Ted Cruz Natural Born ?

Is Ted Cruz eligible ?

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    Votes: 14 46.7%
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    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • to be decided

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The dictionary doesn't define natural born. English common law does.

Of course it does... In the dictionary Natural Born Citizen is defined as:

Natural: occurring as a matter of course and without debate; inevitable

Born: brought into existence

Citizen: person who belongs to a country and has the rights and protection of that country

So, Natural Born Citizen means:

A person who belongs to a country, without debate, as a matter of course through their being brought into existence.

Note the difference between THAT and "Born in the USA". Ya see sis, one may or may NOT be a citizen of the USA, by being born here..., what's more is that one may well be a Citizen of the US AND a Citizen of another country. Which was specifically what the Framers intended to prevent, by requiring that a candidate of the US be a 'person who belongs to a country, without debate, as a matter of course through their being brought into existence'. OKA: A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN!



But how cool is it that for your thesis to stand, the DICTIONARY can NOT be used to define the words at issue!




ROFLMNAO! Relativists...
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[Now you want to talk about Benghazi? Sure.

The mouthy Brit was implying that people do not conspire... so towards offering a belittling refutation, I said this:

And you're taking this stand to defend a person who conspired to setup the entire Firearms manufacturing and distribution business, setting up specific federal policy to sell firearms across the US border terrorists, mass-murderin' drug cartels so that their fellow conspirators in the media could 'report' that the US Firearms business is 'illegally selling weapons over the border to terrorists and mass-murdering drug cartels'? The same conspirator who TOLD THE ENTIRE COUNTRY ... REPEATEDLY: "If you like your plan, you can KEEP your plan!"

Benghazi ... He ADVERTISED a video across the Middle East a WEEK BEFORE the 9-11 Anniversary, then claimed that THAT VIDEO caused a 'riot' where EVERY WITNESS in site, stated IN REAL TIME COMMUNICATION AS THE ATTACK OCCURRED that IT WAS NOT A RIOT, BUT A WELL PLANNED ATTAK BY A CAPABLE FORCE... .

You're huh... LOL! You're claiming that THAT douchebag doesn't CONSPIRE?


Folks, you cannot make this crap up.
You continue to make an ass of yourself with foolish allegations!
Foolish allegations? Look at who are making foolish allegations: Vigilante, a communist AND A birfer AND A racist. Keys is a sovereign citizen AND A birfer AND A racist. And Keys has no idea what 'natural born' citizen means in terms of presidential qualifications.

Oh, you guys are ludicrous. Bet Keys complains of butt hurt soon.
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Says who?

Says the phrase: Natural Born Citizen.

Says you. You're the one offering us your definition based on whatever you imagine. And your imagination isn't a legal standard.

Its the same problem you run into on virtually every topic you attempt to discuss. You keep assuming that whatever you believe must be irrefutable fact. But there's no such mandate. Most often because you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The USSC does;

The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance, also called "ligealty," "obedience," "faith," or "power" of the King. The principle embraced all persons born within the King's allegiance and subject to his protection. Such allegiance and protection were mutual -- as expressed in the maxim protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio protectionem -- and were not restricted to natural-born subjects and naturalized subjects, or to those who had taken an oath of allegiance, but were predicable of aliens in amity so long as they were within the kingdom. Children, born in England, of such aliens were therefore natural-born subjects. But the children, born within the realm, of foreign ambassadors, or the children of alien enemies, born during and within their hostile occupation of part of the King's dominions, were not natural-born subjects because not born within the allegiance, the obedience, or the power, or, as would be said at this day, within the jurisdiction, of the King.

Wong Kim Ark v. US

As clear as a bell, place of birth establishes natural born status. Even if both parents are foreigners.

You ignore it. No objective person ever would.

They said "...Natural Born Citizen..." because they required that for a person to qualify for the Presidency, that their citizenship must be the natural result of their BIRTH! And there is ONLY ONE WAY THAT HAPPENS... and that way is that BOTH PARENTS ARE CITIZENS.

So you assume. And who are you quoting on your claim that a natural born citizen is only a person whose 'both parents are citizens'? The constitution doesn't say this. The courts never have. The founders certinaly didn't say that. And there's no mention of parents in the term 'natural born'.

So who are you quoting? Just yourself.

