Ted Cruz Natural Born ?

Is Ted Cruz eligible ?

  • yes

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • no

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • to be decided

    Votes: 6 20.0%

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I used it 4 times, as it accurately describes the mixed race Racist in the white house...!

How interesting that you seem so uncomfortable having the transparent intention of your block-headed repetition thrown in your face. Maybe you should grow up and choose your words more carefully next time.

Apparently I HURT your female side!...!

Apparently, your powers of perception are as sharp as your wit....

Finally we have uncovered what you are beside S.J.'s POOP comment.... you are simply a
Keyes will run away again if gets hammered, particularly if he is mocked and ridiculed, which, concerning his racist and sovereign citizen positions, makes a lot of sense.

He is touchy, touchy, touchy. Have fun with his "God is reality, I know God, therefore my posts are objective facts substantiating my position of Truth."

In fact, he is a mutt when it comes to philosophy and critical thinking.

He will cry when you poke him.

No, he does not understand what "Natural Born" means.

Turns out his 'dictionary definition'....was just another religious book. The only place you'll find his definition is here:


5. occurring as a matter of course and without debate; inevitable

Worshiphing Upside Down: Polluting Worship Versus Loving God.
pg. 319

Worshiping Upsidedown and Backwards - Doris Speiginer Wheeler - Google Books

And when you check the actual dictionary, you get this:

"Natural Born:

1. native-born.
2. by virtue of one's nature, qualities, or innate talent:
a natural-born musician.

.Natural born Define Natural born at Dictionary.com

Natural Born is Native Born in the dictionary. And when you go to Native Born, the first definition provided by the dictionary, you get this:

Native Born:

1. born in the place or country indicated:
a native-born Australian.

Native-born Define Native-born at Dictionary.com

Exactly as the USSC said, exactly as the English Common Law said: Natural born status follows PLACE of birth.

And now that the dictionary doesn't agree with him.....guess which source Keyes rejects and will no longer discuss?

That's right.....the dictionary. His very own source! As I've said so many times before, there's nothing a birther won't ignore to cling to what they want to believe. Even their own sources.

You can't fix stupid, Jake.
And Porker and his half brain post has no bearing on SCOTUS.

Cruz is going to run, he is going to make the far right a laughing stock during the campaign season when so many citizens, are watching.

And that will be a great thing.
But the only 'evidence' she has produced is that she is incapable of objective reason...

Says the poor soul who just started ignoring the dictionary -your own source- when it contradicted them. And ignored the Supreme Court. And ignored English Common law.

And of course ran from every discussion of the subjectivity of religion, tail tucked tightly between his quivering haunches.

Laughing....is there any claim I can't run you off of?
But the only 'evidence' she has produced is that she is incapable of objective reason...

Says the poor soul who just started ignoring the dictionary -your own source- when it contradicted them. And ignored the Supreme Court. And ignored English Common law.

And of course ran from every discussion of the subjectivity of religion, tail tucked tightly between his quivering haunches.

Laughing....is there any claim I can't run you off of?

But the only 'evidence' she has produced is that she is incapable of objective reason...

Says the poor soul who just started ignoring the dictionary -your own source- when it contradicted them. And ignored the Supreme Court. And ignored English Common law.

And of course ran from every discussion of the subjectivity of religion, tail tucked tightly between his quivering haunches.

Laughing....is there any claim I can't run you off of?


I'll be oh-so happy to tell you. Right after you show us the video of Ms. Obama saying her husband was born in Kenya.

Its only been 2 days of perfect failure. Surely you can do better. I've even offered you a reward: my home country! Now all you have to do is back up your bullshit.

I won't hold my breath.
Vigilante continues to be tough with his silly cartoons.

All that violence in your head, Vigilante, really is imaginary, for you know clearly what would happen. If the far right ever rose up, the LEO would not be needed at all.

The neighbors would take the traitors on the far right and put them down in their backyards.

Natural Born... Not "Native Born" , which Dr. Titus explains in the following videos, is a 'Citizen by Birth'.

The phrase at issue is "Natural Born Citizen"... which, despite your subjective need that such be synonymous with Native Born, it is NOT!

There is NOTHING complex about this issue, yet there you are thoroughly confused by it.


Reader: Can you IMAGINE the weeping and gnashing of tooth, if someone would have accused that contributor of being incapable of using a dictionary... prior to her having done so, repeatedly ^ABOVE^?

LOL! There is truly no means to underestimate these idiots.
Vigilante continues to be tough with his silly cartoons.

All that violence in your head, Vigilante, really is imaginary, for you know clearly what would happen. If the far right ever rose up, the LEO would not be needed at all.

The neighbors would take the traitors on the far right and put them down in their backyards.

Even Lady Liberty knows about you ...

But the only 'evidence' she has produced is that she is incapable of objective reason...

Says the poor soul who just started ignoring the dictionary -your own source- when it contradicted them. And ignored the Supreme Court. And ignored English Common law.

And of course ran from every discussion of the subjectivity of religion, tail tucked tightly between his quivering haunches.

