Ted Cruz Launches National Petition Against Gang of Eight's Bill


May 22, 2013
Ted Cruz Launches National Petition Against Gang of Eight's Bill

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) launched a national petition on Thursday to stop the Senate Gang of Eight's amnesty bill and send Washington a "strong signal" of the grassroots opposition to the bill.

"This is urgent," Cruz wrote in an e-mail to supporters. "We must stop this Gang of 8 immigration bill, which would give amnesty to an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants with no guarantee of a secure border."

"The Senate debate is in the final stages and we need to send Washington a strong signal of the overwhelming grassroots opposition to this amnesty bill from Americans across the country," Cruz explained.

Cruz urged supporters to share the petition with friends and to "act now--without delay--to help us defeat amnesty and stand for legal immigration!"

Not sure a petition is going to do any good but at least he is trying and about the only one who is, which is just shameful.
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