Ted Cruz on bernadino -“another manifestation of radical Islamic terrorism"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Unfortunately cruz loves israel as much as he hates Islam. Fact is both israel and all muslim states are the enemy.

Ted Cruz: 'We Are At A Time Of War' With Radical Islam - Breitbart

dec 3 2015 Republican presidential candidate
tells the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) that America must define its enemies, stand by its allies, and fight against radical Islamic terrorism.

Its “another manifestation of radical Islamic terrorism here at home,” Cruz said. “This horrific murder underscores that we are at a time of war, whether the current Administration is willing to acknowledge it, our enemies are at war with us,” he added.

The Republican Senator from Texas castigated President Obama’s strategy against radical Islam. Our strategy “should be very simple: We win. They lose,” he said, borrowing the words of former President Ronald Reagan.
if true that Israel is a pawn to Cruz its also true that the ;pali' are a pawn to mrobama and the liberal dems Bodecea .
There is NO FACT to this being "Islamic terrorism". At this point, he was just a crazed gunman who happens to have a religion.
I bet Cruz is one of them that say when mass murderers are Christian and kill people, it has nothing to do with faith.
This is one of the main reasons I cant support this man. He is a religious hypocrite
There is NO FACT to this being "Islamic terrorism". At this point, he was just a crazed gunman who happens to have a religion.
I bet Cruz is one of them that say when mass murderers are Christian and kill people, it has nothing to do with faith.
This is one of the main reasons I cant support this man. He is a religious hypocrite
obvous to me that this was a pair of muslims that did some 'jihad' . Its sad , sorry to see it happen but glad that a pair of muslims did it !!
Go Ted Cruz !! [and as an afterthought Go Trump but this comment is about Cruz]
pipe bombs found in jihadis residence . No link as I just heard the news on tely !! Plus obvious pre planning being mentioned by FBI spokesman .
Cruz is just another idiot looking for his 10 seconds of fame at the expense of others, just like those sorry bastards that shot 14 people to death were.

He might as well have said a Liberal bird shit on the hood of a conservatives car. Anything to fire up the opposition and build a political fence between the two.

Cruz is just another idiot looking for his 10 seconds of fame at the expense of others, just like those sorry bastards that shot 14 people to death were.

He might as well have said a Liberal bird shit on the hood of a conservatives car. Anything to fire up the opposition and build a political fence between the two.

GOOD for the division the both Cruz and Trump are causing Siete !!
Cruz is just another idiot looking for his 10 seconds of fame at the expense of others, just like those sorry bastards that shot 14 people to death were.

Wait a minute. Are you calling Cruz a democrat?
Did she radicalize him?...

Family was concerned about San Bernardino female shooter's extremist messages
The female shooter in San Bernardino rampage was a 'modern girl' who began posting extremist messages on Facebook
Tashfeen Malik, the 29-year-old female shooter in the deadly San Bernardino rampage, was a onetime "modern girl" who became religious during college and then began posting extremist messages on Facebook after arriving in the U.S., a family member in Pakistan told the Los Angeles Times.


The family member, in Malik's hometown of Karor Lal Esan who asked to not be identified, said Malik's postings on Facebook were a source of concern for her family. "After a couple of years in college, she started becoming religious. She started taking part in religious activities and also started asking women in the family and the locality to become good Muslims. She started taking part in religious activities of women in the area,” the family member told The Times. "She used to talk to somebody in Arabic at night on the Internet. None of our family members in Pakistan know Arabic, so we do not know what she used to discuss," the family member said. The family speaks Urdu and a dialect of Punjabi known as Saraiki.

Malik's paternal aunt, Hafza Batool, told a local correspondent of the BBC that the family was in a state of shock. "She was so modern. I do not know what had happened to her. She brought a bad name to our family," Batool said. Malik pledged allegiance on Facebook to a leader of Islamic State just as Wednesday's attack was getting underway. The family member who spoke with The Times anonymously said Malik, who was born in Pakistan, moved with her family to Saudi Arabia when she was a child. Malik returned frequently to the Punjab region of Pakistan to visit family and then returned to study pharmacology at Bahauddin Zakariya University in the city of Multan in southern Punjab to study from 2007 to 2012, the family member said. After attending the university, she returned to Saudi Arabia.