Do you have any argument to offer us that isn't just you citing yourself?
If no, then you're done. As you're nobody.[

Then, a mulatto, born of a white American mother, but NOT YET 5 years after her 14th birthday, to a communist black man from Kenya, In Kenya, wouldn't be allowed to be president by the Constitution restraints... And since said mulatto's wife has stated the mulatto's HOME COUNTRY IS KENYA, we have reasonable cause to believe all other material presented to affirm his American birth to be suspect! Money, and POWER can BUY the said mulatto almost perfect copies of birth certificates, but those little mistakes, such as the college pamphlet, the REFUSAL to show college records to discover if he was given special treatment as an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION case from a foreign country, and thus a PAID FOR scholarship, and the multiple SS #'s are STILL an open question.....sort of like the Benghazi papers requested from the State Dept. over 2 years ago, that still haven't shown up....oh, it's a tangled web these communist/socialist/progressive mother fuckers weave!

Now all we need is a GOOD, CONSERVATIVE president, to UNDO all the secrecy, and get down to the truth, with, perhaps, a decent amount of JAIL TIME thrown in as a stimulus to talk....as we aren't allowed to WATERBOARD anymore! Ah....nirvana!!!

Is there a reason you felt the need to repeat the word "mulatto" so many times?

So the stupid understand who we are dealing with!

Afraid you'd forget to be an asshole?
There Keyes is complaining of 'butt hurt' right on time.

'caramel hue'
'brown clown'

No wonder the Millennials despise the far social con and birfer right.
The dictionary doesn't define natural born. English common law does.

Of course it does... In the dictionary Natural Born Citizen is defined as:

I just typed natural born citizen into the dictionary and nothing came up.

And with each of the terms you cited, there are about a half dozen possible definitions a piece. None of which match yours. For example, here's natural:

Natural Define Natural at Dictionary.com

No where does the term 'occurring as a matter of course without debate, inevitable' appear anywhere.

Here's Meriiam Websters:

Natural - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Nothing there either.

In fact the ONLY place where your definition appears......is in a book called Worshiphing Upside Down: Polluting Worship Versus Loving God.

5. occurring as a matter of course and without debate; inevitable

Worshiphing Upside Down: Polluting Worship Versus Loving God.
pg. 319

Worshiping Upsidedown and Backwards - Doris Speiginer Wheeler - Google Books

Which isn't the dictionary. But a religious book. And the 5th of 10 different definitions.

Meanwhile, Natural Born remains a legal term, defined by the law. Not your subjective religion. And the USSC tells us through which lens constitutional terms not defined by the constitution should be gleaned.

There is no common law of the United States, in the sense of a national customary law, distinct from the common law of England as adopted by the several States each for itself, applied as its local law, and subject to such alteration as may be provided by its own statutes. . . . There is, however, one clear exception to the statement that there is no national common law. The interpretation of the Constitution of the United States is necessarily influenced by the fact that its provisions are framed in the language of the English common law, and are to be read in the light of its history.

Wong Kim Ark V. US (1898)

And using English Common Law, the USSC provides this insight:

The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance, also called "ligealty," "obedience," "faith," or "power" of the King. The principle embraced all persons born within the King's allegiance and subject to his protection. Such allegiance and protection were mutual -- as expressed in the maxim protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio protectionem -- and were not restricted to natural-born subjects and naturalized subjects, or to those who had taken an oath of allegiance, but were predicable of aliens in amity so long as they were within the kingdom. Children, born in England, of such aliens were therefore natural-born subjects. But the children, born within the realm, of foreign ambassadors, or the children of alien enemies, born during and within their hostile occupation of part of the King's dominions, were not natural-born subjects because not born within the allegiance, the obedience, or the power, or, as would be said at this day, within the jurisdiction, of the King.

Wong Kim Ark V. US (1898)

Clear as a bell, place of birth establishes natural born status.

Now, I did a bit of dictionary digging and found this:

"Natural Born:

1. native-born.
2. by virtue of one's nature, qualities, or innate talent:
a natural-born musician.

.Natural born Define Natural born at Dictionary.com

And when you go to Native Born, the first definition provided by the dictionary, you get this:

Native Born:

1. born in the place or country indicated:
a native-born Australian.

Native-born Define Native-born at Dictionary.com

Again, established by the location of birth. Not parentage.

By the standards of English Common law, the technique the USSC offers in gleaning the meaning of constitutional terms, natural born follows place of birth:

By your own standard of the dictionary, natural born follows place of birth.

