tea party caucus requests 1 billion in earmarks

Fuck you , put me on ignore you fucking shitlipped chicken shit who cant even comment on teh fact that these assholes sold out your ideals in about two seconds.

You ignore all kinds of facts so why would I fucking care if you ignored me.

Fuck you , put me on ignore you fucking shitlipped chicken shit who cant even comment on teh fact that these assholes sold out your ideals in about two seconds.

You ignore all kinds of facts so why would I fucking care if you ignored me.

What are the alleged earmarks for? If they help in job creation and ultimately pay for themselves in the long run then I don't see the problem.

hence the argument of earmarks overall. some people believe that they do create jobs and add to the economy, some believe that they are waste. its a truly fundamental argument.

this issue here is that the Tea Party campaigned on reigning in spending and cutting the deficit. what we end up seeing though is business as usual. its just a lot of political double speak.

i am not for or against earmarks, as the account for less than 1% of the overall budget. I understand their usefulness at times, but i also believe that some people abuse the power by forcing them into bills in exchange for a yes vote.
Look at them ALL defending was they excoreiated the democrats for.

Thanks for proving you have no itegrity just like your leaders
You shitlips wont anser this one huh?

Do you actually read and understand your "articles" before commenting on them?

Are you aware that you are exactly what you call those on the right? You are a tool for the left that simply regurgitates information without understanding what the information is actually saying.

LOL...the TP Caucus did not becoime in existance until the FY 2010 was nearly at a close.

LMAO....you fell for it once again TM.

You are turly pathetic.

So they were for earmarks before they were against them?
Bachmann and 13 of her Tea Party Caucus colleagues did not request any earmarks in the last Fiscal Year, according to CAGW's annual Congressional Pig Book. But others have requested millions of dollars in special projects.

Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.), for one, attached his name to 69 earmarks in the last fiscal year, for a total of $78,263,000. The 41 earmarks Rep. Rodney Alexander (R-La.) requested were worth $65,395,000. Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.) wanted $63,400,000 for 39 special projects, and Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah) wanted $93,980,000 set aside for 47 projects.

Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) takes the prize as the Tea Partier with his name on the most earmarks. Rehberg's office requested funding for 88 projects, either solely or by co-signing earmarks requests with Sens. Max Baucus (D) and Jon Tester (D), at a cost of $100,514,200. On his own, Rehberg requested 20 earmarks valued at more than $9.6 million.

More than one member can sign onto an earmark. Still, there are 29 caucus members who requested on their own or joined requests for more than $10 million in earmark funding, and seven who wanted more than $50 million in funding.
2010 Pig Book Summary

For fiscal year 2011, House Democrats are not requesting earmarks that go to for-profit entities; House Republicans are not requesting any earmarks (although there are both exceptions and definitional questions); not surprisingly, the Senate has rejected any limits on earmarks. None of these reforms are sufficient to eliminate all earmarks, so CAGW expects there will still be a 2011 Pig Book.

Did a search for dems pork spending in 2010;
Pork Database

5070 record(s) for a total of $5,048,602,943

Is that over $5 Billion in pork?

WEEE And I thought we were out of money!
Its YOU guys who came out against ear marks you fucktard.

So they were for earmarks before they were against them?

Actually, yes....NO ONE is denying that all elected officials were jumping on the earmark bandwagon.
However, now all of a sudden, the debt is becoming a real issue and one that is being discussed and analyzed everyday...
So many....mostly on the right...have decided that the earmark thing must end.

And by the way...Obama was against the surge until it worked....then he was not only for it and wanted to use it in A-stan...but he also took credit for it.

Just sayin'.

You truly are pathetic.
You ignore all kinds of facts so why would I fucking care if you ignored me.

:rolleyes: if only.....because folks like you have nothing else going for them.

Personally this thread in particular has sown it up for me, I think you have a neurotic disorder, a phobia where in the forum is that 'object or situation', you seek negative reinforcement ( and I am sure this is not the only place either ) by exhibiting mindless vulgar arrogance.
You crave it because you feel to insecure or are just to ill-equipped(?) to acquire any positive corroboration otherwise but cannot make due without any attention. Of which in any case, you will no longer get from me.
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So they were for earmarks before they were against them?

Actually, yes....NO ONE is denying that all elected officials were jumping on the earmark bandwagon.
However, now all of a sudden, the debt is becoming a real issue and one that is being discussed and analyzed everyday...
So many....mostly on the right...have decided that the earmark thing must end.

And by the way...Obama was against the surge until it worked....then he was not only for it and wanted to use it in A-stan...but he also took credit for it.

Just sayin'.

You truly are pathetic.


He was also against Gitmo, and the Patriot act, and increaseing taxes, and, and , and...
You ignore all kinds of facts so why would I fucking care if you ignored me.

:rolleyes: if only.....because folks like you have nothing else going for them.

Personally this thread in particular has sown it up for me, I think you have a neurotic disorder, a phobia where in the forum is that 'object or situation', you seek negative reinforcement ( and I am sure this is not the only place either ) by exhibiting mindless vulgar arrogance.
You crave it because you feel to insecure or are just to ill-equipped(?) to acquire any positive corroboration otherwise but cannot make due without any attention. Of which in any case, you will no longer get from me.


But thinking about it, you are probably right.

She doesn't respond to sincere posts ever, except to blow it into an attack of some kind by intentionally mis-reading it.

Maybe she likes the abuse.

USMB > :whip: < Truthmatters
Its YOU guys who came out against ear marks you fucktard.

So I am curious TM....are you FOR earmarks?

They are like 1% of the budget and many are good ideas.

I examine them one by one for vailidity.

Your team on the other hand uses them and then spews against them like they were the CAUSE of our deficits when it was really two unpaid for wars and deregulation of the lending industry.
You ignore all kinds of facts so why would I fucking care if you ignored me.

:rolleyes: if only.....because folks like you have nothing else going for them.

Personally this thread in particular has sown it up for me, I think you have a neurotic disorder, a phobia where in the forum is that 'object or situation', you seek negative reinforcement ( and I am sure this is not the only place either ) by exhibiting mindless vulgar arrogance.
You crave it because you feel to insecure or are just to ill-equipped(?) to acquire any positive corroboration otherwise but cannot make due without any attention. Of which in any case, you will no longer get from me.


But thinking about it, you are probably right.

She doesn't respond to sincere posts ever, except to blow it into an attack of some kind by intentionally mis-reading it.

Maybe she likes the abuse.

USMB > :whip: < Truthmatters

She feels she can confirm her sentiments by arguing with the right. She does not debate. She simply tries to show that anyone who thinks differently than her is an idiot or a liar or both.

That is why she does not enter a civil debate with her own thoughts.

I know many like her and they are all the same. So unsure of their own sentiments that the prefer to discredit others of different sentiments.

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