FBI raids home of San Bernardino shooter's friend over gun purchases
5 Dec.`15 - FBI agents on Saturday raided a Riverside home belonging to a friend of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook as they try to determine whether the man purchased two of the semiautomatic rifles used in the massacre, according to a law enforcement source.
The source, who asked to remain anonymous because the case is ongoing, said officials have been trying to talk to man to see what he knows about the attack. It's far from clear whether the man had anything to do with the violence or even knew what Farook did with the guns, the source added. A second source said the guns were purchased three years ago. The search warrant was served at the home on Tomlinson Avenue, according FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said. She did not have a specific address. "The warrant has been sealed by the court and I am prohibited from commenting further," she said.

Victor Venegas, who lives in the neighborhood, said law enforcement showed up at a home in the 3800 block of Tomlinson Avenue early Saturday and stayed for a few hours. He and other neighbors have said Enrique Marquez, Jr., a young man who lived at the home, and Farook appeared to be good friends. The source said Marquez is the person the FBI is seeking to interview. Farook, his parents and siblings lived on Tomlinson for several years before moving out a few months ago. Marquez lived next door. While Farook generally kept to himself, the one exception was his friendship with Marquez, who like him, loved to tinker with cars, neighbors said.

On Thursday, Gustavo Ramirez, who said he was Marquez' stepdad told a Times reporter that he and his wife hadn't heard from Marquez since Wednesday afternoon and were concerned. Ramirez said it was unlike Marquez not to come home. On Friday someone had put up a sign in the family's yard that said: "Please keep off the property thank you." The garage door appeared to have been busted and a window was shattered. Meanwhile, President Obama vowed Saturday that investigators would "get to the bottom" of themassacre as new details emerged about the woman at the center of the terrorism investigation.

One of the two assailants, Tashfeen Malik, pledged allegiance to an Islamic State leader in a Facebook posting, officials said. And the other shooter, her husband Farook, had contact with people from at least two terrorist organizations overseas, including the Al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front in Syria, a federal law enforcement official said. On Saturday, several news organizations including CNN and the Associated Press reported that the Islamic State extremist group had described the couple as "supporters" of the group in an online radio broadcast. The broadcast declared "we pray to God to accept them as martyrs" but did not say whether ISIS played any role in the planning of the attack.

There is NO FACT to this being "Islamic terrorism". At this point, he was just a crazed gunman who happens to have a religion.
I bet Cruz is one of them that say when mass murderers are Christian and kill people, it has nothing to do with faith.
This is one of the main reasons I cant support this man. He is a religious hypocrite

It is beyond 'fact' that San Bernardino was struck with an Islamic terrorist attack, it is an axiomatic function of reality.

Christians are perfectly capable of taking life without a sound moral justification... but they cannot do so and remain within the scope of Christianity, thus there is no means for any individual or collective of Christians to reasonably take human life, absent sound moral justification, to take the life of another in the name of Christ.

This in contrast to Islam, wherein the taking of human life is REQUIRED... on nothing more of a justification, than the life reject Islam.

There's no separating THAT... from Islam, because THAT IS ISLAM.
Cruz is just another idiot...


Of course, Cruz, whose IQ is demonstrably hovering north of 150 pts... is an idiot, when set in the shadow of an intellect which could not score 100, (that's you, dumbass) under any circumstances.

Funny stuff... .
Cruz is just another idiot...


Of course, Cruz, whose IQ is demonstrably hovering north of 150 pts... is an idiot, when set in the shadow of an intellect which could not score 100, (that's you, dumbass) under any circumstances.

Funny stuff... .

I find Cruz to be a very intelligent man with his knowledge of the laws, or procedures in a court room, book smart.

As far as street smart, emotional smart I feel that he lacks in this tremendously. This is why he seems so practiced during his debates, town hall meetings, or speaking to the press. It is like he is not comfortable in his own skin.

