Ted Cruz FRIED

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Political Comedy - Fake News | Comedy Central

Jon Stewart's staff deserves hazardous duty pay for sitting through 21 hours of horse shit to pull out some real gems.

Those who want to say that the source is not accurate should remember that its on video. There is simply no way anyone can deny that Cruz did not say what he did.

We should also remember that no matter how certifiably crazy this jerk is, he's the latest darling of the wacko rw's and they really don't care. For those still able to think for themselves, its hysterically funny. And, scary that this is the direction the GObP has taken.

Its the first segment on the video.
AH YES, the rush and Fox news haters post on a comedian, John Stewart frying someone...petty and shallow

two faced hypocrites and cracks me the hell up
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Ted Cruz is the new Joe McCarthy, raising and using superpac money to use against Republicans not Dems. He is political reactionary scum.
Ted Cruz is the new Joe McCarthy, raising and using superpac money to use against Republicans not Dems. He is political reactionary scum.

got to dig up MaCarthy when you have nothing else...that's a progressive for you...pin labels on people
The comparison is correct.

Telling the truth is a conservative value, Steph: one you better learn.
The comparison is correct.

Telling the truth is a conservative value, Steph: one you better learn.

lol, the truth...your opinion is now the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

get real...you are a progressive disguising yourself in Republican clothing...nothing from you should be taken AS THE TRUTH when you speak of Republicans...

you are the Reactionary calling Cruz, McCarthy

now go back to the Democrat/Progressive party where you belong
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Political Comedy - Fake News | Comedy Central

Jon Stewart's staff deserves hazardous duty pay for sitting through 21 hours of horse shit to pull out some real gems.

Those who want to say that the source is not accurate should remember that its on video. There is simply no way anyone can deny that Cruz did not say what he did.

We should also remember that no matter how certifiably crazy this jerk is, he's the latest darling of the wacko rw's and they really don't care. For those still able to think for themselves, its hysterically funny. And, scary that this is the direction the GObP has taken.

Its the first segment on the video.

I love Jon. He almost cracks me up as badly as the people who refuse to watch him, and think they can discuss him from the perspective of being in a vacuum.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Political Comedy - Fake News | Comedy Central

Jon Stewart's staff deserves hazardous duty pay for sitting through 21 hours of horse shit to pull out some real gems.

Those who want to say that the source is not accurate should remember that its on video. There is simply no way anyone can deny that Cruz did not say what he did.

We should also remember that no matter how certifiably crazy this jerk is, he's the latest darling of the wacko rw's and they really don't care. For those still able to think for themselves, its hysterically funny. And, scary that this is the direction the GObP has taken.

Its the first segment on the video.

That was hilarious!
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Political Comedy - Fake News | Comedy Central

Jon Stewart's staff deserves hazardous duty pay for sitting through 21 hours of horse shit to pull out some real gems.

Those who want to say that the source is not accurate should remember that its on video. There is simply no way anyone can deny that Cruz did not say what he did.

We should also remember that no matter how certifiably crazy this jerk is, he's the latest darling of the wacko rw's and they really don't care. For those still able to think for themselves, its hysterically funny. And, scary that this is the direction the GObP has taken.

Its the first segment on the video.

I love Jon. He almost cracks me up as badly as the people who refuse to watch him, and think they can discuss him from the perspective of being in a vacuum.


like those of you with Rush Limbaugh and Fox news?:lol:
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Political Comedy - Fake News | Comedy Central

Jon Stewart's staff deserves hazardous duty pay for sitting through 21 hours of horse shit to pull out some real gems.

Those who want to say that the source is not accurate should remember that its on video. There is simply no way anyone can deny that Cruz did not say what he did.

We should also remember that no matter how certifiably crazy this jerk is, he's the latest darling of the wacko rw's and they really don't care. For those still able to think for themselves, its hysterically funny. And, scary that this is the direction the GObP has taken.

Its the first segment on the video.

I love Jon. He almost cracks me up as badly as the people who refuse to watch him, and think they can discuss him from the perspective of being in a vacuum.


like those of you with Rush Limbaugh and Fox news?:lol:

I listen to Rush all the time. His callers always crack me up. My favorite is when they're so extreme that Rush has to calm them down. Great stuff
David Brooks, as always, wants his party back.

