Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

Why do you keep saying I said things I never said, you miserable fuckstain.
Tell us why TX restricted many voting places in black communities and reduced the number of total polling stations, all in the fake news of voter fraud. No other reason except you believe blacks too inferior to get to one. Your words not mine.
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Texas: Slave State. Voted for Trump
North Carolina: Slave State: Voted for Trump
South Carolina: Slave State: Voted for Trump
Arkansas: Slave State: Voted for Trump
Louisiana: Slave State: Voted for Trump
Mississippi: Slave State: Voted for Trump
Alabama: Slave State: Voted for Trump
Tennessee: Slave State: Voted for Trump
Florida: Slave State: Voted for Trump
Georgia: Slave State: Voted for Biden
Virginia: Slave State: Voted for Biden
West Virginia: Part of Slave State Virginia: Voted for Trump

The former confederate states know who represents the legacy of the confederacy and its defense of slavery. As do black folks.

Which is why the former slave states overwhelmingly voted for Trump. And black folks overwhelmingly voted for Biden.
Trump didn't run for office in the 19th century.
Back at ya.
Quote me saying You don’t think blacks know how to get an id.
Tell us why TX restricted many voting places in black communities and reduced the number of total polling stations, all in the fake news of voter fraud.
Damn those pesky facts. Apparently history wasn't AOC's best subject.

AOC is a clown show. I mean has this woman done anything productive or is she just a radical extremist mouthpiece that goes off every hour about something. Good job to Cruz for schooling her.

So is Ted Cruz. Nathan Bedford Forrest became an advocate for African Americans.

Amazon product ASIN 1589808347.
Damn those pesky facts. Apparently history wasn't AOC's best subject.

AOC is a clown show. I mean has this woman done anything productive or is she just a radical extremist mouthpiece that goes off every hour about something. Good job to Cruz for schooling her.


George Wallace - "Segregation Forever"

George Wallace Democrat won on a platform of racial segregation and was backed by the Ku Klux Klan. -- 1962.
Apparently AOC doesn't allow facts do not get in the way.
From it's creation to today the Democrat Party has been: the party of slavery, Nullification, filibusters, Border Ruffians, Secessionists, Copperheads, the KKK, Black Codes, Jim Crow, segregation, and lynch mobs.

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George Wallace - "Segregation Forever"

George Wallace Democrat won on a platform of racial segregation and was backed by the Ku Klux Klan. -- 1962.
Apparently AOC doesn't allow facts do not get in the way.
From it's creation to today the Democrat Party has been: the party of slavery, Nullification, filibusters, Border Ruffians, Secessionists, Copperheads, the KKK, Black Codes, Jim Crow, segregation, and lynch mobs.

Why would democrats want to go over to the party that kicked their ass in the civil war. Yeah…….. no
If that’s the case, we need to remind Ted Cruz that HIS State of Texas was founded on slavery, fought against the US and enforced Jim Crow

Butbutbutbut Ted’s state!

I’ve only read four posts in this thread so far and I can tell it’s going to be filled with entertainment from the leftists.
Damn those pesky facts. Apparently history wasn't AOC's best subject.

AOC is a clown show. I mean has this woman done anything productive or is she just a radical extremist mouthpiece that goes off every hour about something. Good job to Cruz for schooling her.

Horseface is lucky if she remembers which shoe goes on which foot (or on the feet at all).
The demented LEFT are in 5th gear gaslight mode denying their documented history.
The "Big Switch" is a FAT LIE!
They claim the Confederacy was "CONSERVATIVE", yet it was the Confederacy that STARTED THE CIVIL WAR!
To conserve WHAT??????????
Liars all, through and through these leftist vermin!

Butbutbutbut Ted’s state!

I’ve only read four posts in this thread so far and I can tell it’s going to be filled with entertainment from the leftists.
Yes…Teds state
The great state of Texas

Wasnt AOCs state that was founded on slavery and joined the Confederacy
What does that have to do with the fact that your (BlindBoo) fellow DemoKKKrats presided over virtually every lynching in this country's history?

Much more recently, Democrats voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was ONLY passed by Republican votes.

Racists to the core. "I'll have them n****** voting Democrat for the next 200 years. " - Democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson

"We don't want our children living in a racial jungle!" - President Joe Biden in his home state pandering to racist Democrats


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