History has shown us that the candidate with strong body language, and emotional intelligence, usually wins.
It is not something that you can learn in a book.

This is why we see the candidates on talk shows trying to connect on a emotional level, the only Republican that I see with that type of connection is Trump and Rubio,

Obama gonna get to the bottom of it...

Islamic State describes Californian shooters as followers
Saturday 5th December, 2015 | WASHINGTON D.C. - U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed federal investigators will uncover what motivated a married couple in California to shoot and kill 14 people."We are strong. And we are resilient. And we will not be terrorized," Obama said in his weekly address on December 5.
Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook were killed in a shoot-out with police after the December 2 attack during a holiday party at a social-services agency in San Bernardino, California. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating the massacre as an "act of terrorism" after Malik was believed to have pledged allegiance to a leader of the militant group Islamic State (IS). "It is entirely possible that these two attackers were radicalized to commit this act of terror," Obama said.


"And if so, it would underscore a threat we've been focused on for years,the danger of people succumbing to violent extremist ideologies." Earlier on December 4, FBI Director James Comey told reporters in Washington that the probe had become a federal terrorism inquiry. "The reason for that is that the investigation so far has developed indications of radicalization by the killers and of potential inspiration by foreign terrorist organizations," he said. Comey said there were no indications that the couple was part of a terrorist cell or a network of terrorism. He said neither was under investigation by the FBI and that even though one or both had had contacts with other individuals who were being investigated by the FBI, none were significant enough that they would have put the couple on the FBI's "radar screen." However, the IS group said in an online radio broadcast on December 5 that two followers of the extremist group had carried out the attack.

"Two followers of Islamic State attacked several days ago a center in San Bernardino in California," the group's daily Al-Bayan broadcast said. Earlier, David Bowditch, assistant director for the FBI's Los Angeles office, said investigators were looking at the "digital fingerprints" left on computers and elsewhere and that two partially destroyed cell phones had been recovered from trash cans not far from the scene of the shooting in San Bernardino, about 100 kilometers east of Los Angeles. Officials say Malik and Farook used automatic weapons, handguns, and pipe bombs in the attack. Farook had attended the holiday party at the agency and then reportedly left agitated before returning with his wife, heavily armed and wearing tactical vests. Authorities have said that the couple fired as many as 75 rounds into the room where the holiday party was being held before fleeing and they had more than 1,600 rounds left when they were killed.


See also:

Pakistani security seeks to tamp down reporting on California shooter
6 Dec.`15 - Pakistani security forces appeared to be trying to dampen down reporting this weekend on the background of Tashfeen Malik, who mounted an attack alongside her husband that killed 14 people in California.
Three professors at Malik's university said they had been advised not to talk to the media, while men claiming to be from Pakistan's security agencies told reporters to drop their investigations into her background on pain of arrest. An official at the interior ministry later said this was due to a "misunderstanding". U.S. authorities are treating last Wednesday's mass shooting in San Bernardino as an "act of terrorism". Malik, 29, and husband Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, were killed two hours later in a shootout with police.

The Iraq- and Syria-based Islamic State jihadist group has claimed the couple as its followers, although it has not said it was in contact with them or that it directed the attack. Malik was born in Pakistan but spent most of her life in Saudi Arabia before she came to the United States to marry her husband, a U.S. citizen. She had a degree in pharmacy from a university in Pakistan's central city of Multan. On Sunday, three professors at Bahauddin Zakariya University, which Malik attended, said they had been instructed by security agencies not to speak to reporters.

One, who asked not to be named, said security officials visited the university on Saturday and removed records and pictures of Tashfeen. "She was a very reserved person, a very quiet girl, she kept to herself," the professor said. "I could have never imagined she was capable of something like this. And there was nothing on the surface to suggest she had such extremist tendencies." "I think this change in her mind, whenever it happened, must be very recent. The girl I remember ... she could not have the guts to do this." Another former professor said he did not remember her at all. "She was probably not someone who stood out, academically or otherwise," he said.


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