Laughing....is there any claim I can't run you off of?


I'll be oh-so happy to tell you. Right after you show us the video of Ms. Obama saying her husband was born in Kenya.

Its only been 2 days of perfect failure. Surely you can do better. I've even offered you a reward: my home country! Now all you have to do is back up your bullshit.

I won't hold my breath.

What is YOUR HOME COUNTRY....your suppression of reality and your refusal to answer the question, is enough to know you are, and have no honesty, just another FAGERAL trait, that repeats and repeats!

Natural Born... Not "Native Born" , which Dr. Titus explains in the following videos, is a 'Citizen by Birth'.

Look! Its running again!

10 pages insisting it was the *dictionary* that had to be followed, that it was the *dictionary* that defined natural born. And all of a sudden, it won't discuss the dictionary. It completely ignores the dictionary.

What a difference an hour makes!
The phrase at issue is "Natural Born Citizen"... which, despite your subjective need that such be synonymous with Native Born, it is NOT!

And now its calling the dictionary 'subjective'! Adorable! You can't make this shit up! It ignores the Supreme Court. It ignores English Common Law. And now it ignores its own source, the dictionary...

"Natural Born:

1. native-born.

2. by virtue of one's nature, qualities, or innate talent:

a natural-born musician.

Natural born Define Natural born at Dictionary.com

Per its own sources, Native Born and Natural born are the same.

And when you go to Native Born, the first definition provided by the dictionary, you get this:

Native Born:


1. born in the place or country indicated:

a native-born Australian.

Native-born Define Native-born at Dictionary.com

And the best part? The absolutely BEST part?

But how cool is it that for your thesis to stand, the DICTIONARY can NOT be used to define the words at issue!

Laughing! Keys, you make this so easy!
But the only 'evidence' she has produced is that she is incapable of objective reason...

Says the poor soul who just started ignoring the dictionary -your own source- when it contradicted them. And ignored the Supreme Court. And ignored English Common law.

And of course ran from every discussion of the subjectivity of religion, tail tucked tightly between his quivering haunches.

Laughing....is there any claim I can't run you off of?


I'll be oh-so happy to tell you. Right after you show us the video of Ms. Obama saying her husband was born in Kenya.

Its only been 2 days of perfect failure. Surely you can do better. I've even offered you a reward: my home country! Now all you have to do is back up your bullshit.

I won't hold my breath.

What is YOUR HOME COUNTRY....your suppression of reality and your refusal to answer the question, is enough to know you are, and have no honesty, just another FAGERAL trait, that repeats and repeats!

Supression of reality? Hawaii confirmed Obama was born in Hawaii like 4 times. Including a COLB in 2008 which is prima facie evidence in any court, and confirmation from the Registrar of Hawaii to then Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett confirming Obama was born in Hawaii according to the original vital records held by the State. And confirmed that the information on the image of the LFBC that they scanned and sent Obama in 2011 matched their original vital records.

And you ignore it completely for absolutely no reason. You're in complete and utter denial.

And best of all? You still can't show me one video of Mrs. Obama ever saying that her husband was born in Kenya. Ever!

Its like a fail layer cake topped with frosting of desperate, willful ignorance.
Says the poor soul who just started ignoring the dictionary -your own source- when it contradicted them. And ignored the Supreme Court. And ignored English Common law.

And of course ran from every discussion of the subjectivity of religion, tail tucked tightly between his quivering haunches.

Laughing....is there any claim I can't run you off of?


I'll be oh-so happy to tell you. Right after you show us the video of Ms. Obama saying her husband was born in Kenya.

Its only been 2 days of perfect failure. Surely you can do better. I've even offered you a reward: my home country! Now all you have to do is back up your bullshit.

I won't hold my breath.

What is YOUR HOME COUNTRY....your suppression of reality and your refusal to answer the question, is enough to know you are, and have no honesty, just another FAGERAL trait, that repeats and repeats!

Supression of reality? Hawaii confirmed Obama was born in Hawaii like 4 times. Including a COLB in 2008 which is prima facie evidence in any court, and confirmation from the Registrar of Hawaii to then Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett confirming Obama was born in Hawaii according to the original vital records held by the State. And confirmed that the information on the image of the LFBC that they scanned and sent Obama in 2011 matched their original vital records.

And you ignore it completely for absolutely no reason. You're in complete and utter denial.

And best of all? You still can't show me one video of Mrs. Obama ever saying that her husband was born in Kenya. Ever!

Its like a fail layer cake.
What is YOUR HOME COUNTRY....your suppression of reality and your refusal to answer the question, is enough to know you are stalling, and you have no honesty, just another FAGERAL trait, that repeats and repeats!

Show me a video of Ms. Obama saying that her husband was born in Kenya and I'll be happy to tell you.

You know the rules. Follow them and you get what you want. Don't, and you remain hat in hand, begging me.

I win either way.
You know the rules you have to follow: show me a video of Ms. Obama saying her husband was born in Kenya and I'll tell you what my home country is.

When you're ready to obediently comply, I'll be around.
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