Teacher on leave after allegedly forcing students to sign vote for Obama pledge


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Teacher on leave after allegedly forcing students to sign vote for Obama pledge

September 18, 2012
By: Joe Newby

Sharon Sweet, a tenured professor at Brevard Community College in Melbourne, Florida, was placed on an unpaid leave of absence after allegations that she forced students to sign a "Vote for Obama" pledge, Fox News' Todd Starnes reported Monday.

According to a post at Campusreform.org, university officials learned of the pledge last week after receiving a phone call from a concerned parent.

“Based on the allegations, Associate Professor Sweet has requested, and been granted, a leave of absence without pay effective immediately,” John Glisch, Associate Vice President for Communications at BCC, said in a statement.

“The college will continue its investigation into the matter, which will include interviews with all students in her class,” the statement adds.

“I pledge to vote for President Obama and Democrats up and down the ticket,” read the pledge that Professor Sweet allegedly required students to sign.

"They were also given bookmarks from gottavote.org - a website paid for by the Obama-Biden campaign — targeting young voters," Starnes wrote.

On Sunday, Watchdogwire said that the material was handed out "during a mathematics class taught by Assistant Professor Sharon Sweet. This occurred 'while the student was in class at the request of his College Algebra teacher, Sharon Sweet, from Brevard Community College in [Melbourne] Florida.'”


Teacher on leave after allegedly forcing students to sign vote for Obama pledge - National Policy & Issues | Examiner.com
Granny says Obama wants us to have an educated buncha commies...
Obama Wants 100,000 American Students to Study in Communist China
January 24, 2013 - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday will celebrate the launch of a newly rebranded organization called the “100,000 Strong Foundation,” which aims to have 100,000 American students studying in China by 2014.
Thursday's event will "underscore the importance of study abroad in China and the benefits to our strategic relationship with China as well as the personal benefits individuals receive through these exciting experiences," the news release said. Until now, the 100,000 Strong Initiative -- announced by President Obama on his trip to China in 2009 -- has operated inside the State Department. Thursday's 1 p.m. ceremony marks its transition to a non-profit, nongovernmental organization operating independently.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton officially launched the Obama initiative in May 2010 in Beijing. "China has established dozens of Confucius Institutes across the United States that offer Chinese language instruction and cultural programs to help Americans better understand China," Clinton said at the time. "We would like to see similar American language and culture centers on the campuses of Chinese universities." According to State Department statistics, in the 2010/11 academic year, 14,596 U.S. students were studying in China, which was number five on the list of study-abroad destinations, behind the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and France.

A State Department fact sheet states that a central objective of the 100,000 Strong initiative is to expand study-abroad programs in China to “underrepresented groups,” including students from high schools, community colleges and minority-serving institutions. Michelle Obama also touted the initiative in remarks at Howard University in Washington, D.C., in Jan. 2011: "tudying abroad isn’t just an important part of a well-rounded educational experience," Mrs. Obama said. "It’s also becoming increasingly important for success in the modern global economy.

She told students, "With every friendship you make, and every bond of trust you establish, you are shaping the image of America projected to the rest of the world. That is so important. So when you study abroad, you’re actually helping to make America stronger." In support of the 100,000 Strong Initiative, the State Department says the Chinese Ministry of Education is now offering 10,000 scholarships through the China Scholarship Council for American students to study at many of their top universities.


Teacher faces dismissal for urging Obama vote

David Jackson

A Florida college algebra teacher faces termination for urging students -- and in some cases forcing them -- to sign pledge cards promising to vote for President Obama last November.

Officials at Brevard Community College recommended the dismissal of Sharon Sweet after a three-month investigation prompted by complaints.

"Sweet's actions caused students to feel considerable discomfort, to believe their privacy was being invaded, to fear their grade could be negatively impacted if they refused to sign the pledge cards, and to feel intimidated," said a statement from the college.


Teacher faces dismissal for urging Obama vote

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