Ted Cruz: I'm Sure I Never Owned A Canadian Passport

Foreigners shouldn't be allowed to be President.

Unless they were born in Canada.

Because Canada is awesome!

Shhh. That would mean that Obama would be ineligible. I suggest that the matters are already done to death. Is there going to be a new Birther movement among Dems aimed at Cruz?? You betcha!!! And it will get derision as it deserves. Besides, I consider it a stupid rule anyway. The Presidency should be open to ALL citizens and the Will of the People!!

I disagree. The natural born citizen clause should be left intact. Both parents should be U.S. citizens ensuring sole allegiance. No foreign influences. Read the letter to George Washington (when he was framing the qualifications to be president) by his good friend John Jay (the first Supreme Court Justice) suggesting that Alexander Hamilton's presidential draft be changed from just 'Citizen' to be president to 'natural-born Citizen' to avoid foreign influences. Here is the original presidential clause by Alexander Hamilton:



The print version:
No one cares what "should" be the case. What is the case is that Cruz is a natural born citizen. So was George Romney and Barry Goldwater. And a letter from Washington has exactly the same legal authority as a letter from Jimmy Carter.
Cruz is a citizen by statute made by positive law. He is not a natural born Citizen due to natural law, the founders original intent. There is a difference.
There is no legal difference. There is no "natural law" definition of citizen.
Natural born Citizen is based on natural law.

Scroll down some.
Defining Natural-Born Citizen

I never trust a site that mis-uses "whom". But that said; I have read this previously on the subject.

Foreigners shouldn't be allowed to be President.

Unless they were born in Canada.

Because Canada is awesome!

Isn't Canada the 51st State of the Union??? And I agree; it is AWESOME!!!

How can a man born with a Canadian birth certificate not know he had Canadian citizenship? As a lawyer with such high accolades I'm amazed that his birth certificate didn't give him a clue.

View attachment 59054

Donald Trump steps up attack on Ted Cruz - CNNPolitics.com

Cruz was born as an American citizen in Canada, and claims he did not know he had Canadian citizenship until informed by a reporter in 2013.

I've never seen my original birth certificate. And despite being born overseas on a US military base.

I don't find it particularly implausible that someone else wouldn't look at their Birth Certificate either. Until they had reason to, of course.

Citizen is not good enough to be president. You have to be a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen to be president.

Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the United States Constitution:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The only time a Citizen was allowed to be president was at the time of the adoption of the Constitution and until the grandfather clause ended when a first generation 'natural born Citizen' was eligible to be president. That president was Martin Van Buren.

Natural born citizen is never defined in the constitution. With the exception of those born in Puerto Rico there is only citizen at birth (natural born) and citizen after birth (naturalized). There is no third kind.

Even your own sources on the First Draft of the Constitution backs this interpretation:

No person shall be eligible to the office of President of the United States unless he be now a citizen of the United States or hereafter born a citizen of the United States.

Cruz was born a citizen of the United States. Thus, he's natural born. As there is no other recognized classification he could be under our law.
Hey Boss, how's it feel when your own sleazy political tactics are used against you?

Well, anyone with brains enough to research it know that it was actually Hillary Clinton's PAC who started the Birther Movement during the Democrat primaries of 2008. So it's Hillary's sleazy tactic and it won't work any better this time than it did against Obama.
In case you did not know this, a PAC can have NOTHING to do with a candidate or their campaign management.... it's against the LAW. A PAC supporting Hillary has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary or the Hillary Campaign workers.

So implying that this birther crap came from Hillary is not true. It is true that a PAC supporting her, under their own free will, may have questioned Obama's birth place, and FYI.... they were NOT the first to do this either, it was questioned before this PAC did, in one of his previous election runs....
Ok, so Ted was born in Canada to an American born mother and a Cuban born father.... were either of his parents even Canadian citizens? I can understand why Cruz would not know that he had duel citizenship...

but I do have a question, children born to American Parents outside the jurisdiction of the US....how do they get a US Birth Certificate, verifying their US citizenship?

Skylar, you said you were born on a Military base....to American Parents, which automatically makes you a Natural Born Citizen.... is there some sort of form that is filled out for Military Brats born overseas that has to be filled out?
Ok, so Ted was born in Canada to an American born mother and a Cuban born father.... were either of his parents even Canadian citizens? I can understand why Cruz would not know that he had duel citizenship...

but I do have a question, children born to American Parents outside the jurisdiction of the US....how do they get a US Birth Certificate, verifying their US citizenship?

Dunno. I don't know that the US Birth Certificate is necessary to verify US citizenship. If a birth certificate of another country verifies the you are were a citizen at birth (having a US mother, for example), then your citizenship would be established by the foreign birth certificate. As it factually establishes the conditions of your birth meet the criteria of a US citizen at birth.

There's probably some form that you have to fill out. But I have no idea what it is.

Skylar, you said you were born on a Military base....to American Parents, which automatically makes you and Natural Born Citizen.... is there some sort of form that is filled out for Military Brats born overseas that has to be filled out?

Being born on a US army base to US military parents, with a US doctor doing the delivery....all my documentation was US generated. I have no corresponding Japanese documentation. So I don't match the description you offered.
Cruz is just as eligible as Obama was under the "natural citizenship" clause as interpreted by several court rulings over the years. (Nothing in the Constitution defines "natural born citizen".)

Even IF this issue makes it's way to the SCOTUS they will not overturn his eligibility because of a judicial "political test" requirement that is unassailable. People who have studied Constitutional law understand this whether they admit it or not. It's never been done and it won't be done here.

It is enlightening to see the Liberal Left go completely hypocritical and become rabid Birthers before our very eyes. It should indicate to every American just how devoid of principles the Liberal Left are and continue to be.

LOL- who on the "Liberal Left" is going Birther?

There are what 6 threads on this now? Most started by Conservatives- and in every one- me the "Liberal Left" has pointed out that Cruz is a natural born citizen.

Who on the "Liberal Left"? Grayson- an obscure congressman- who on the Right?

The Leading GOP Candidate for President is a full blown birther.

Watching you blame the Cruz Birtherism on Liberals, when the Biggest Cruz Birther is Trump- is deliciously hypocritical- and shows how devoid of principles you are and continue to be.
Hey Boss, how's it feel when your own sleazy political tactics are used against you?

Well, anyone with brains enough to research it know that it was actually Hillary Clinton's PAC who started the Birther Movement during the Democrat primaries of 2008. So it's Hillary's sleazy tactic and it won't work any better this time than it did against Obama.

So you beliieve that Hillary is pulling Trump's Birther strings?

How hilarious.
Cruz is just as eligible as Obama was under the "natural citizenship" clause as interpreted by several court rulings over the years. (Nothing in the Constitution defines "natural born citizen".)

Even IF this issue makes it's way to the SCOTUS they will not overturn his eligibility because of a judicial "political test" requirement that is unassailable. People who have studied Constitutional law understand this whether they admit it or not. It's never been done and it won't be done here.

It is enlightening to see the Liberal Left go completely hypocritical and become rabid Birthers before our very eyes. It should indicate to every American just how devoid of principles the Liberal Left are and continue to be.

One more point- This thread was started by the ultra Conservative, rabid Trump supporter- resident racist and anti-semite- Stevie the racist.

Not by any liberal.

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