Remember, Keyes.....and I can't stress this point enough: You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
You continue to make an ass of yourself with foolish allegations!
Foolish allegations? Look at who are making foolish allegations: Vigilante, a communist AND A birfer. Keys is a sovereign citizen AND A birfer. And Keys has no idea what 'natural born' citizen means in terms of presidential qualifications.

Oh, you guys are ludicrous.

You seem to think that your asinine comments will bother me.... This is certainly what a LOW 2 digit IQ'd poster would believe.... Please keep them coming. There are over 20,000 members here that will read your remarks, and relize that YOU, who claims to be a Moderate Republican, in the like of McLame, McRomney, and McDole, certainly couldn't unzip the zipper on those mens paints. Although, They will never be considered CONSERVATIVE in any definition of the world, they are Republican. I'm also absolutely sure you haven't the foggiest notion what the difference is.... and don't beg, because I am NOT going to tell a Jackass!

Says the phrase: Natural Born Citizen.

Says you. You're the one offering us your definition based on whatever you imagine. And your imagination isn't a legal standard.

Its the same problem you run into on virtually every topic you attempt to discuss. You keep assuming that whatever you believe must be irrefutable fact. But there's no such mandate. Most often because you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The USSC does;

The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance, also called "ligealty," "obedience," "faith," or "power" of the King. The principle embraced all persons born within the King's allegiance and subject to his protection. Such allegiance and protection were mutual -- as expressed in the maxim protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio protectionem -- and were not restricted to natural-born subjects and naturalized subjects, or to those who had taken an oath of allegiance, but were predicable of aliens in amity so long as they were within the kingdom. Children, born in England, of such aliens were therefore natural-born subjects. But the children, born within the realm, of foreign ambassadors, or the children of alien enemies, born during and within their hostile occupation of part of the King's dominions, were not natural-born subjects because not born within the allegiance, the obedience, or the power, or, as would be said at this day, within the jurisdiction, of the King.

Wong Kim Ark v. US

As clear as a bell, place of birth establishes natural born status. Even if both parents are foreigners.

You ignore it. No objective person ever would.

They said "...Natural Born Citizen..." because they required that for a person to qualify for the Presidency, that their citizenship must be the natural result of their BIRTH! And there is ONLY ONE WAY THAT HAPPENS... and that way is that BOTH PARENTS ARE CITIZENS.

So you assume. And who are you quoting on your claim that a natural born citizen is only a person whose 'both parents are citizens'? The constitution doesn't say this. The courts never have. The founders certinaly didn't say that. And there's no mention of parents in the term 'natural born'.

So who are you quoting? Just yourself.

Do you have any argument to offer us that isn't just you citing yourself?
If no, then you're done. As you're nobody.[

Then, a mulatto, born of a white American mother, but NOT YET 5 years after her 14th birthday, to a communist black man from Kenya, In Kenya, wouldn't be allowed to be president by the Constitution restraints... And since said mulatto's wife has stated the mulatto's HOME COUNTRY IS KENYA, we have reasonable cause to believe all other material presented to affirm his American birth to be suspect! Money, and POWER can BUY the said mulatto almost perfect copies of birth certificates, but those little mistakes, such as the college pamphlet, the REFUSAL to show college records to discover if he was given special treatment as an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION case from a foreign country, and thus a PAID FOR scholarship, and the multiple SS #'s are STILL an open question.....sort of like the Benghazi papers requested from the State Dept. over 2 years ago, that still haven't shown up....oh, it's a tangled web these communist/socialist/progressive mother fuckers weave!

Now all we need is a GOOD, CONSERVATIVE president, to UNDO all the secrecy, and get down to the truth, with, perhaps, a decent amount of JAIL TIME thrown in as a stimulus to talk....as we aren't allowed to WATERBOARD anymore! Ah....nirvana!!!

Is there a reason you felt the need to repeat the word "mulatto" so many times?

So the stupid understand who we are dealing with!

Afraid you'd forget to be an asshole?

Why, I always have your posts to show me the right way to be a fucking dickhead! Now, remember child who threw the first remark, before I get serious with bitch slapping your stupidity!
I just typed natural born citizen into the dictionary and nothing came up.

Now isn't that precious? She can't find the definition of the words she literally typed herself.


Let's review:

In the dictionary Natural Born Citizen (note that the phrase contains three words, all of which convey a distinct concept, which the joining of them conveys the sum of those respective concepts) is defined as:

Natural: occurring as a matter of course and without debate; inevitable

Born: brought into existence

Citizen: person who belongs to a country and has the rights and protection of that country

So, Natural Born Citizen means:

A person who belongs to a country, without debate, as a matter of course through their being brought into existence.