Calling Cruz a “media-protest person,” Brooks said Cruz is going against the flow of his own Republican Party by speaking out against typical Republican decisions, including party leadership in the House and Senate. According to The Washington Post, “deep divisions within Republican ranks” during the budget debate are making Republican leaders quickly search for a new approach as the Oct. 1 deadline looms.

“A lot of the House Republicans are in the same mode (as Cruz),” Brooks said. “They’re not normal members of Congress. They’re not legislators. They want to stop things. And so they’re just being — they just want to obstruct.”

NYT Columnist David Brooks warns of 'rise of Ted Cruz-ism' | Texas on the Potomac | a Chron.com blog

On another note,

“I don’t think it is possible to heal tensions with Ted Cruz,” Mr. King said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Hopefully we can heal tensions with some of his supporters. The reason I say that is that he seems intent on doing whatever he has to do without regard to either the party or, quite frankly, to the Senate. So I think what we have to do is reach out to his people and let them know that they are following a false leader here.”

The comments followed the Cruz-led 21-hour filibuster that aimed to ramp up pressure on lawmakers to reject any spending bills that included funding for Obamacare and to do whatever they can to kill the new health care law. The effort drew support from a small group of conservatives in the Senate and fired up grass-roots conservatives and tea party activists around the country.

Mr. King said that Mr. Cruz’s talkathon coincided with an increase in the vehemence of the phone calls coming into his office, where young women got earfuls from people who claimed to be constitutional conservatives.

“I haven’t heard such vile, profane, obscene language,” Mr. King said. “I’m not saying that Ted Cruz is responsible for all his supporters, but he has tapped into a dark strain in the American political psyche.”
Read more: Rep. Peter King: Sen. Ted Cruz tapped into 'dark strain in the American political psyche' - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Gracious. He doesn't get around much. Vile, profane, obscene? That's a regular day on the net.

That is a Republican Senator who is seeing first-hand what Ted Cruz brings out of the woodwork; the worst in people.
I love Jon. He almost cracks me up as badly as the people who refuse to watch him, and think they can discuss him from the perspective of being in a vacuum.


like those of you with Rush Limbaugh and Fox news?:lol:

I listen to Rush all the time. His callers always crack me up. My favorite is when they're so extreme that Rush has to calm them down. Great stuff

I haven't listened to him in years and don't watch ANY of the news stations...but it's fun to poke at the hypocrisy of those who constantly run both down..
David Brooks, as always, wants his party back.

Calling Cruz a “media-protest person,” Brooks said Cruz is going against the flow of his own Republican Party by speaking out against typical Republican decisions, including party leadership in the House and Senate. According to The Washington Post, “deep divisions within Republican ranks” during the budget debate are making Republican leaders quickly search for a new approach as the Oct. 1 deadline looms.

“A lot of the House Republicans are in the same mode (as Cruz),” Brooks said. “They’re not normal members of Congress. They’re not legislators. They want to stop things. And so they’re just being — they just want to obstruct.”

NYT Columnist David Brooks warns of 'rise of Ted Cruz-ism' | Texas on the Potomac | a Chron.com blog

On another note,

“I don’t think it is possible to heal tensions with Ted Cruz,” Mr. King said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Hopefully we can heal tensions with some of his supporters. The reason I say that is that he seems intent on doing whatever he has to do without regard to either the party or, quite frankly, to the Senate. So I think what we have to do is reach out to his people and let them know that they are following a false leader here.”

The comments followed the Cruz-led 21-hour filibuster that aimed to ramp up pressure on lawmakers to reject any spending bills that included funding for Obamacare and to do whatever they can to kill the new health care law. The effort drew support from a small group of conservatives in the Senate and fired up grass-roots conservatives and tea party activists around the country.

Mr. King said that Mr. Cruz’s talkathon coincided with an increase in the vehemence of the phone calls coming into his office, where young women got earfuls from people who claimed to be constitutional conservatives.

