Tea Party wages jihad


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
"Yesterday a New York Times op-ed columnist stated that the Tea Party is 'waging jihad on the American people.' On the very same day, Vice-President Joe Biden stated that Tea Partiers are like terrorists."

Democrats are flat out cry babies who start name calling when they don't get their way. It's unbelievable! What pussies.

NYT--Tea Party wages jihad; Biden--Tea Partiers are terrorists - National Conservative | Examiner.com

He's wrong.

It's crusades!

Roast up some Greek Christian Babies!

The European Christians are hungry!!
Calling everyone a "Terrorist" must be the most recent HuffPoop and MSLSD Talking Point. All the Democrat Wingnuts have been here all day pushing that. So yea,anyone who disagrees with Democrats is a mean ole "Terrorist" now. Man,what a lame Talking Point. But hey,pitting American against American is the "Community Organizer" way i guess. I don't think that will be enough for these Wingnuts in 2012 though. Their time is up. They're a monumental fail.
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Calling everyone a "Terrorist" must be the most recent HuffPoop and MSLSD Talking Point. All the Democrat Wingnuts have been here all day pushing that. Yea everyone who disagrees with Democrats are mean ole "Terrorists." What a lame Talking Point. But hey,pitting American against American is the "Community Organizer" way i guess. I don't think that will be enough for these Wingnuts in 2012 though. Their time is up. They're a monumental fail.

It wasn't Palin..the Tea Party Godess that mentioned anything about Pallin' around with terrorists..was it.

Or was it?:eusa_whistle:
"Yesterday a New York Times op-ed columnist stated that the Tea Party is 'waging jihad on the American people.' On the very same day, Vice-President Joe Biden stated that Tea Partiers are like terrorists."

Democrats are flat out cry babies who start name calling when they don't get their way. It's unbelievable! What pussies.

NYT--Tea Party wages jihad; Biden--Tea Partiers are terrorists - National Conservative | Examiner.com


Hopefully most Americans have had enough of these idiots. I guess we'll see in 2012. Make it happen America!
Although the Tea Party has some good ideas, they arent realistic. Also they want AND complain like a spoiled bitch but they offer no realistic solutions. It seems their thinking patern is one dimensional. They have blinders on and just cant not compute the reality of many issues. I respect their emotions. But thats really is what they vote on. Emotion.
"Yesterday a New York Times op-ed columnist stated that the Tea Party is 'waging jihad on the American people.' On the very same day, Vice-President Joe Biden stated that Tea Partiers are like terrorists."

Democrats are flat out cry babies who start name calling when they don't get their way. It's unbelievable! What pussies.

NYT--Tea Party wages jihad; Biden--Tea Partiers are terrorists - National Conservative | Examiner.com
It looks like you CON$ are the ones crying like little sissies when your own shit hits you square in the face! :lol:

Don't these damn Libs know that only CON$servative hate groups have free speech??? Haven't they ever read the Constitution? Only people like GOP mouthpiece Imam Limbaugh are allowed to equate people to terrorists.

July 12, 2011
RUSH: Obama and Immelt, you know what they're like? They're like a couple of radical Islamic Imams telling these business owners to go out and sacrifice themselves for the cause. They're bringing them into the room and they're saying, "Here's the cause, you guys go out, blow yourselves up, destroy your businesses and you with it, go out and hire people."

October 2, 2007
RUSH: VoteVets.org has - they describe themselves as an organization comprised of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns who oppose current policy in Iraq. They've put together a TV ad that takes aim at me. This ad's going to run on Fox News, on CNN, it's going to run on WMAL radio in Washington, $60,000 ad buy that's going to run, I think, on our local West Palm Beach station down here. And there's a man identified as Brian McCoff - McGough - it's M-C-G-O-U-G-H, I'm not sure how he pronounces it, McGo, McGuff - I haven't watched the ad.

He discusses his service in Iraq, the wounds he suffered there, and he says to me in this ad, "Until you have the guts to call me a 'phony soldier' to my face, stop telling lies about my service." You know, this is such a blatant use of a valiant combat veteran, lying to him about what I said, then strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into.

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