Ted Cruz."The First Latino President". No Wonder The Liberal Leaning Media Is In Full Panic Mode.

When NO WORK, you CHOOSE not to work.... with millions of stores now empty across the country, WE CHOOSE not to work.... What shit are you smoking?
There are more people working today than ever in the history of this great country you are obsessed in lying about!
There are at least 13 MILLION MORE PEOPLE here today than 10 years ago, what would you expect? Idiot!
6.5 million want a job, most of the rest CAN'T GET A JOB and have stopped looking!!!!! You fucking idiot, you have no idea of this, do you?
Less than 1 million have given up looking, you lying POS!

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 732,000 discouraged workers in
Over the past couple of years, the labor force participation rate in this country has been hovering near mutli-decade lows

The labor force participation rate hovered between 62.9 percent and 62.7 percent in the eleven months from April 2014 through February, and has been 62.9 percent or lower in 13 of the 17 months since October 2013.

Prior to that, the last time the rate was below 63 percent was 37 years ago, in March 1978 when it was 62.8 percent, the same rate it was in February.
So what? The labor force participation rate does not indicate the health of the job market. Never has. It's just the last remaining talking point of the brain-dead right.

BUT it is all connected to MILLIONS of store closings! :ahole-1:
BLS shit. You know, the same source you are citing the 90+ million from.

You never learn, do ya?

Yes, YOU are the economic Guru, NOT the BLS! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ack-1: Perhaps you need to change your name to GUANO....bird shit!
They're not my numbers, ya friggin' :gay: vagisil :gay: -- they're from the BLS.

The BLS reports almost 93 million people are not in the labor force:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

And it's also the BLS reporting that only 6.5 million of them want a job.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Oh, and one more thing, the U-6 rate does not indicate there are 90 million out of work. We'll just chalk that bit of idiocy up to your mental retardation.

6.5 million want a job, most of the rest CAN'T GET A JOB and have stopped looking!!!!! You fucking idiot, you have no idea of this, do you? Besiede BLS uses GOV'T numbers that are notoriously FUDGED to make the current administration LOOK good.... such as Calif. has had months when NOT reporting numbers and is left out of the statistics!
You are a complete fucking retard. There really is no other explanation for how you consistently say the dumbest shit imaginable. The survey asks them if they want a job now, regardless of how long they've been unemployed, and statistically, only 6.5 million of them answered, "yes."

When out of work and failing to get work for 2 or more years of the Obuma's horrible economy why would they say anything else? And STATISTICALLY, has NOTHING to do with reality!
Why the fuck would they say they don't want a job if they do? You should be fucking Baker acted. You really are that nuts. :cuckoo:
90+ Million unemployed according to U6
:eusa_naughty: :eusa_liar:

I don't know, I think I'll have to stop calling you EdTheLiar to EdThe REALLYFUCKING Stupid!

The primary reason for the decline in the official “unemployment rate” is the fact that the government now considers millions upon millions of long-term unemployed workers to “no longer be in the labor force”. Just check out the following numbers

The number of Americans participating in the labor force has been on a decline for the past few years. Nearly 33 percent of the Americans above age 16 are not part of the workforce, the highest number since 1978. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report issued recently has found 92,898,000 Americans above age 16 not a part of the labor force of the country as on February 2015.

When President Obama took over the office in January 2009, nearly 80,529,000 Americans were not a part of the labor force. The number has increase by nearly 12 million over the last few years.
The 93 million are NOT the long-termed unemployed, that is again a lie. They are mostly people who do not want a job. I will list them below:

I'm rounding off to make it easy:

40 million retirees

21 million college students

10.5 million stay at home moms

9 million high school students over 16

9 million disabled

2 million family caregivers

1 million stay at home dads

Just admit it, you swallow any lie fed to you by GOP hate radio without giving it a thought.
:gay: vagisil :gay: is such an imbecile, he doesn't even know the BLS is reports there are almost 102 million 16 and over who are not working.

Yes like 10+ Million stay at home mom's..... dishonesty, only FAGERALS can do it while looking you in the eye!
10 Quick Facts Marketers Should Know About 10 Million Stay-at-Home Moms The Market Strategist

Stay-at-Home Moms are a Growing Group
The recent news about stay-at-home moms is that they are a growing group, with 29% of moms with kids less than 18 are staying at home, according to a Pew Research Centertrends report.

This 29% represents an increase from 1999, when 23% of moms stayed at home and compares with an estimated 6% of dads. In absolute numbers,Pew’s analysis shows that this represents an increase from 8.4 million stay-at-home moms in 2000 to 10.4 million in 2013, roughly 2 million more moms.
6.5 million want a job, most of the rest CAN'T GET A JOB and have stopped looking!!!!! You fucking idiot, you have no idea of this, do you?
Less than 1 million have given up looking, you lying POS!

