Texas Lawyer Files Federal 'Birther' Suit Against Ted Cruz

Of course she didn't send or receive any classified email either, right?

I don't know. Do you?

That's been determined, she did. You live under a rock?
I thought it was still under investigation. I don't doubt that she did send and receive classified email but I have not put myself into the lofty position of coming to conclusions prior to FBI findings. You?

In the meantime this thread is about Ted Cruz. But you stupid fucking righties find it so hard to discuss the scumbag that you have to deflect to Hillary. Losers

NaziCons suffer from ADD and deflection.

You brought Clintons name into the fray in post 23.
That is drawing a fine line between being American & being born on American soil & just how that fits into the Constitution. Who knows what they were thinking at the time they wrote it? :dunno:

Anyone born in such circumstances automatically have 'triple citizenship' to each country, as long as both parents held legal citizenship to their own country their children would be dual citizens to each of their parents & the country they were born in.

That is only true until they are 18. At that point, they must either denounce the Non US citizenship in order to be considered a natural born US citizen. The US does not recognize dual (or triple) citizenship for US Citizens. Cruz has never done this but he can do it anytime before the election.

Are you seriously turning into a birther? You claim against Cruz is just as idiotic when it's made about Obama.

Really? Obama wasn't born in a foreign country.

Are you seriously turning into a birther? You claim against Cruz is just as idiotic when it's made about Obama.

Really? Obama wasn't born in a foreign country.

There we go. You know Lakhota, you say alot of stupid shit on this board. But most of the time it's not birther level stupid. Maybe truther level stupid--you definitely show some truther level of stupid at times.

But now, you are posting birther level stupid. And after being called out on it you're defending it with more birther level stupid.

It's official. You've crossed over the threshold. You are now a birther. Every post, every action, is tainted with the undying crimson impurity of birther bullshit. You and Steve McGarrett are now bonded [internwebs] life partners.
If you type 'instant karma' into youtube search you'll find countless videos of people getting theirs after they've been complete a-holes.

The entire Republican candidate lineup and campaigns are just great entertainment and its soooo hilarious to see these people get eaten by the alligators they let loose.

There just may be a god........lol
That is only true until they are 18. At that point, they must either denounce the Non US citizenship in order to be considered a natural born US citizen.

Well that's a new color of horse shit we've not seen before. Man, where the fuck do you cuntwads come up with this shit?

The US does not recognize dual (or triple) citizenship for US Citizens.

Well honestly there are a great many countries that don't recognize "dual" citizenship, but that doesn't really mean jack shit. The US doesn't "recognize" dual citizenship in that the US pretty much does not care if you have an obligation to another country. US law expects your citizenship to oblige you to the demands of US law, regardless. For example, American citizens are taxed anywhere in the world they may live. If you achieve citizenship in another country and live there for 20 years, you still owe income taxes to the federal government.

Nothing about dual citizenship has any negative effect on one's American citizenship. In fact, the courts have held that once a person is a citizen, whether by birth or by naturalization, it is virtually impossible for that citizenship to be dissolved. There are some prominent legal opinions who doubt whether even renouncing one's citizenship can truly effect a dissolution of citizenship, constitutionally speaking. After all, the constitution states that people are citizens upon birth or naturalization. And it gives Congress the power to set rules for naturalization. Nothing in the constitution speaks to any legal mechanism by which citizenship can be removed.

Cruz has never done this but he can do it anytime before the election.

In fact Cruz did renounce is Canadian citizenship, shortly after he became aware that he possessed it.
As he should. Have to get this cleared up one way or the other before any votes are cast.
Nothing like tying up the court system with stupid bullshit.
There were numerous similar suits filed about obama. They were all dismissed on technicalities.

The court should rule and put an end to this once and for all.
There were numerous similar suits filed about obama. They were all dismissed on technicalities.

The court should rule and put an end to this once and for all.

Think that will make Chump happy? Naw....probably not.

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