Ted Cruz Demolishes Marco Rubio For Breaking Promise He Made to Voters Against Amnesty

Breitbart | 12/14/2015 | Matthew Boyle

GREENVILLE, South Carolina : Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 97% smashed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), one of his 2016 GOP presidential rivals, for breaking his promise to the voters who elected him that he would not support amnesty for illegal aliens. The aggressive comments from Cruz about came during the last part of his lengthy exclusive interview with Breitbart News in his Greenville campaign office here last Monday. They represent one of the most unreported stories in the 2016 presidential cycle: Rubio's work on not just the "Gang of Eight" amnesty bill, but now the recently discovered unlimited mass Muslim-migration provisions...


What's up with no Christians being allowed in as refugees? I'm reading more and more articles about the discrimination against Syrian Christians.
Obama doesn't care for Christians much
Sure he does. Just ask Rev Wright!
Funny, I went to the same church for 20 years growing up. The Priest's time was divided among hundreds of people. Months went by and we never spoke, not once. That's pretty standard for most big churches. You know that, right? You would have to be a tard not to.
Senator Rubio's campaign have been running attack ads against Senator Cruz. They're clearly concerned about the Cruzmentum & conservatives uniting around the Cruz campaign. A couple of weeks ago there was a NYT article about how the Rubio campaign was very worried that if they didn't slow down the Cruzmentum they were gonna be in real trouble.

Senator Cruz has laid out a detailed 11 page immigration plan. Enforce the law. Secure the border. Deport criminal illegal aliens. Deport the illegal folks already here.
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Cruz gave out classified info during the debate and the Senate Republicans have already said they refuse to investigate him.
"Ted Cruz Demolishes Marco Rubio For Breaking Promise He Made to Voters Against Amnesty"

One can't be 'against' something that doesn't exist, such as the notion of 'amnesty.'

The immigration reform advocated by Rubio had no provision for 'amnesty,' the notion is another ridiculous lie from the right.

And Rubio has abandoned his support for appropriate, justified immigration reform, the consequence of his cowardice and lack of conviction.
"Ted Cruz Demolishes Marco Rubio For Breaking Promise He Made to Voters Against Amnesty"

One can't be 'against' something that doesn't exist, such as the notion of 'amnesty.'

The immigration reform advocated by Rubio had no provision for 'amnesty,' the notion is another ridiculous lie from the right.

And Rubio has abandoned his support for appropriate, justified immigration reform, the consequence of his cowardice and lack of conviction.

Learn the Truth about Rubio
elitist members of the media, like joe scarborough, are unfairly attacking senator rubio, saying his words are "nativist", & that he's trying to pander.
it's this simple: marco rubio has always supported amnesty, ted cruz has never supported amnesty.
Breitbart | 12/14/2015 | Matthew Boyle

GREENVILLE, South Carolina : Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 97% smashed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), one of his 2016 GOP presidential rivals, for breaking his promise to the voters who elected him that he would not support amnesty for illegal aliens. The aggressive comments from Cruz about came during the last part of his lengthy exclusive interview with Breitbart News in his Greenville campaign office here last Monday. They represent one of the most unreported stories in the 2016 presidential cycle: Rubio's work on not just the "Gang of Eight" amnesty bill, but now the recently discovered unlimited mass Muslim-migration provisions...

Yet Cruz himself did not rule out some legal status w/o citizenship.
Christie to Rubio: “Dude, show up to work. Show up to work and vote no. And if you don’t like it, quit!
I won't vote for traitorous scum who side with illegals from foreign countries over American citizens they have sworn to protect. How many American citizens must illegals kill, rape, rob, assault, scam, sponge off of, before our elected representatives will secure our fucking border holy shit?
Senator Cruz stood shoulder to shoulder with Jeff Sessions and Steve King to lead the fight against the Rubio-Schumer amnesty bill

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