Ted Cruz: I'm Sure I Never Owned A Canadian Passport

The Founding Fathers did not define who is a natural born citizen.
Read the Federalist Papers and you will get a clear understanding of what their intent was, born of citizen parents. The father of the 14th Amendment, Rep John Bingham, when debating to congress on the house floor defined a natural born Citizen as a person born within the sole jurisdiction of the United States of parents owing no allegiance to any foreign sovereigty. His definition was met without any opposition.

Shhh. That would mean that Obama would be ineligible. I suggest that the matters are already done to death. Is there going to be a new Birther movement among Dems aimed at Cruz?? You betcha!!! And it will get derision as it deserves. Besides, I consider it a stupid rule anyway. The Presidency should be open to ALL citizens and the Will of the People!!

I disagree. The natural born citizen clause should be left intact. Both parents should be U.S. citizens ensuring sole allegiance. No foreign influences. Read the letter to George Washington (when he was framing the qualifications to be president) by his good friend John Jay (the first Supreme Court Justice) suggesting that Alexander Hamilton's presidential draft be changed from just 'Citizen' to be president to 'natural-born Citizen' to avoid foreign influences. Here is the original presidential clause by Alexander Hamilton:



The print version:
No one cares what "should" be the case. What is the case is that Cruz is a natural born citizen. So was George Romney and Barry Goldwater. And a letter from Washington has exactly the same legal authority as a letter from Jimmy Carter.
Cruz is a citizen by statute made by positive law. He is not a natural born Citizen due to natural law, the founders original intent. There is a difference.
There is no legal difference. There is no "natural law" definition of citizen. Citizenship is an artificial construct anyway.
Read the Federalist Papers and you will get a clear understanding of what their intent was, born of citizen parents. The father of the 14th Amendment, Rep John Bingham, when debating to congress on the house floor defined a natural born Citizen as a person born within the sole jurisdiction of the United States of parents owing no allegiance to any foreign sovereigty. His definition was met without any opposition.

Shhh. That would mean that Obama would be ineligible. I suggest that the matters are already done to death. Is there going to be a new Birther movement among Dems aimed at Cruz?? You betcha!!! And it will get derision as it deserves. Besides, I consider it a stupid rule anyway. The Presidency should be open to ALL citizens and the Will of the People!!

I disagree. The natural born citizen clause should be left intact. Both parents should be U.S. citizens ensuring sole allegiance. No foreign influences. Read the letter to George Washington (when he was framing the qualifications to be president) by his good friend John Jay (the first Supreme Court Justice) suggesting that Alexander Hamilton's presidential draft be changed from just 'Citizen' to be president to 'natural-born Citizen' to avoid foreign influences. Here is the original presidential clause by Alexander Hamilton:



The print version:
No one cares what "should" be the case. What is the case is that Cruz is a natural born citizen. So was George Romney and Barry Goldwater. And a letter from Washington has exactly the same legal authority as a letter from Jimmy Carter.
Cruz is a citizen by statute made by positive law. He is not a natural born Citizen due to natural law, the founders original intent. There is a difference.
There is no legal difference. There is no "natural law" definition of citizen.
Natural born Citizen is based on natural law.

Scroll down some.
Defining Natural-Born Citizen
Shhh. That would mean that Obama would be ineligible. I suggest that the matters are already done to death. Is there going to be a new Birther movement among Dems aimed at Cruz?? You betcha!!! And it will get derision as it deserves. Besides, I consider it a stupid rule anyway. The Presidency should be open to ALL citizens and the Will of the People!!

I disagree. The natural born citizen clause should be left intact. Both parents should be U.S. citizens ensuring sole allegiance. No foreign influences. Read the letter to George Washington (when he was framing the qualifications to be president) by his good friend John Jay (the first Supreme Court Justice) suggesting that Alexander Hamilton's presidential draft be changed from just 'Citizen' to be president to 'natural-born Citizen' to avoid foreign influences. Here is the original presidential clause by Alexander Hamilton:



The print version:
No one cares what "should" be the case. What is the case is that Cruz is a natural born citizen. So was George Romney and Barry Goldwater. And a letter from Washington has exactly the same legal authority as a letter from Jimmy Carter.
Cruz is a citizen by statute made by positive law. He is not a natural born Citizen due to natural law, the founders original intent. There is a difference.
There is no legal difference. There is no "natural law" definition of citizen.
Natural born Citizen is based on natural law.

There are two kinds of citizens- natural born and naturalized.

