Ted Cruz Says SCOTUS 'Clearly Wrong' to Legalize Gay Marriage

You want to murder women who have had abortions, school officials who promote pro-LGBTQ…

Thso0e who murder innocent children deserve to die. So do those who sexually abuse children. That you take the side of such filth against the side of children, against the side of human beings, only goes to show what a amorally fucked-up piece of shit you truly are.

…policies, politicians who raise your taxes, people of color who commit petty property crimes (but not white collar criminals, of course), and the list goes on and on.

The rest are just lies, and you know damn well that they are lies. You've repeatedly been challenged to link to any post in which I have said any such things. You know that you cannot, because you know that you are flat-out lying about what you claim I've ever said.
The SCOTUS decision, is its decision. He should just move on to other topics. The heart wants who the heart wants. For all I care some woman can marry her favorite horse. I just don't want to witness what goes on behind the stable doors.
But, if you are photographer you will be forced to photograph what is happening behind the stable doors
Thso0e who murder innocent children deserve to die. So do those who sexually abuse children. That you take the side of such filth against the side of children, against the side of human beings, only goes to show what a amorally fucked-up piece of shit you truly are.

Fetuses aren't children and helping a gay kid to understand himself isn't sexual abuse.

But you have a murdering mind, like most religious fanatics. Nothing more dangerous than a guy who thinks he's "right".

The rest are just lies, and you know damn well that they are lies. You've repeatedly been challenged to link to any post in which I have said any such things. You know that you cannot, because you know that you are flat-out lying about what you claim I've ever said.
Yes, except you say this shit all the time.
Fetuses aren't children and helping a gay kid to understand himself isn't sexual abuse.

But you have a murdering mind, like most religious fanatics. Nothing more dangerous than a guy who thinks he's "right".

Yes, except you say this shit all the time.

A fetus is similarly situated to an infant Joe.

And no child can know they are gay until well after puberty.
Fetuses aren't children…

That lie will never take on any truth, no matter how often or how loudly you keep repeating it.

The hard truth is that they are human,. and you only defend the murder thereof. Ironically, while trying to accuse me of being murderous for wishing that the true murderers be brought to justice.

All you are proving is what a morally-fucked-up sociopathic piece of shit you are. That really is not necessary, as everyone here already knows.

…and helping a gay kid to understand himself isn't sexual abuse.

Children don't become “gay”, nor any other sort of fucked-up sexual perverts, unless some sick pedophile is filling their heads with that shit. And that is what you are openly defending.

All you are proving is what a morally-fucked-up sociopathic piece of shit you are. That really is not necessary, as everyone here already knows.

The rest are just lies, and you know damn well that they are lies. You've repeatedly been challenged to link to any post in which I have said any such things.
Yes, except you say this shit all the time.

If I really say that shit all the time, as you claim, then surely you can link to some specific examples of me doing so.

You cannot, because I have never held nor expressed the positions that you are falsely attributing to me.

All you accomplish, here, is to show what a lying piece of shit you are. That really is not necessary, as everyone here already knows.
A fetus is similarly situated to an infant Joe.

And no child can know they are gay until well after puberty.

Fetuses aren't viable separated from the womb... so not a person.
Most gay kids know they are gay before they hit puberty.

That lie will never take on any truth, no matter how often or how loudly you keep repeating it.

The hard truth is that they are human,. and you only defend the murder thereof. Ironically, while trying to accuse me of being murderous for wishing that the true murderers be brought to justice.

All you are proving is what a morally-fucked-up sociopathic piece of shit you are. That really is not necessary, as everyone here already knows.

Not at all. If you guys wanted less abortions, there are ways to get there- universal health care, paid family leave, comprehensive sex education, etc. Those, nasty, nasty liberal policies you hate so much.

But here's the reality- if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant, and the first time you try to punish a woman for having an abortion, the fucking world of hurt is going to come down on your side. if you guys thought 2022 was bad for you, wait until 2024 when the XX Chromosome crowd realizes what you are up to.

Children don't become “gay”, nor any other sort of fucked-up sexual perverts, unless some sick pedophile is filling their heads with that shit. And that is what you are openly defending.

All you are proving is what a morally-fucked-up sociopathic piece of shit you are. That really is not necessary, as everyone here already knows.

Do you actually know any gay people, Bob? (Well, you probably do, but they are in the closet.) If you actually talked to a gay person without screaming bible verses at them, every last one of them would tell you no one made them gay, they knew they were gay at a pretty early age.
Wait, what? Define viable. It can’t live outside the womb on its own? Neither can an infant. They are similarly situated Joe.

The extent of your bloodlust is incredible.
Wait, what? Define viable. It can’t live outside the womb on its own? Neither can an infant. They are similarly situated Joe.

The extent of your bloodlust is incredible.

An infant can continue for hours or days without being fed. (Not that anyone would do such a thing.)

A fetus will die within minutes of being separated from it's mother.

The fact is, the notion of personhood for zygotes/embryos/fetuses would have implications far beyond abortion, which is why the law will never do it.

For instance, all 400,000 embryos in frozen storage are being held illegally in violation of their rights.

Every last one of the 500,000 miscarriages in this country should be investigated as a potential homicide to make sure the woman didn't do anything to cause the miscarriage.

Women could be prohibited from holding down certain jobs that might pose a risk to even a potential fetus.

Having a sip of wine or a smoke while pregnant could be treated as assault.

Giving a fetus more rights than the woman it is inside makes women second class citizens. Women vote, fetuses don't. You lose.
An infant can continue for hours or days without being fed. (Not that anyone would do such a thing.)

A fetus will die within minutes of being separated from it's mother.

The fact is, the notion of personhood for zygotes/embryos/fetuses would have implications far beyond abortion, which is why the law will never do it.

For instance, all 400,000 embryos in frozen storage are being held illegally in violation of their rights.

Every last one of the 500,000 miscarriages in this country should be investigated as a potential homicide to make sure the woman didn't do anything to cause the miscarriage.

Women could be prohibited from holding down certain jobs that might pose a risk to even a potential fetus.

Having a sip of wine or a smoke while pregnant could be treated as assault.

Giving a fetus more rights than the woman it is inside makes women second class citizens. Women vote, fetuses don't. You lose.

Hey Joe. A fetus separated from its mother is, by definition, a newborn infant.

You want to give that another try?
The fact is, the notion of personhood for zygotes/embryos/fetuses would have implications far beyond abortion, which is why the law will never do it.

Recognizing full personhood for black people had some significant implications.

So what? It was wrong to deny their personhood, and to deny them what, even then, we recognized as basic human rights, no matter what benefits we had to gain by treating them as less than human, no matter the cost of recognizing them as fully human..

The same is exactly true of the unborn.
No, there was just an "equality" commission threatening hundreds and thousands in fines.

Get the facts .. the baker thought laughing about what he did on Facebook would be good for business.

You have a Fascist bent. Is that typical of Mormons?
Recognizing full personhood for black people had some significant implications.

So what? It was wrong to deny their personhood, and to deny them what, even then, we recognized as basic human rights, no matter what benefits we had to gain by treating them as less than human, no matter the cost of recognizing them as fully human..

The same is exactly true of the unborn.

Poor women whatever their color suffer more miscarriages, pregnancies and maternal mortality. You sure are self righteous.
Poor women whatever their color suffer more miscarriages, pregnancies and maternal mortality. You sure are self righteous.
Miscarriages happen it's part of being a species. The number of babies born is way more than the nation needs so it's all good.

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