Note the difference between THAT and "Born in the USA". Ya see sis, one may or may NOT be a citizen of the USA, by being born here..., what's more is that one may well be a Citizen of the US AND a Citizen of another country. Which was specifically what the Framers intended to prevent, by requiring that a candidate of the US be a 'person who belongs to a country, without debate, as a matter of course through their being brought into existence'. OKA: A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN!



But how cool is it that for your thesis to stand, the DICTIONARY can NOT be used to define the words at issue!




ROFLMNAO! Relativists...

Now kids... These people can't even overcome the 'complexity' of a DICTIONARY... and they want to be in control of the ECONOMY and the Earth's ENVIRONMENT!

:spinner: :laugh: :badgrin: :biggrin: :eusa_dance::finger3: :laugh: :spinner:
Is there a reason you felt the need to repeat the word "mulatto" so many times?

I felt that he was referring to the brown clown, and wanted to do so in such a way that he conveyed the light caramel hue reflected by home-slices pigmentation.

I hope that helps, despite, sadly... being certain that it will not.

I wasn't talking to you, idiot.

ROFLMNAO! "Butthurt" much?:lame2:

No, idiot.
In the dictionary Natural Born Citizen (note that the phrase contains three words, all of which convey a distinct concept, which the joining of them conveys the sum of those respective concepts) is defined as:

Natural: occurring as a matter of course and without debate; inevitable

That's not the dictionary definition, Keyes. The only place you can find that definition is here:


5. occurring as a matter of course and without debate; inevitable

Worshiphing Upside Down: Polluting Worship Versus Loving God.
pg. 319

Worshiping Upsidedown and Backwards - Doris Speiginer Wheeler - Google Books

That's not a dictionary. That's a religious book. And your subjective religion defines no legal terms.

When you actually type in 'natural born', you get this:

"Natural Born:

1. native-born.
2. by virtue of one's nature, qualities, or innate talent:
a natural-born musician.

.Natural born Define Natural born at Dictionary.com

And when you go to Native Born, the first definition provided by the dictionary, you get this:

Native Born:

1. born in the place or country indicated:
a native-born Australian.

Native-born Define Native-born at Dictionary.com

Exactly as I said, defined by place of birth. Not parentage.
So, Natural Born Citizen means:

A person who belongs to a country, without debate, as a matter of course through their being brought into existence.

Except per the dictionary, it means 'a person born in the place or country indicated'.

And the legal definition under English Common Law is ' a person born in the allegiance of the king'. Which would apply to anyone born under the authority of the King's law......even to two foreign national parents. With English Common Law being the only plausible source from which the founders could have drawn their legal definitions. And the source used by the USSC in Wong Kim Ark

So by your dictionary standard or that used by the USSC.....you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

Try again.
Is there a reason you felt the need to repeat the word "mulatto" so many times?

I felt that he was referring to the brown clown, and wanted to do so in such a way that he conveyed the light caramel hue reflected by home-slices pigmentation.

I hope that helps, despite, sadly... being certain that it will not.

I wasn't talking to you, idiot.

ROFLMNAO! "Butthurt" much?:lame2:

No, idiot.

Sadly, for your assumed veracity, the record indicates otherwise.
Is there a reason you felt the need to repeat the word "mulatto" so many times?

I felt that he was referring to the brown clown, and wanted to do so in such a way that he conveyed the light caramel hue reflected by home-slices pigmentation.

I hope that helps, despite, sadly... being certain that it will not.

I wasn't talking to you, idiot.

ROFLMNAO! "Butthurt" much?:lame2:

No, idiot.

Sadly, for your assumed veracity, the record indicates otherwise.

You didn't use the term Mulatto over and over. That was Viggy.

Unless you always refer to yourself in the third person.
In the dictionary Natural Born Citizen (note that the phrase contains three words, all of which convey a distinct concept, which the joining of them conveys the sum of those respective concepts) is defined as:

Natural: occurring as a matter of course and without debate; inevitable

That's not the dictionary definition, Keyes. The only place you can find that definition is here:

dictionary said:
Natural ... occurring as a matter of course and without debate; inevitable.


Can you IMAGINE the weeping and gnashing of tooth, if someone would have accused that contributor of this... prior to her having done so?

LOL! There is truly no means to underestimate these idiots.
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