Cruz has never been naturalized.
I disagree. The natural born citizen clause should be left intact. Both parents should be U.S. citizens ensuring sole allegiance. No foreign influences. Read the letter to George Washington (when he was framing the qualifications to be president) by his good friend John Jay (the first Supreme Court Justice) suggesting that Alexander Hamilton's presidential draft be changed from just 'Citizen' to be president to 'natural-born Citizen' to avoid foreign influences. Here is the original presidential clause by Alexander Hamilton:



The print version:
No one cares what "should" be the case. What is the case is that Cruz is a natural born citizen. So was George Romney and Barry Goldwater. And a letter from Washington has exactly the same legal authority as a letter from Jimmy Carter.
Cruz is a citizen by statute made by positive law. He is not a natural born Citizen due to natural law, the founders original intent. There is a difference.
There is no legal difference. There is no "natural law" definition of citizen.
Natural born Citizen is based on natural law.

There are two kinds of citizens- natural born and naturalized.

Cruz has never been naturalized.

That's because he needn't be.
Sucks when your own tactics that you used against Obama in 2008 and 2012 boomerangs back on you and hits one of your own candidates.

But, hey conservatives, you created this environment, so you've gotta live with it.
Sucks when your own tactics that you used against Obama in 2008 and 2012 boomerangs back on you and hits one of your own candidates.

But, hey conservatives, you created this environment, so you've gotta live with it.

I really don't care.... actually, I find it kinda funny.
Sucks when your own tactics that you used against Obama in 2008 and 2012 boomerangs back on you and hits one of your own candidates.

But, hey conservatives, you created this environment, so you've gotta live with it.
As a patriotic conservative who wants strict upholding of the Constitution, namely Article 2 Section 1, I am loving this. Like Obama, Cruz's ineligibility must be exposed to the fullest.
Sucks when your own tactics that you used against Obama in 2008 and 2012 boomerangs back on you and hits one of your own candidates.

But, hey conservatives, you created this environment, so you've gotta live with it.
Like Obama, Cruz's ineligibility must be exposed to the fullest.

I am sure it will have just as much effect.

I for one though am looking forward to reminding everyone that Trump is a big ol' Birther.
He knew he had Canadian citizenship, but when it became a political nightmare (as well as an anchor that would take him down if he ran for president of the USA), he decided that it would be in his best interests politically if he dropped them.

However, Ted Cruz has shown that if you have an American mother it doesn't really matter that much, because you are an American citizen and can run for the highest office in the land.

BTW.....wasn't Obama's mother an American citizen as well? Doesn't matter, Kenya or Hawaii, Obama's mother was a citizen, therefore making him a citizen as well. (Especially if you ask Cruz).
Citizen is not good enough to be president. You have to be a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen to be president.

Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the United States Constitution:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The only time a Citizen was allowed to be president was at the time of the adoption of the Constitution and until the grandfather clause ended when a first generation 'natural born Citizen' was eligible to be president. That president was Martin Van Buren.

The Founding Fathers did not define who is a natural born citizen.
Read the Federalist Papers and you will get a clear understanding of what their intent was, born of citizen parents. The father of the 14th Amendment, Rep John Bingham, when debating to congress on the house floor defined a natural born Citizen as a person born within the sole jurisdiction of the United States of parents owing no allegiance to any foreign sovereigty. His definition was met without any opposition.
Sadly for you, I have read the Federalist Papers and the Congressional Record of Bingham's statements. You have not. You have repeatedly parroted some out of context bullshit you read on the internet. We've had this talk before, jackass.

Bingham did not address those children who are born outside the US to US citizens. All he defined were those children who were born IN the United States. He was silent on those born outside the US to citizens.

This does: Naturalization Act of 1790

And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens

I repeat, Bingham did not address those children born outside the US to US citizens. And he came along 79 years after the Founders used the term in the Constitution, and 76 years after they defined children born to US citizens outside the US as natural born citizens in the Naturalization Act.

You can't possibly pretend our Founders meant something different in the Constitution than what they themselves specifically spelled out in the Naturalization Act only three years after penning the Constitution.
And the founders repealed the 1790 Act five years later and removed the words 'natural born Citizens' from their definition of children being born to US Citizens beyond the limits and jurisdiction of the United States. 'Natural born Citizens' was replaced with 'Citizens'.

A natural born citizen is obviously someone who is a citizen at birth.

The anti-immigrant Alien and Sedition Acts passed under Adams to which you allude did not discuss children born to US citizens outside the US.

However, the Naturalization Act which followed in 1802 did.

...and the children of persons who now are or have been citizens of the United States shall though born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States be considered as citizens of the United States ...

