Tea Party Candidates: Wins/Losses

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Is Rand Paul another Scott Brown? Was Scott Brown really a Tea Party candidate? Rand Paul is a true blue Tea Party candidate.

DeMint has already endorsed conservative Assemblyman Chuck DeVore over party favorite Carly Fiorina in the California Senate race and was the first member of Congress to back conservative Marco Rubio over Gov. Charlie Crist in the closely watched Florida Senate race. He has been openly considering an endorsement of a conservative political unknown in the Illinois Senate race against moderate Republican Rep. Mark Kirk. Jim DeMint: A tea party crowd favorite - - POLITICO.com-By MANU RAJU & JOSH KRAUSHAAR | 11/23/09 4:22 AM EST

the Tea Party candidate in New York lost. The state GOP lost in that race.


DeMint and the Tea Party are pushing the GOP leadership.

Jim DeMint: Tea Party hero, GOP problem
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A backbencher known for his eagerness to challenge the Republican establishment, DeMint is becoming one of the most influential voices of the conservative rebellion that’s shaking up GOP primaries. Tapping an anti-incumbent fervor, the South Carolina lawmaker is a coveted — and feared — endorsement, funneling money and grass-roots energy to long-shot candidates who threaten Washington’s GOP favorites.

His efforts, highly unusual for a freshman, have upset senators on Capitol Hill, where he’s viewed by many as an ideologue willing to purge centrist veterans.

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A district that went GOP in 2008, and that had to deal with the Democrat Murtha scandals. If the anti-incumbent nitwits can't take Murtha's seat away from Dems
In a bright spot for Democrats on Tuesday, the party retained the seat of the late Representative John P. Murtha in southwestern Pennsylvania. The outcome, in a district that Senator John F. Kerry carried for the Democrats in the 2004 presidential race and Senator John McCain for the Republicans four years later, gave Democrats confidence that they can hold off Republicans in hotly contested regions, despite the difficult political climate for them and President Obama.
Specter Defeat Signals a Wave Against Incumbents - NYTimes.com

and then...there is this...

Democrat Bill Owens took a surprising victory in a special election Tuesday in Upstate New York, winning a House seat that Republicans had controlled since 1872 and, in the process, potentially deepening a split that emerged within the GOP during the campaign.

Owens, an attorney, defeated Doug Hoffman, who ran as the nominee of New York's Conservative Party. With 91 percent of precincts reporting, Owens had 49 percent of the vote, to 45 percent for Hoffman in the far-flung 23rd Congressional District. He will replace John M. McHugh (R), who resigned from Congress in September to become secretary of the Army.
-Democrat wins hard-fought N.Y. House special election - washingtonpost.com


So is Sarah Palin pretty much out of the Tea Party movement now? Yes, she backed Paul, but she's backing Fiorina in CA, McCain in AZ, and she backed Perry in TX, none of which are the tea party favs.

Is there a real 'Tea Party' yet?
So is Sarah Palin pretty much out of the Tea Party movement now? Yes, she backed Paul, but she's backing Fiorina in CA, McCain in AZ, and she backed Perry in TX, none of which are the tea party favs.

Is there a real 'Tea Party' yet?

The Tea Party is as real now as it ever was.
Gee, you guys seemed pretty sure there was NOT a tea party on another thread. Now your not so sure? Make up your minds.

P.S. That 0bama endorsement really helped Spector huh?
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Gee, you guys seemed pretty sure there was NOT a tea party on another thread. Now your not so sure? Make up your minds.

P.S. That 0bama endorsement really helped Spector huh?

All the big shots in the DNC backed Joe Lieberman in his last primary fight.

You really need to know when to STFU before you open your mouth. The people who are Democrats in Spector's district knew him well. Democrats never have walked lock step into the voting booth like a bunch of fascists -- unlike the GOP, the Democrats have a history of voting for whom they like, not for whom they are told to vote for.

The Tea Party Conservatives think the rejection of top down rule is a new thing.

It is for them :eek:
DeMint has been openly considering an endorsement of a conservative political unknown in the Illinois Senate race against moderate Republican Rep. Mark Kirk

That would be a bad idea! IL is still a liberal haven. Democrats still out number Republicans and Independents combined 2 to 1. The only reason Kirk has a chance is because Illinoians have a lot of respect for him and Giannouliasis a poor candidate. A 3rd party conservative would split the vote and Giannoulias would win. Giannoulias would be horrendous for IL and America!
Gee, you guys seemed pretty sure there was NOT a tea party on another thread. Now your not so sure? Make up your minds.

