Tea Party "Reclaim America Now" Rally A Massive Flop


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
The radical right wing teapartier Larry Klayman held a rally today that he expected "millions" to show to force Obama out of office and be sent to Iran so a new right wing government can be put it.

Tea party activist says his rally will send Obama to Iran and usher in new right-wing government | The Raw Story

The millions predicted to show turned out to be a massive failure with only about 50-100 in attendance. Also Obama is still in office :up:

The "millions" that showed up


Sweet confederate flag hat,..


Yep, the end is near.:cuckoo: Also notice someone with a flag saying "come and take it" with an assault rifle on it.


No teaparty rally is complete without a giant misspelled sign! :lol:

Never heard of him. Anyone can be a "Tea Party" guy. That does not automatically mean they represent the entire movement. That's the nature of these things.

So one lone nut got a few friends to show up for his "Million Man" whatever. Kind of like those two Muslims who got a few friends to show up for their "Million Man" whatever.

Sweet confederate flag hat,..

Speaking of lone nuts, one of them said Confederates are progressives right here on this forum last week. :lol:
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Ah. Klayman is the founder of Judicial Watch.

That makes this flop a bigger bummer for the movement when someone with that kind of pull fails.
Is Larry Klaman the guy who claims that in the 80's, he had gay sex with Obama on crack in the back of a limo?
You misunderstand there are different rules for the Tea Party. A crowd that small for Muslims or Liberals would be a flop. Republicans will tell you that a Tea Party crowd that small is great success.

Why? Because....just because *shrugs*
Hey, all movements go through ebb and flow. Those held next year will be larger when there are elections on the near horizon.

2014 is shaping up good for the RNC. If they can get out of their own way, they should do well.
If the GOP can move the TeaPs out of the way next year, mainstream Republican candidates will do well.
Having never heard of this guy. and seeing as the racist posted this crap... I'll just yawn and move on
At least that flop didn't cost the taxpayers billions of dollars see Obamacare.

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