Ted Cruz: House GOP's Amnesty Push Will Ruin Hopes of Retaking Senate


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I have to agree with Cruz: Congressional Republicans have a death wish. What do they possibly have to gain by granting amnesty? It won't even wine them the next election because they are alienating their base.

Exclusive - Ted Cruz: House GOP's Amnesty Push Will Ruin Hopes of Retaking Senate

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) thinks that the House GOP leadership’s renewed push this week to grant amnesty to illegal aliens would destroy the Republican Party’s chances at retaking the Senate in 2014.

Cruz questioned how establishment Republicans unilaterally caving to Democrats on everything from the farm bill to the budget to the debt ceiling and more could think amnesty is a good idea at this time.

"Right now, Republican leadership in both chambers is aggressively urging members to stand down on virtually every front: on the continuing resolution, on the budget, on the farm bill, on the debt ceiling,” Cruz said in a statement provided exclusively to Breitbart News on Thursday.

He continued:

They may or may not be right, but their argument is that we should focus exclusively on Obamacare and on jobs. In that context, why on earth would the House dive into immigration right now? It makes no sense, unless you're Harry Reid. Republicans are poised for an historic election this fall--a conservative tidal wave much like 2010. The biggest thing we could do to mess that up would be if the House passed an amnesty bill--or any bill perceived as an amnesty bill--that demoralized voters going into November. Rather than responding to the big-money lobbying on K Street, we need to make sure working-class Americans show up by the millions to reject Obamacare and vote out the Democrats. Amnesty will ensure they stay home.​

Cruz added that granting amnesty now--while wrong in his opinion at any time--would ensure Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid remains in his position in after the 2014 elections.
Republicans are poised for an historic election this fall--a conservative tidal wave much like 2010.
Republicans really need to stop buying into the myth of 2010; it was a net failure for the GOP, having failed to win the Senate and governors’ races in New York and California.

And the GOP will fail to win the Senate again this year if they repeat the same mistake of running TPM candidates who are too extreme and ridiculous to be successful, which includes opposition to immigration reform.

As long as republicans remain hostile to immigration reform and refuse to afford undocumented immigrants their due process rights, Hispanic voters will continue to correctly perceive the GOP as hostile to Hispanic Americans, who will in turn cast their votes for democratic candidates.
We will stand a good chance of taking the Senate if we craft an immigration reform bill with the Dems.

I am more than willing to replace TeaPs in the GOP with new women, Hispanic, and minority Republicans.

We are not going back to the bad old days of the fifties.
We will stand a good chance of taking the Senate if we craft an immigration reform bill with the Dems.

I am more than willing to replace TeaPs in the GOP with new women, Hispanic, and minority Republicans.

We are not going back to the bad old days of the fifties.


And no one will take issue with a Senate controlled by republicans who respect the Constitutional rights of all persons in the United States:

The right of same-sex couples to access marriage law.

The right of women to decide whether to have a child or not free from interference by the state.

The right of transgender persons to self-determination.

The right of citizens to vote free from unwarranted restrictions.

And the right of undocumented immigrants to due process pursuant to a resolution of their immigration status.

There was a time long ago when republicans were advocates of individual liberty and placing restrictions on state authority – principles pursued now only by liberals. Republicans would be welcome to join liberals in this regard, working together toward the goal of responsible governance to benefit all Americans.
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Republicans are poised for an historic election this fall--a conservative tidal wave much like 2010.
Republicans really need to stop buying into the myth of 2010; it was a net failure for the GOP, having failed to win the Senate and governors’ races in New York and California.

And the GOP will fail to win the Senate again this year if they repeat the same mistake of running TPM candidates who are too extreme and ridiculous to be successful, which includes opposition to immigration reform.

As long as republicans remain hostile to immigration reform and refuse to afford undocumented immigrants their due process rights, Hispanic voters will continue to correctly perceive the GOP as hostile to Hispanic Americans, who will in turn cast their votes for democratic candidates.

So, let's say that Republicans go for amnesty again. What do you propose we do next time the issue comes up 50 years from now? When there are even more illegal immigrants in the country than there are now.
Does anyone really care what that doughboy liar says?
We will stand a good chance of taking the Senate if we craft an immigration reform bill with the Dems.

I am more than willing to replace TeaPs in the GOP with new women, Hispanic, and minority Republicans.

We are not going back to the bad old days of the fifties.

Oh, come on, guy. Who are you trying to fool?

Do you think that Hispanics are going to "suddenly" come around on the GOP because the finally caved on immigration. (Incidently, I don't think they will.)

Little background. Back in the 1980's, a lot of people were singing the same song about the amensty they talked Reagan into signing. Didn't happen then, won't happen this time.

Now, the GOP should comprimise on amnesty because it's the right thing to do. A lot of these people have been here for years. They should pay a fine and get in the back of the line.

The real problem the GOP had was that it put the interests of the multi-nationals above that of the middle class. Pat Buchanan had a pretty good column on the subject yesterday, and even though he has the typical xenophobia one has to associate with Pat Buchanan, he did make a point. The GOP is as responsible for the illegal alien problem as the Democrats because Wall Street wanted the cheap labor.
Reagan's attempt at amnesty in 1986 backfired. Badly. He was made to regret that for the rest of his presidency.

Congress tried to fix immigration back in 1986. Why did it fail?

Amnesty is not an option. It wasn't worth it then, and it isn't worth it now.

How did it "fail"?

