Teachers conviscating lunches they deem unhealthy


I should have waited for the rubes to pile in and start foaming about Obama and "Mooshelle" searching lunches.

Would you consider banning nuts, peanut butter, from schools because of possibly fatal allergies wrong?
Would you consider banning nuts, peanut butter, from schools because of possibly fatal allergies wrong?

I consider it an overreaction. If your kid is that sensitive that being within 5 feet of a nut would kill them, they unfortunately need to be isolated.
Diane Zambrano says her 4-year-old daughter, Jazlyn, is in the same West Hoke Elementary School class as the little girl whose lunch gained national attention earlier this week. When Zambrano picked Jazlyn up from school late last month, she was told by Jazlyn’s teacher that the lunch she had packed that day did not meet the necessary guidelines and that Jazlyn had been sent to the cafeteria.

The lunch Zambrano packed for her daughter? A cheese and salami sandwich on a wheat bun with apple juice. The lunch she got in the cafeteria? Chicken nuggets, a sweet potato, bread and milk. Exclusive 2nd N.C. Mother Says Daughter s School Lunch Replaced for Not Being Healthy Enough TheBlaze.com
A parent decides what their children will eat, not the school or government.

and if the child decides trying peanut butter, 'just one time', isn't going to hurt them, so they take a bite of a friends sandwich?
A parent decides what their children will eat, not the school or government.

and if the child decides trying peanut butter, 'just one time', isn't going to hurt them, so they take a bite of a friends sandwich?

We have a friend who's grandchild has a food allergy, she knows what she can eat and can't eat. No school or government will ever dictate what I decide what our children will eat, it's simply not going to happen

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