive, I want to pinch your chubby little cheeks.
Are you sure? Seems to me that the RNC paid for the stuff and used the Tea Party slogans, are you sure you got it correct, because I think you have it totally wrong (yeah, I know, big surprise)

And for some reason if the Coffee Parties were found to be using signs paid for by the DNC, you would not be having the same reaction.

Which is why you're a hack Frank.
Actually, it's what we expect from the DNC. They openly promote Code Pink, Black Panthers, Obama Czars and all the Leftist wackos who parade around nude in Berkeley, California.

If you hate America and want it to fail, you've got a friend in the DNC.

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