P.S. That 0bama endorsement really helped Spector huh?

All the big shots in the DNC backed Joe Lieberman in his last primary fight.

You really need to know when to STFU before you open your mouth. The people who are Democrats in Spector's district knew him well. Democrats never have walked lock step into the voting booth like a bunch of fascists -- unlike the GOP, the Democrats have a history of voting for whom they like, not for whom they are told to vote for.

The Tea Party Conservatives think the rejection of top down rule is a new thing.

It is for them :eek:

Facts are not in your favor. 0bama supported Spector publicly. You can easily find the posts I referenced. Total fail on your part. Your problem is you believe your entitled to the majority in Congress forever. I'm opting out of shutting up. :lol:
DeMint has been openly considering an endorsement of a conservative political unknown in the Illinois Senate race against moderate Republican Rep. Mark Kirk

That would be a bad idea! IL is still a liberal haven. Democrats still out number Republicans and Independents combined 2 to 1. The only reason Kirk has a chance is because Illinoians have a lot of respect for him and Giannouliasis a poor candidate. A 3rd party conservative would split the vote and Giannoulias would win. Giannoulias would be horrendous for IL and America!

DeMint is trying to be another renegade. A few years ago a GOP renegade seized power, briefly, his name was Newt something or other. :eusa_whistle:

The tea party lunatics think they have discovered the rejection of top down rule within politics and even within the GOP. They are deluded and that is why I think somebody like DeMint may yet use them to enact a counter revolution within the party.
Let's see, if we reduce the number of current officeholders in Congress, and there are more Democrats now. There is a distinct possibility they will lose the majority position. Seems like that would mean Pelosi is not the Speaker. No control over what reaches the floor. Hmmm....
Let's see, if we reduce the number of current officeholders in Congress, and there are more Democrats now. There is a distinct possibility they will lose the majority position. Seems like that would mean Pelosi is not the Speaker. No control over what reaches the floor. Hmmm....

where were you in 2006?


Focusing on the past instead of the future? Good for you. Let me know how you feel about 2010 in 2014.
If the Tea Party pushes the Republican Party into being more Conservative and standing by our Constitution,they will have succeeded in doing their job. Obviously their favored candidates are not going to win all elections. I don't know of anyone who expects that. The powers that be are very powerful. That goes for both political parties. I am very happy for Rand Paul though. A Conservative revival is desperately needed in both parties. I think the Tea Partiers are helping to make this happen. God Bless em all.
Let's see, if we reduce the number of current officeholders in Congress, and there are more Democrats now. There is a distinct possibility they will lose the majority position. Seems like that would mean Pelosi is not the Speaker. No control over what reaches the floor. Hmmm....

where were you in 2006?


Focusing on the past instead of the future? Good for you. Let me know how you feel about 2010 in 2014.

you just don't get it. in 2006, up until election night people were spouting shit about the GOP and House seats and Senate seats....just like you are doing.

When host Robert Siegel pointed out to Rove that major public opinion polls showed Democrats with a significant advantage over Republicans during an October 24 interview broadcast on NPR's All Things Considered,

Rove told Siegel, "You may end up with a different math, but you're entitled to your math, I'm entitled to the math." Rove also said, "I'm looking at all these [races], Robert, and adding them up, and I add up to a Republican Senate and Republican House."

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where were you in 2006?


Focusing on the past instead of the future? Good for you. Let me know how you feel about 2010 in 2014.

you just don't get it. in 2006, up until election night people were spouting shit about the GOP and House seats and Senate seats....just like you are doing.

When host Robert Siegel pointed out to Rove that major public opinion polls showed Democrats with a significant advantage over Republicans during an October 24 interview broadcast on NPR's All Things Considered,

Rove told Siegel, "You may end up with a different math, but you're entitled to your math, I'm entitled to the math." Rove also said, "I'm looking at all these [races], Robert, and adding them up, and I add up to a Republican Senate and Republican House."

Will media acknowledge they were too credulous in touting Rove's pre-election optimism? | Media Matters for America

Oh I got it. You just expect history to repeat itself, becasue the Democrats have done such a fine job and nothing has changed in four years, so it just follows.

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