alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee

now I see Chuck Todd of NBC is spreading dis-info......saying only a past president has standing in court on this....What?

and he offers no support for the statement except maybe for vague "legal scholars" or some such BS.....The office of president affects everyone in this country...........every citizen should have standing.

I think you misheard Todd.

Likely he said that only another presidential candidate has standing to sue regarding the eligibility of another candidate. This came up time and time again with all of the nutjob lawsuits regarding Obama's eligiblity.
You really do have to question the intelligence of Iowans if they choose Cruz.......

what a hypocrite he is, I'd bet he was one questioning Obamas birth...and yet he acknowledges he was born in Canada.

and so he gets some liberal pals at Harvard to put out a statement that he is eligible....isn't Harvard where Obama ran the law review journal?

Then the Washington post?...conveniently puts out a cartoon that has the predictable effect of rallying people to Cruz.....he is an establishment shill.

"You don't agree with me, so that means you're STUPID!"

And then you prove that the stupidest thing would be to agree with you.
Look, as much as I want Ted Cruz to run, the US Constitution says that the President must be born in the US. Otherwise, we could have an American mother giving birth to a Iranian child in Iran, and claiming "the boy is an American" just because she is/was. This could get way out of hand. Ted Cruz must step down. Our Constitution is dissolving way too fast as it is. Exponentially. If we as a nation don't follow the bedrock of our own laws, they will relax so much that we will hit a tipping point into uncontrollable anarchy. One exception leads to another, then another, then another. And before you know it, you have the Supreme Court declaring that children no longer enjoy rights to a mother and father in marriage...

...oh...wait...that already happened. Ted Cruz needs to pull out if he was born in Canada.

Oh, Christ, nothing like dumbasses proclaiming their desire to protect the Constitution while utterly misquoting and understanding it. If you can't be bothered to know what it says, why do you care if it dissolves or not?
now I see Chuck Todd of NBC is spreading dis-info......saying only a past president has standing in court on this....What?

and he offers no support for the statement except maybe for vague "legal scholars" or some such BS.....The office of president affects everyone in this country...........every citizen should have standing.

I think you misheard Todd.

Likely he said that only another presidential candidate has standing to sue regarding the eligibility of another candidate. This came up time and time again with all of the nutjob lawsuits regarding Obama's eligiblity.

I am pretty sure I didnt, saw others on twitter who also understood him this way......saying only another candidate can makes slightly more sense.....but still by any measure of justice wrong.
Commie Cruz is a Cuban who was born in Canada. What right does he have to be U.S. president?

Agreed--the right wing base, for 4 long years, blasted Obama as being born in Kenya and ineligible to be POTUS. Obama finally produces a U.S. born here birth certificate, and now the RIGHT is saying well O.K. Cruz is eligible--LOL IOW--Obama would have been eligible to be POTUS even "If" he were born in Kenya. It was nothing more than a 4 year long right wing topic of attack. THIS IS WHY REPUBLICANS LOSE.

This is ONE HUGE chicken that's going to be coming home to roost.

But Cruz's goose is already COOKED. This is the new advertisement that the (right wing) on this board was continually warned about, but ignored. This is being shown in all the early primary states. For all the others that weren't on this board I assume that RUSH LIMBAUGH forgot to mention this--LOL

"Is this who you want to be the next POTUS."


But hey, keep sending Cruz all those donations, he' going to need a lot of money for his senate campaign in 2018. He's lives in a state that has a 40% Hispanic population--LOL

Whether it's Grayson or not, there is no doubt that someone will be filing a lawsuit regarding Cruz's eligibility to be U.S. president.

Let them. Cruz has the written law and plenty of precedent on his side.

Duh, no he doesn't.

Duh, yes he does. Do you really think his mother is the only US citizen to have a child overseas and claim citizenship for him or her? Given that millions of Americans live and work overseas at any given moment, I know better.

The law is the law, and it's not the least bit ambiguous. Do you really think the courts are going to accept this ridiculous new invention of a third type of citizen, just because it suits the ignorant leftists of this country?
Alan Grayson was on Chris Hayes a few minutes ago - and he doubled down on his lawsuit threat against Cruz.
It's so cute when the slave adherents to George Soros' Democrat Party get their panties in a wad and go all birfer!

Whether it's Grayson or not, there is no doubt that someone will be filing a lawsuit regarding Cruz's eligibility to be U.S. president.

Let them. Cruz has the written law and plenty of precedent on his side.

Except the written law never defines natural born citizen. Nor is the term even used in the any of the 52 volumes of the USC.

And of course, the only time 'natural born citizen' is definitively described by the USSC.......was born in the US to US citizen parents. With the USSC acknowledging that 'there have been doubts' that those born outside the US are natural born citizens.

I would argue that Cruz is natural born. But there's no law nor court ruling that settles the issue without question.

Whether it's Grayson or not, there is no doubt that someone will be filing a lawsuit regarding Cruz's eligibility to be U.S. president.

Let them. Cruz has the written law and plenty of precedent on his side.

Except the written law never defines natural born citizen. Nor is the term even used in the any of the 52 volumes of the USC.

And of course, the only time 'natural born citizen' is definitively described by the USSC.......was born in the US to US citizen parents. With the USSC acknowledging that 'there have been doubts' that those born outside the US are natural born citizens.

I would argue that Cruz is natural born. But there's no law nor court ruling that settles the issue without question.
you're making that up.
that nut job should be locked away in mental ward or something. he's like a bad pain in the ass who just spews. he was kicked out of office for a reason, thankfully

Whether it's Grayson or not, there is no doubt that someone will be filing a lawsuit regarding Cruz's eligibility to be U.S. president.

Let them. Cruz has the written law and plenty of precedent on his side.

Except the written law never defines natural born citizen. Nor is the term even used in the any of the 52 volumes of the USC.

And of course, the only time 'natural born citizen' is definitively described by the USSC.......was born in the US to US citizen parents. With the USSC acknowledging that 'there have been doubts' that those born outside the US are natural born citizens.

I would argue that Cruz is natural born. But there's no law nor court ruling that settles the issue without question.
you're making that up.

Nope. See Minor v. Happersett.

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