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 732,000 discouraged workers in
Over the past couple of years, the labor force participation rate in this country has been hovering near mutli-decade lows

The labor force participation rate hovered between 62.9 percent and 62.7 percent in the eleven months from April 2014 through February, and has been 62.9 percent or lower in 13 of the 17 months since October 2013.

Prior to that, the last time the rate was below 63 percent was 37 years ago, in March 1978 when it was 62.8 percent, the same rate it was in February.
So what? The labor force participation rate does not indicate the health of the job market. Never has. It's just the last remaining talking point of the brain-dead right.

BUT it is all connected to MILLIONS of store closings! :ahole-1:
Imbecile ... the number of folks who are not in the labor force but want a job is 6.5 million. It matters not if you can't deal with that number; but I do find it cute how you delude yourself into believing the BLS numbers you post are accurate but the BLS numbers I post are not. :lol:
Yes, YOU are the economic Guru, NOT the BLS! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ack-1: Perhaps you need to change your name to GUANO....bird shit!
They're not my numbers, ya friggin' :gay: vagisil :gay: -- they're from the BLS.

The BLS reports almost 93 million people are not in the labor force:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

And it's also the BLS reporting that only 6.5 million of them want a job.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Oh, and one more thing, the U-6 rate does not indicate there are 90 million out of work. We'll just chalk that bit of idiocy up to your mental retardation.

6.5 million want a job, most of the rest CAN'T GET A JOB and have stopped looking!!!!! You fucking idiot, you have no idea of this, do you? Besiede BLS uses GOV'T numbers that are notoriously FUDGED to make the current administration LOOK good.... such as Calif. has had months when NOT reporting numbers and is left out of the statistics!
You are a complete fucking retard. There really is no other explanation for how you consistently say the dumbest shit imaginable. The survey asks them if they want a job now, regardless of how long they've been unemployed, and statistically, only 6.5 million of them answered, "yes."

When out of work and failing to get work for 2 or more years of the Obuma's horrible economy why would they say anything else? And STATISTICALLY, has NOTHING to do with reality!
Why the fuck would they say they don't want a job if they do? You should be fucking Baker acted. You really are that nuts. :cuckoo:

You fucking idiot, you never heard of working OFF THE BOOKS? Why say you want a job when the UNDERGROUND economy SAVES TRILLIONS of dollars when you DON'T HAVE TO PAY TAX ON YOUR EARNINGS! You truly KNOW NOTHING about the REAL economy, only BS! :321:
You just can't stop yourself from lying!
Applications are meaningless, like the LPR, and deliberately misleading, which is why the Right use them instead of disability AWARDS, which have been DOWN since 2010.

Disabled-worker statistics

When you can't get unemployment or disability, and you NEED money, where do you look.... OFF THE BOOK JOBS, another idiot that only knows Statistics that don't tell the REAL STORY.... Why do I bother!!!
They're not my numbers, ya friggin' :gay: vagisil :gay: -- they're from the BLS.

The BLS reports almost 93 million people are not in the labor force:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

And it's also the BLS reporting that only 6.5 million of them want a job.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Oh, and one more thing, the U-6 rate does not indicate there are 90 million out of work. We'll just chalk that bit of idiocy up to your mental retardation.

6.5 million want a job, most of the rest CAN'T GET A JOB and have stopped looking!!!!! You fucking idiot, you have no idea of this, do you? Besiede BLS uses GOV'T numbers that are notoriously FUDGED to make the current administration LOOK good.... such as Calif. has had months when NOT reporting numbers and is left out of the statistics!
You are a complete fucking retard. There really is no other explanation for how you consistently say the dumbest shit imaginable. The survey asks them if they want a job now, regardless of how long they've been unemployed, and statistically, only 6.5 million of them answered, "yes."

When out of work and failing to get work for 2 or more years of the Obuma's horrible economy why would they say anything else? And STATISTICALLY, has NOTHING to do with reality!
Why the fuck would they say they don't want a job if they do? You should be fucking Baker acted. You really are that nuts. :cuckoo:

You fucking idiot, you never heard of working OFF THE BOOKS? Why say you want a job when the UNDERGROUND economy SAVES TRILLIONS of dollars when you DON'T HAVE TO PAY TAX ON YOUR EARNINGS! You truly KNOW NOTHING about the REAL economy, only BS! :321:
So now your position is the people you said are not employed are actually working??

So what the fuck are you whining about?? :cuckoo:
You just can't stop yourself from lying!
Applications are meaningless, like the LPR, and deliberately misleading, which is why the Right use them instead of disability AWARDS, which have been DOWN since 2010.

Disabled-worker statistics

When you can't get unemployment or disability, and you NEED money, where do you look.... OFF THE BOOK JOBS, another idiot that only knows Statistics that don't tell the REAL STORY.... Why do I bother!!!
So off the books jobs are jobs not counted by the BLS which means the U-3 rate is actually LESS than 5.5% and the LPR is really HIGHER than the BLS reports.

Thank you again!
You just can't stop yourself from lying!
Applications are meaningless, like the LPR, and deliberately misleading, which is why the Right use them instead of disability AWARDS, which have been DOWN since 2010.