1802 Naturalization Act

Even the children born outside the US to people who "have been" (past tense!) citizens of the US are natural born citizens.
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Cruz is just as eligible as Obama was under the "natural citizenship" clause as interpreted by several court rulings over the years. (Nothing in the Constitution defines "natural born citizen".)

Even IF this issue makes it's way to the SCOTUS they will not overturn his eligibility because of a judicial "political test" requirement that is unassailable. People who have studied Constitutional law understand this whether they admit it or not. It's never been done and it won't be done here.

It is enlightening to see the Liberal Left go completely hypocritical and become rabid Birthers before our very eyes. It should indicate to every American just how devoid of principles the Liberal Left are and continue to be.
Hey Boss, how's it feel when your own sleazy political tactics are used against you?
Hey Boss, how's it feel when your own sleazy political tactics are used against you?

Well, anyone with brains enough to research it know that it was actually Hillary Clinton's PAC who started the Birther Movement during the Democrat primaries of 2008. So it's Hillary's sleazy tactic and it won't work any better this time than it did against Obama.
Hey Boss, how's it feel when your own sleazy political tactics are used against you?

Well, anyone with brains enough to research it know that it was actually Hillary Clinton's PAC who started the Birther Movement during the Democrat primaries of 2008. So it's Hillary's sleazy tactic and it won't work any better this time than it did against Obama.

Hillary might have done a bit of it back in 2008, but since then, you republicans have raised it to an art form. And now? It's coming back to bite you in the ass.
Citizen is not good enough to be president. You have to be a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen to be president.

Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the United States Constitution:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The only time a Citizen was allowed to be president was at the time of the adoption of the Constitution and until the grandfather clause ended when a first generation 'natural born Citizen' was eligible to be president. That president was Martin Van Buren.

The Founding Fathers did not define who is a natural born citizen.
Read the Federalist Papers and you will get a clear understanding of what their intent was, born of citizen parents. The father of the 14th Amendment, Rep John Bingham, when debating to congress on the house floor defined a natural born Citizen as a person born within the sole jurisdiction of the United States of parents owing no allegiance to any foreign sovereigty. His definition was met without any opposition.
Sadly for you, I have read the Federalist Papers and the Congressional Record of Bingham's statements. You have not. You have repeatedly parroted some out of context bullshit you read on the internet. We've had this talk before, jackass.

Bingham did not address those children who are born outside the US to US citizens. All he defined were those children who were born IN the United States. He was silent on those born outside the US to citizens.

This does: Naturalization Act of 1790

And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens

I repeat, Bingham did not address those children born outside the US to US citizens. And he came along 79 years after the Founders used the term in the Constitution, and 76 years after they defined children born to US citizens outside the US as natural born citizens in the Naturalization Act.

You can't possibly pretend our Founders meant something different in the Constitution than what they themselves specifically spelled out in the Naturalization Act only three years after penning the Constitution.
And the founders repealed the 1790 Act five years later and removed the words 'natural born Citizens' from their definition of children being born to US Citizens beyond the limits and jurisdiction of the United States. 'Natural born Citizens' was replaced with 'Citizens'.

A natural born citizen is obviously someone who is a citizen at birth.

The anti-immigrant Alien and Sedition Acts passed under Adams to which you allude did not discuss children born to US citizens outside the US.

However, the Naturalization Act which followed in 1802 did.

...and the children of persons who now are or have been citizens of the United States shall though born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States be considered as citizens of the United States ...

1802 Naturalization Act

Even the children born outside the US to people who "have been" (past tense!) citizens of the US are natural born citizens.
That refers to citizens, not natural born Citizens eligible for Article 2 Section 1, the only office in goverment that requires it.
Hey Boss, how's it feel when your own sleazy political tactics are used against you?

Well, anyone with brains enough to research it know that it was actually Hillary Clinton's PAC who started the Birther Movement during the Democrat primaries of 2008. So it's Hillary's sleazy tactic and it won't work any better this time than it did against Obama.

Hillary might have done a bit of it back in 2008, but since then, you republicans have raised it to an art form. And now? It's coming back to bite you in the ass.

No, again... Hillary started it back in 2008, some Republicans carried it on and failed to bite any asses as they were hooted down by Liberals calling them "Birthers" and it still hasn't bitten any asses and it won't. It IS showing that Liberals are hypocrites in no uncertain terms.

I encourage you to keep this up! Please... continue to be the New Liberal Birther Movement from now until the election! I think you do far more damage to your party than you realize.

