Teacher compares Romney t shirt to Klan sheet

Oh yeah...wonderful bunch of idiots...My mother is a teacher but pretty sure she doesn't belong to any unions.
Well, the teacher was at least right when she said it was a Democratic school. Gee, I wonder how it got to be that way. Hmmm.

That teacher and others like her have done far more harm than the KKK she despises so much. Her and her kind spew discontent and hatred, but they are too ignorant to comprehend the consequences of their bigotry.

She should be given an alternative: She should either give three separate apologies - one to the student, one to the student body in assembly, and one to the media; or she will be fired. The apologies must be sincere. She must admit that what she said was stupid; she must admit that what she did was a violation of the student's rights; she must admit that the day ANY school becomes a Democratic school America is well on it way to losing the liberties that many fought and died to preserve. Finally, when she apologizes to the student body in a special assemble, the teacher will appear in a Mitt Romney t- shirt while she does a 10-minute Romney cheer. OK, maybe the last requirement could be waived.
Well, the teacher was at least right when she said it was a Democratic school. Gee, I wonder how it got to be that way. Hmmm.

That teacher and others like her have done far more harm than the KKK she despises so much. Her and her kind spew discontent and hatred, but they are too ignorant to comprehend the consequences of their bigotry.

She should be given an alternative: She should either give three separate apologies - one to the student, one to the student body in assembly, and one to the media; or she will be fired. The apologies must be sincere. She must admit that what she said was stupid; she must admit that what she did was a violation of the student's rights; she must admit that the day ANY school becomes a Democratic school America is well on it way to losing the liberties that many fought and died to preserve. Finally, when she apologizes to the student body in a special assemble, the teacher will appear in a Mitt Romney t- shirt while she does a 10-minute Romney cheer. OK, maybe the last requirement could be waived.
You're nicer than me.

I'd have canned her for bullying a student with bullshit.
Wow, a teacher who teaches that if you use freedom of speech, you'll be in big trouble. Wonder where people get such idiotic notions. Maybe from the apologetic administration.

Anyone who would bully a child like this isn't fit to teach. I can only imagine what other propaganda she feeds to her students. We have too many people in education who seek to indoctrinate rather than teach. What we end up with are a bunch of ignorant people well-versed in liberal ideas.

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