Teachers in England will have to tell parents if children question their gender

Hint: There is no such thing as a "trans-boy" or "trans-girl," and the schools should not patronize such delusions.

They call children transSEXUAL at a time long before they should be having sex.

We are hardwired biologically to have a very long childhood compared to other animals and this time is needed to ensure proper cognitive development. By sexualizing children from the earliest ages possible, these groomers are interrupting these processes that are necessary for proper development.
But the inmates run the asylum as Leftists are all insane.

Just look at the death and misery caused by Marxism last century. They just can't get enough.

And their Leadership won't rest until everyone is as miserable as the most miserable Progressive. The rank and file just fall in line and follow orders, the leaders needs a Helicopter ride
And their Leadership won't rest until everyone is as miserable as the most miserable Progressive. The rank and file just fall in line and follow orders, the leaders needs a Helicopter ride
Kamala has already said the goal is depopulation in a speech, a speech they later tried to walk back and say she mispoke.


They want us all dead, but in the interim, sterilization will have to do.
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Kamala has already said the goal is depopulation in a speech, a speech they later tried to walk back and say she mispoke.


They want us all dead, but in the interim, sterilization will have to do.

Pinochet '24!

Its a difficult one this. As a parent I would want to know. But I also recognise that there will be parents who cant be trusted with this information.

Kids will be put in danger and teachers will be in the front line.

Our govt is trying to make this a culture war wedge issue. The kids deserve better and should not be treated like this.
Parents cant be trusted with info on their children ? are you sure you arent a nazi ?
Why do you tell these lies. Kids are safer at a drag show than they are in church.

Yes there are some bad people in the clergy, but they are a minority

Drag queens on the other hand a universally perverted and a threat to children
The alt left and although right sure do like to be up in your business. How about mind your own damn business. Like the parent is not going to notice little Johnny likes to wear high heels. Or little Susie likes to chew tobacco. How about shut the f up and let the family handle such things. Don't hand my kid a Bible or the Koran. My damn job mind your business.
It is not controversial.Transphobia is aa thing. Can these stone age people be trusted ?

There are even fewer "transphobes" than the tiny number of actual victims of gender identification confusion.
They call children transSEXUAL at a time long before they should be having sex.

We've got one in this very forum who speaks disgustingly of children as young as three years old, in terms of such fucked-up perversions.

Anyway, my assessment of the account of what is going on there is that the child, and possibly the aunt are confused about the difference between being gay and transsexual. Children of that age are already developing a sense of gender identity and he [a three-year-old boy] most likely is transsexual.

What kind of fucked-up pervert thinks or speaks of young children in such terms?
What about kids who get abused by the catholic church or the baptists ? You never mention them.

What is about "them"? Any concrete name or situation which you really know now - without to take a look into the internet - or do you know only standard prejudices in the same felt quality like "Christians eat their children"?

Exactly. A child has not any other possibility than to trust. Who destroys the trust of children destroys the own life. This is doing every clerics who abuses children - but this is someheow also doing every liar who tells stories in this context which are not true. The last "research" from professional lawyers here in Germany was not worth the paper it was written on. They just simple trusted in everyone who attacked the Catholic Church and made not any difference between fake victims and real victims. The very old idea "even the devil has the right to be defended" seems not to exist any longer because everyone seems to know who is the devil: Catholics.

That's why for example a Catholic has not any right to become the king of England and to misuse as the highest authority in the Anglican church the Catholic title "defender of the faith". So the Anglican church was the only Christian church who agreed with Bush's doctrine "preemptive strike". On political reasons and not on reason of truth. And what a luck that in Russia the Christians are safe because their patriarch is a KGB-agent.

So whoever is as Christian: No panic on the titantic. Our titanic is an ark with souls of all thinkable kinds. The world never had been a world for sissies. It needs some toughness always to seek for truth and nevertheless not to lose the own trust in god and very most of his people and children. But no one is forced to be an idiot and not to know what's going on in this world. here. Nevertheless:

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What does that have to do with transexuals?

Transsexuals are a good weapon against Christians. The idea is that Christians try to break this weapon and not the people who misuse them as a weapom for to show in this way that Christians are devils. I had for example decades ago a homosexual boss. But this never had been any problem for me nor anyone else who I know. What I hear today about this time of history and the prejudices against homosexuals are in my ears often only strange stories.

And the real question which I have now when I remember my own life: I loved a girl very much when I was 6 years. I did eat even her sand cakes. And sand is not really good - but I smiled. I guess I would marry her immediatelly if I would meet her again - if I would not be married now with someone else. But I will never meet her again - also not when I will meet the woman who she is now. The innocence we had when we had been children is not the same any longer. I guess now I will love my own wife much more - because we shared a very long time now the same way. And I guess I would also love my homosexual partner much more if I had found out meanwhile that I am a homosexual man. And if I would meet her indeed than we had for sure a lot to tell each other and perhaps she will go home afterwards and tell her husband. "The boy I loved when I was five is now gay! He was always a gay guy - but now he's really gay! An homosexual! What a crazy world! Nevertheless we had a nice afternoon. He showed me an excellent parfume shop!"
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