For the more intellectual people out there who might be concerned about this... Do some research. You will find there is ZERO precedent for this in American history. There has never been a major political candidacy rendered ineligible by SCOTUS.
He knew he had Canadian citizenship, but when it became a political nightmare (as well as an anchor that would take him down if he ran for president of the USA), he decided that it would be in his best interests politically if he dropped them.

However, Ted Cruz has shown that if you have an American mother it doesn't really matter that much, because you are an American citizen and can run for the highest office in the land.

BTW.....wasn't Obama's mother an American citizen as well? Doesn't matter, Kenya or Hawaii, Obama's mother was a citizen, therefore making him a citizen as well. (Especially if you ask Cruz).
Citizen is not good enough to be president. You have to be a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen to be president.

Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the United States Constitution:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The only time a Citizen was allowed to be president was at the time of the adoption of the Constitution and until the grandfather clause ended when a first generation 'natural born Citizen' was eligible to be president. That president was Martin Van Buren.

The Founding Fathers did not define who is a natural born citizen.
Read the Federalist Papers and you will get a clear understanding of what their intent was, born of citizen parents. The father of the 14th Amendment, Rep John Bingham, when debating to congress on the house floor defined a natural born Citizen as a person born within the sole jurisdiction of the United States of parents owing no allegiance to any foreign sovereigty. His definition was met without any opposition.

Shhh. That would mean that Obama would be ineligible. I suggest that the matters are already done to death. Is there going to be a new Birther movement among Dems aimed at Cruz?? You betcha!!! And it will get derision as it deserves. Besides, I consider it a stupid rule anyway. The Presidency should be open to ALL citizens and the Will of the People!!

I disagree. The natural born citizen clause should be left intact. Both parents should be U.S. citizens ensuring sole allegiance. No foreign influences. Read the letter to George Washington (when he was framing the qualifications to be president) by his good friend John Jay (the first Supreme Court Justice) suggesting that Alexander Hamilton's presidential draft be changed from just 'Citizen' to be president to 'natural-born Citizen' to avoid foreign influences. Here is the original presidential clause by Alexander Hamilton:



The print version:

How can one be a Citizen of a Nation and yet not be allowed to be voted by the People to the Highest Office in the land? To me that says that being a Citizen is really being a nobody. Sure; it may affect three or four people but it has an influence on MILLIONS of Citizens. It would also have excluded Obama and, whether you like him or not. (I don't) he was elected BY THE PEOPLE.

The Founding Fathers did not define who is a natural born citizen.
Read the Federalist Papers and you will get a clear understanding of what their intent was, born of citizen parents. The father of the 14th Amendment, Rep John Bingham, when debating to congress on the house floor defined a natural born Citizen as a person born within the sole jurisdiction of the United States of parents owing no allegiance to any foreign sovereigty. His definition was met without any opposition.

Shhh. That would mean that Obama would be ineligible. I suggest that the matters are already done to death. Is there going to be a new Birther movement among Dems aimed at Cruz?? You betcha!!! And it will get derision as it deserves. Besides, I consider it a stupid rule anyway. The Presidency should be open to ALL citizens and the Will of the People!!

I disagree. The natural born citizen clause should be left intact. Both parents should be U.S. citizens ensuring sole allegiance. No foreign influences. Read the letter to George Washington (when he was framing the qualifications to be president) by his good friend John Jay (the first Supreme Court Justice) suggesting that Alexander Hamilton's presidential draft be changed from just 'Citizen' to be president to 'natural-born Citizen' to avoid foreign influences. Here is the original presidential clause by Alexander Hamilton:



The print version:
No one cares what "should" be the case. What is the case is that Cruz is a natural born citizen. So was George Romney and Barry Goldwater. And a letter from Washington has exactly the same legal authority as a letter from Jimmy Carter.
Cruz is a citizen by statute made by positive law. He is not a natural born Citizen due to natural law, the founders original intent. There is a difference.

In Law, should there be discrimination against American Citizens?? I say No...remembering that I am not a yank.

Sucks when your own tactics that you used against Obama in 2008 and 2012 boomerangs back on you and hits one of your own candidates.

But, hey conservatives, you created this environment, so you've gotta live with it.

No: that was a Hillary tactic against Obama. Do keep up. And yes; some people were left wondering..especially Bill Clinton. lol

Sucks when your own tactics that you used against Obama in 2008 and 2012 boomerangs back on you and hits one of your own candidates.

But, hey conservatives, you created this environment, so you've gotta live with it.
As a patriotic conservative who wants strict upholding of the Constitution, namely Article 2 Section 1, I am loving this. Like Obama, Cruz's ineligibility must be exposed to the fullest.

But Obama has been Pres for TWO TERMS. I expect a similar outcome with Cruz.


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