“I haven’t heard such vile, profane, obscene language,” Mr. King said. “I’m not saying that Ted Cruz is responsible for all his supporters, but he has tapped into a dark strain in the American political psyche.”
Read more: Rep. Peter King: Sen. Ted Cruz tapped into 'dark strain in the American political psyche' - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Gracious. He doesn't get around much. Vile, profane, obscene? That's a regular day on the net.

That is a Republican Senator who is seeing first-hand what Ted Cruz brings out of the woodwork; the worst in people.

you liberals do love the ELITIST politicians...so no wonder you are cheering King of the Gop Establishment in Congress (a republican none of you would EVER vote for) and some writer who is nobody to many people

you all don't like Cruz, WAAAA!!!!!!!
a lot of people can't STAND many of the Democrats CongressCritters or your President
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Nothing of substance? Post ignored.

Either address the facts of the matter, or continue attacking people, Steph - but your current choice renders you ignoble.
Nothing of substance? Post ignored.

Either address the facts of the matter, or continue attacking people, Steph - but your current choice renders you ignoble.

the whine is strong with you libbies today..damn we have another crying to mods over something...

now are we suppose to care about some comedian?

ok I'll try, NOPE couldn't do it
David Brooks, as always, wants his party back.

Calling Cruz a “media-protest person,” Brooks said Cruz is going against the flow of his own Republican Party by speaking out against typical Republican decisions, including party leadership in the House and Senate. According to The Washington Post, “deep divisions within Republican ranks” during the budget debate are making Republican leaders quickly search for a new approach as the Oct. 1 deadline looms.

“A lot of the House Republicans are in the same mode (as Cruz),” Brooks said. “They’re not normal members of Congress. They’re not legislators. They want to stop things. And so they’re just being — they just want to obstruct.”

NYT Columnist David Brooks warns of 'rise of Ted Cruz-ism' | Texas on the Potomac | a Chron.com blog

On another note,

“I don’t think it is possible to heal tensions with Ted Cruz,” Mr. King said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Hopefully we can heal tensions with some of his supporters. The reason I say that is that he seems intent on doing whatever he has to do without regard to either the party or, quite frankly, to the Senate. So I think what we have to do is reach out to his people and let them know that they are following a false leader here.”

The comments followed the Cruz-led 21-hour filibuster that aimed to ramp up pressure on lawmakers to reject any spending bills that included funding for Obamacare and to do whatever they can to kill the new health care law. The effort drew support from a small group of conservatives in the Senate and fired up grass-roots conservatives and tea party activists around the country.

Mr. King said that Mr. Cruz’s talkathon coincided with an increase in the vehemence of the phone calls coming into his office, where young women got earfuls from people who claimed to be constitutional conservatives.

“I haven’t heard such vile, profane, obscene language,” Mr. King said. “I’m not saying that Ted Cruz is responsible for all his supporters, but he has tapped into a dark strain in the American political psyche.”
Read more: Rep. Peter King: Sen. Ted Cruz tapped into 'dark strain in the American political psyche' - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Gracious. He doesn't get around much. Vile, profane, obscene? That's a regular day on the net.

That is a Republican Senator who is seeing first-hand what Ted Cruz brings out of the woodwork; the worst in people.

Peter King, McCain, Coburn - all have called Cruz some pretty vile names.

Steffy, You can't pretend that Cruz did not say those things. You can call Jon Stewart anything you want but the video tells the tail. Stop trying so hard to deny that Cruz did not say what is on the video.

The problem with listening to lushbo is the only time I do is in the car. Its hard to drive when you're laughing so hard that tears are running down your face. Really, next time you listen to him, imagine that footage of him jiggling his fat up and down and smuggling Viagra. He's hysterically funny.
It's understandable but you almost gotta laugh that the left thinks the "comedy channel" is a source for news analysis.
It's understandable but you almost gotta laugh that the left thinks the "comedy channel" is a source for news analysis.

and then freaks when C-span is going to run news...

they are a twisted nutty bunch, unfortunately they vote:eusa_whistle:
What's really hysterically funny is that the rw's latest clown car hero did a fake filibuster against a bill he was actually in favor of and later voted for.

Will we ever see anything that is more quintessentially representative of the utter stupidity of teepubs?

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