Disabled-worker statistics

When you can't get unemployment or disability, and you NEED money, where do you look.... OFF THE BOOK JOBS, another idiot that only knows Statistics that don't tell the REAL STORY.... Why do I bother!!!
So off the books jobs are jobs not counted by the BLS which means the U-3 rate is actually LESS than 5.5%.

Thank you again!
Like I say all the time, :gay: vagisil :gay: is a complete fucking imbecile.

Hell, he just called himself a complete fucking imbecile. He just tacitly admitted the unemployment rate is lower than reported. After all his whining about how many people are not working, he points out many of them actually are.

You fucking idiot, you never heard of working OFF THE BOOKS?
That means the REAL "real" UE rate is LESS than 5.5%
Thank you!

And LOSING COUNTED WORKERS DAILY, as the GOVERNMENT is losing OVER $2 TRILLION in income tax yearly, causing the fucking DemocRAT president to want to RAISE TAXES! Estimates are that underground activity in 2012 totaled as much as $2 trillion, according to a study by Edgar Feige, an economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
You just can't stop yourself from lying!
Applications are meaningless, like the LPR, and deliberately misleading, which is why the Right use them instead of disability AWARDS, which have been DOWN since 2010.

Disabled-worker statistics

When you can't get unemployment or disability, and you NEED money, where do you look.... OFF THE BOOK JOBS, another idiot that only knows Statistics that don't tell the REAL STORY.... Why do I bother!!!
So off the books jobs are jobs not counted by the BLS which means the U-3 rate is actually LESS than 5.5% and the LPR is really HIGHER than the BLS reports.

Thank you again!

You still haven't figured in 13 million MORE people in the country, we are gaining over 1 million a year, mostly illegals, that are NOT counted and only TAKE money from us!
You just can't stop yourself from lying!
Applications are meaningless, like the LPR, and deliberately misleading, which is why the Right use them instead of disability AWARDS, which have been DOWN since 2010.

Disabled-worker statistics

When you can't get unemployment or disability, and you NEED money, where do you look.... OFF THE BOOK JOBS, another idiot that only knows Statistics that don't tell the REAL STORY.... Why do I bother!!!
So off the books jobs are jobs not counted by the BLS which means the U-3 rate is actually LESS than 5.5%.

Thank you again!
Like I say all the time, :gay: vagisil :gay: is a complete fucking imbecile.

Hell, he just called himself a complete fucking imbecile. He just tacitly admitted the unemployment rate is lower than reported. After all his whining about how many people are not working, he points out many of them actually are.


Again, you have over a million NEW people a year coming into the country NOT counted.... Now throw those people into the numbers.... I know this is HARD for you lightweights to understand! You just can't FIX the stupid! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You fucking idiot, you never heard of working OFF THE BOOKS?
That means the REAL "real" UE rate is LESS than 5.5%
Thank you!

And LOSING COUNTED WORKERS DAILY, as the GOVERNMENT is losing OVER $2 TRILLION in income tax yearly, causing the fucking DemocRAT president to want to RAISE TAXES! Estimates are that underground activity in 2012 totaled as much as $2 trillion, according to a study by Edgar Feige, an economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
You truly are the gift that keeps on giving, :gay: vagisil :gay:.

The average annual income is around $50,000. The $2 trillion figure you posted equates to roughly 40 million jobs.

So despite your ignorant rant about there being 90 million unemployed, YOU just posted about 40 million of them are actually working.

Are you beginning to understand yet why you're the forum retard?
I'll wager these two GENIUS'S think that there isn't going to be a substantial tax increase on the middle class either!
"Ted Cruz."The First Latino President". No Wonder The Liberal Leaning Media Is In Full Panic Mode".

Cruz won't be the 'first Latino president.'

And there is no 'left leaning media,' that's a lie contrived by conservatives and propagated by you and others on the right.

Cruz is a joke, his policy positions are ridiculous, reactionary, and wrong.

Cruz is being subject to justified ridicule because he is in fact ridiculous, having nothing to do with his ethnicity.
You just can't stop yourself from lying!
Applications are meaningless, like the LPR, and deliberately misleading, which is why the Right use them instead of disability AWARDS, which have been DOWN since 2010.

Disabled-worker statistics

When you can't get unemployment or disability, and you NEED money, where do you look.... OFF THE BOOK JOBS, another idiot that only knows Statistics that don't tell the REAL STORY.... Why do I bother!!!
So off the books jobs are jobs not counted by the BLS which means the U-3 rate is actually LESS than 5.5% and the LPR is really HIGHER than the BLS reports.

Thank you again!

You still haven't figured in 13 million MORE people in the country, we are gaining over 1 million a year, mostly illegals, that are NOT counted and only TAKE money from us!
There are 10,000 Boomers turning 65 years old every day and over 80% of the 40% of the working population they make up are retiring. So you figure out if they cover the population growth and then some.
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