Ted Cruz suggests Texas could secede and "take NASA and the military" if Dems "destroy the country"

I'm always puzzled as to why you care. Why do you care? You all don't like America and you HATE us. So what? Shouldn't you be thrilled we might finally leave?

Yet every time we bring us secession it's this automatic "don't you dare"! I find that odd
Commies need our money to mooch.
Fine. Blah Blah Blah. We're not going to secede.

There. Your contribution to this thread is complete.

I'm rooting for your secession Boots. It will be a great day when Texas joins Mexico and we no longer have to subsidize your poor white trailer trash.

Btw, I saw this morning that your share of the infrastructure bill is 35 billion. That should be enough to get a whole bunch of stuff done like upgrading your power grid.

But the payments will stop the day you do it. The rest of us can use that money, so go for it! :D

Ted's been swinging for those fences for years hasn't he? Yes, it seems pretty obvious that the kookery is gonna get lots worse before it gets any better. This BS has probably always been an undercurrent with the GOP, but Donald enabled this dark new wave of hate.

Hey, I clicked the link on your location and Google maps didn't pinpoint it, but did show a long stretch of the Oregon Coast where I live. Does this sound about right?

Keep posting please. That was one of the best I've read in the past month or two.
I read former Speaker Boehner's book, "On the House: A Washington Memoir." Boehner was scathing in his condemnation of Cruz for pretty much everything he did but particularly Cruz's efforts in the 2013 gov't shutdown when he pushed the House (of which he was not a member) to support a shutdown.

Think the worst is over? Guess again. There's a December vote looming about raising the debt ceiling. Look forward to Cruz to lead the fight to tank America in both the financial markets and the eyes of the world while looking for someone else to blame for the damage.
I read former Speaker Boehner's book, "On the House: A Washington Memoir." Boehner was scathing in his condemnation of Cruz for pretty much everything he did but particularly Cruz's efforts in the 2013 gov't shutdown when he pushed the House (of which he was not a member) to support a shutdown.

Think the worst is over? Guess again. There's a December vote looming about raising the debt ceiling. Look forward to Cruz to lead the fight to tank America in both the financial markets and the eyes of the world while looking for someone else to blame for the damage.
Yea, we're likely to be immersed in this madness for as long as it takes to rid ourselves of the Trump Disease. Will Republicans eventually grow a spine and reject Trumpism? Pretty unlikely in the short term. It needs to be repudiated soundly by the American people. A third of Republicans are hardcore, but 2/3 have about had it in my estimation.

I told our resident buttholes that if they nominated and elected Donald, it would be the end of the Republican party. I was not wrong. But it's gonna take a few years at minimum. More likely 5-10. 1Hopefully the GOP can be restored to its former sanity, but no guarantees.
I'm rooting for your secession Boots. It will be a great day when Texas joins Mexico and we no longer have to subsidize your poor white trailer trash.

Btw, I saw this morning that your share of the infrastructure bill is 35 billion. That should be enough to get a whole bunch of stuff done like upgrading your power grid.

But the payments will stop the day you do it. The rest of us can use that money, so go for it! :D

We don't need to "upgrade" the power grid. We need DC to get out of the way. Your media masters have infused your mind with bullshit.

And that $35 Billion may go to Texas on paper, but we all know that we don't get to decide how it is used. No doubt, some ass clown wants some pet projects to build a bridges to nowhere. Maybe even Ted Cruz himself is feeding a pet project.

We'll take that $35 Billion as compensation for the outright dereliction of duty by The United States of America on the Southern boarder, and consider it a partial tax refund. We'll take all the Fed shit in our state to halfway cover the rest.
We don't need to "upgrade" the power grid. We need DC to get out of the way. Your media masters have infused your mind with bullshit.

And that $35 Billion may go to Texas on paper, but we all know that we don't get to decide how it is used. No doubt, some ass clown wants some pet projects to build a bridges to nowhere. Maybe even Ted Cruz himself is feeding a pet project.

We'll take that $35 Billion as compensation for the outright dereliction of duty by The United States of America on the Southern boarder, and consider it a partial tax refund. We'll take all the Fed shit in our state to halfway cover the rest.

Correct, you don't get to use it to build your idiot governor's stupid wall. And damn straight your power grid needs fixing. To pretend anything else is very dumb. Good luck this winter. Nothing's been done and you're quite likely to need it. ;)
Correct, you don't get to use it to build your idiot governor's stupid wall.
Not even for this area right here?


Because it's so fucking close to this area right here?


Make you case!

And damn straight your power grid needs fixing.
Like what? Do you know of specifics or are you being a parrot?

Good luck this winter. Nothing's been done and you're quite likely to need it.
This winter, we will not shut off a good portion of the natural gas capacity, so pipelines won't freeze over from condensation. This winter, we can be certain that all wind sources will fail 100%, and spread capacity to REALIABLE sources as needed.

It's all DC's fault. The EPA made us limit capacity. That will be ignored this time around.
Not even for this area right here?

Because it's so fucking close to this area right here?

Make you case!

Like what? Do you know of specifics or are you being a parrot?

This winter, we will not shut off a good portion of the natural gas capacity, so pipelines won't freeze over from condensation. This winter, we can be certain that all wind sources will fail 100%, and spread capacity to REALIABLE sources as needed.

It's all DC's fault. The EPA made us limit capacity. That will be ignored this time around.

No wall for you! And nah, you've done next to NOTHING about the grid. Not DC's fault either. You chose not to be part of the larger grid. Go it alone bay-bee ... It's how Texans roll!

Checking on the Texas Secession Movement. How's it going? Cruz helping it along?
Sorry Ted, that ain't the way it works. If Texas secedes, we take NASA and the military. ALL of it including the Coast Guard. Next hurricane or freeze - No FEMA so you're on your own buddy. And you'll be out of a job after Texas has no more representation in Congress. Maybe you can organize a citizen army and capture Cancun? :)

Sen. Ted Cruz has called on his home state to secede from the U.S. if Democrats "fundamentally destroy the country," adding that Texas should "take" NASA, the military and the country's oil supply along with it.​
"If they pack the Supreme Court, if they make D.C. a state, if they federalize elections and massively expand voter fraud, there may come a point where it's hopeless," Cruz said during a speaking event at Texas A&M last month.​
"We're not there yet, and if there comes a point where it's hopeless, then I think we take NASA, we take the military, we take the oil," the Republican added.​

Cruz is a mental case.
And if Texas secedes they will have to take over border enforcement and fund the wall on their own.
And as far as NASA and the military, they answer to the federal government, and would pack up everything, and move it back to the USA.
We’ll keep fucking up the country and turning it into a communist shithole. It won’t just be Texas that secedes.
You are talking like an hysterical drama queen. Texas threatens to secede every year or so.

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