The problem was not the Amnesty. The problem was that the government put companies in charge of monitoring who was working here, which was kind of like putting the foxes in charge of the henhouse.
With Amnesty, Republicans are damned if they do...damned if they don't

I love it
With Amnesty, Republicans are damned if they do...damned if they don't

I love it

But they are probably better off doing it, and getting the issue off the table.

Hispanics COULD potentially be a good fit for the GOP. Religiously conservative, family oriented, etc.

Not the crazy racist Ayn Rand reading Teabaggers, but the sensible, limited government conservatives.

Too bad they aren't in charge of the conversation at the GOP right now.
We will stand a good chance of taking the Senate if we craft an immigration reform bill with the Dems.

I am more than willing to replace TeaPs in the GOP with new women, Hispanic, and minority Republicans.

We are not going back to the bad old days of the fifties.

who's "we"....you and that lieberal in your pocket..? if you consider yourself a republican you are definitely part and parcel of what is wrong with the RINO part of the Party....

there is NO WAY that amnesty of any sort will bring the latino vote to republicans.....it never happened in the past......it will never happen tomorrow.....

even way back when Reagan granted amnesty to millions the republicans got very little of the latino vote....
Republicans are poised for an historic election this fall--a conservative tidal wave much like 2010.
Republicans really need to stop buying into the myth of 2010; it was a net failure for the GOP, having failed to win the Senate and governors’ races in New York and California.

And the GOP will fail to win the Senate again this year if they repeat the same mistake of running TPM candidates who are too extreme and ridiculous to be successful, which includes opposition to immigration reform.

As long as republicans remain hostile to immigration reform and refuse to afford undocumented immigrants their due process rights, Hispanic voters will continue to correctly perceive the GOP as hostile to Hispanic Americans, who will in turn cast their votes for democratic candidates.

So, let's say that Republicans go for amnesty again. What do you propose we do next time the issue comes up 50 years from now? When there are even more illegal immigrants in the country than there are now.

by then we will have become one great "norteamerica" with no boundaries.......basically a single country......which is the goal of some.....
With Amnesty, Republicans are damned if they do...damned if they don't

I love it

But they are probably better off doing it, and getting the issue off the table.

Hispanics COULD potentially be a good fit for the GOP. Religiously conservative, family oriented, etc.

Not the crazy racist Ayn Rand reading Teabaggers, but the sensible, limited government conservatives.

Too bad they aren't in charge of the conversation at the GOP right now.

no they aren't......it would totally demoralize the base which is against amnesty.....

Ted Cruz and the Tea Party are in tune with America.....not the RINO right....
  • Thanks
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We will stand a good chance of taking the Senate if we craft an immigration reform bill with the Dems.

I am more than willing to replace TeaPs in the GOP with new women, Hispanic, and minority Republicans.

We are not going back to the bad old days of the fifties.

who's "we"....you and that lieberal in your pocket..? if you consider yourself a republican you are definitely part and parcel of what is wrong with the RINO part of the Party....

there is NO WAY that amnesty of any sort will bring the latino vote to republicans.....it never happened in the past......it will never happen tomorrow.....

even way back when Reagan granted amnesty to millions the republicans got very little of the latino vote....

Reagan never stood for election again after he granted Amnesty.

Bush-41 didn't do badly with hispanics, despite referring to Jebs kids "as the little brown ones".

Bush-43 got 44% of the Hispanic vote in 2004. Maybe he was on to something. Better than the 27% the Weird Mormon Robot got.
We will stand a good chance of taking the Senate if we craft an immigration reform bill with the Dems.

I am more than willing to replace TeaPs in the GOP with new women, Hispanic, and minority Republicans.

We are not going back to the bad old days of the fifties.

I'm more willing to replace them with people who are responsible and accountable. Why do you choose style over substance?
We will stand a good chance of taking the Senate if we craft an immigration reform bill with the Dems.

I am more than willing to replace TeaPs in the GOP with new women, Hispanic, and minority Republicans.

We are not going back to the bad old days of the fifties.

who's "we"....you and that lieberal in your pocket..? if you consider yourself a republican you are definitely part and parcel of what is wrong with the RINO part of the Party....

there is NO WAY that amnesty of any sort will bring the latino vote to republicans.....it never happened in the past......it will never happen tomorrow.....

even way back when Reagan granted amnesty to millions the republicans got very little of the latino vote....

Reagan never stood for election again after he granted Amnesty.

Bush-41 didn't do badly with hispanics, despite referring to Jebs kids "as the little brown ones".

Bush-43 got 44% of the Hispanic vote in 2004. Maybe he was on to something. Better than the 27% the Weird Mormon Robot got.

'on to something'.....? how about defeat at the polls.....?

the Rs NEVER got the majority vote of the latinos....even after Reagan granted them all AMNESTY.....the biggest mistake ever.....
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Agree with Cruz. This idiocy about "winning the Latino vote" is just that - an idiocy.

This is a created on nothing type of "problem". We have perfectly functioning immigration system.
If one would like to use it.

And PAY :lol:
The Hispanic Vote in Presidential Elections 1980-2012

--1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44

The Hispanic Vote in Presidential Elections, 1980-2012
The Hispanic Vote in Presidential Elections 1980-2012

--1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44

The Hispanic Vote in Presidential Elections, 1980-2012

This is a futile effort and extremely counterproductive.

Unless the idiot RINOs want to destroy the GOP altogether - Republicans should simply IGNORE the immigration - there is NO PROBLEM and they should not support the created lie .

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