Ted Cruz: Kerry Should Resign Over Apartheid Statement

Barry Hussein must have known about the impending Kerry fallout. True to form the freaking coward left town.
How about these guys?

Olmert to Haaretz: Two-state solution, or Israel is done for Israel News | Haaretz

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert: “If the day comes when the two-state solution collapses, and we face a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights (also for the Palestinians in the territories), then, as soon as that happens, the State of Israel is finished.”

Barak: Peace With Palestinians Or Apartheid

Israeli Defense Minister and Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak: “The simple truth is, if there is one state” including Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, “it will have to be either binational or undemocratic. … if this bloc of millions of Palestinians cannot vote, that will be an apartheid state.”

Top Israeli Official Warns Of An 'Apartheid State' Should Two-State Solution Fail | ThinkProgress

Israeli Justice Minister and Lead Peace Negotiator Tzipi Livni: “But the time has come for the same youth to ask, to what kind of state do they want to leave the gas reserves? To a Jewish democratic Israel? Or to a binational Arab state? Or to an apartheid state? It is impossible to deal with economic issues and to ignore the important diplomatic issues related to two states for two peoples.”

Former Top Israeli Security Official Warns Time Is Running Out On Two-State Solution | ThinkProgress

Yuval Diskin — the former head of Israel’s internal security service:

“When we get there...we will face an immediate existential threat of the erasure of the identity of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, and in a few years, the reality of the country’s demographics will lead to a Palestinian- Arab majority and a Jewish minority, with all that entails.”
I wish a conservative would go even further and assert the apartheid comparison to most of the Middle East and Islamic nations when it comes to Jewish people and Christian minorities. being killed, raped, and forced into conversion everyday! The proposed Palestinian homeland would be more than apartheid and the arab controlled areas surrounding Israel are clearly worse than any apartheid comparison. Obviously this is apparent to everyone ( I do leave out the subversives here, of course, since they are brain dead)but I would just like to see the RIGHT SIDE play a little offense for once.
Cruz should resign over the debt and budget fiascos that brought such shame on the GOP.

why do you constantly lie?

is it because you're a whiny tattle tale?

if cruz should resign, so should all dems. but it is clear you constantly defend dems.

Sterling is a dem and you are supporting him.

And Cruz is a horrible person to have in office.

Yurt, you were corrected appropriately by your betters, you are the laughing stock of the board, you violate the rules consistently and are dealt with, and you are simply a mess, boy.

So let's stay on OP and from ad hom, or you will simply look stupid again.

and you're lying again. i never defended him, not once. all you do is lie and run to the mods. you're a walking projector. you want to stay on topic, then you lie and ad hom, the very thing you're whining about. you're a two faced little whiner.

i've only been banned twice and one time you were banned with me. see what i mean, you're a walking projector.
If the liar Ted Cruz calls for you to resign then you must be doing something right.
If the liar Ted Cruz calls for you to resign then you must be doing something right.

Kerry's statement was pretty dumbass because he said something designed to be misused. (not to mention that the statement was dumb).

but if ted cruz wants something, it should probably be laughed at.
We won't have an ally left by the time these unqualified people like Kerry and Hillary was as SOs, Obama as President get done

they are working to make us an outcast to be looked down upon

I've never seen anything like it
Ah, but does anyone remember this?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPYVdV6WzwM]John Kerry says stupid troops stuck in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
If the liar Ted Cruz calls for you to resign then you must be doing something right.

Kerry's statement was pretty dumbass because he said something designed to be misused. (not to mention that the statement was dumb).

but if ted cruz wants something, it should probably be laughed at.

It's just part of the 3 Card Monty or Shell Game every administration plays with Israel.
We won't have an ally left by the time these unqualified people like Kerry and Hillary was as SOs, Obama as President get done

they are working to make us an outcast to be looked down upon

I've never seen anything like it

The horrors of the Echo Chamber.
If the liar Ted Cruz calls for you to resign then you must be doing something right.

Kerry's statement was pretty dumbass because he said something designed to be misused. (not to mention that the statement was dumb).

but if ted cruz wants something, it should probably be laughed at.

you mean like "binders of women"? Problem with that one was that those that intentionally "misused it" knew exactly what he meant.

What Kerry said? Many feel exactly that way so whereas I am sure Kerry does not, it is quite easy to believe he does.
He won't. Trying to shame Kerry? :lmao:

The same man who told Congress that American Soldiers were baby killers and rapists?
And they were. As for Ted the Zionist, enjoy your time in the sun there little buddy, the sun is setting on you, quickly...
Kerry is lying Dimocrap scum.
Cruz will be the next president. You can already feel the fear on the Left.

Kerry should resign, Cruz will not be re-elected as Senator much less president, and the left has enough to fear about already.

Cruz? The one who feared that if the ACA would be implemented it will be too late to repeal it or defund it? That one?

The one who warned us that:

Many will lose their policies
Many will lose their doctors
Most of those that are not subsidized will see increases in premiums
The "invincibles" will not sign up at the rate that the administration believes making the ACA NOT deficit neutral..

The one who warned about the ills of the employer mandate?

That Cruz? The one who sacrificed his reputation and his future as a politician for what he believed was best for America?

And you see him as a loser?

The Israelis imposed themselves, with the help of certain international communities, on Palestinian land where they proceed to encroach on more and more soil: ever expanding. Meanwhile, they demean, direct, and conduct the lives of Palestinians within and on their borders.

Wow, sounds a lot like what the white man did to the American Indian, but I guess that was somehow different.

yeah, well according to liberals anything is fair in the name of progress, eh comrade?

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