Ted Cruz To Spearhead Fight Over Internet Control

For those here who don't understand what this is about (and I can't believe that anyone on this forum doesn't know), this is all about ICAN that manages the domain name system, and the Obama administration intends to relinquish power to an international group of stakeholders.

The Texas lawmaker warned it can be dangerous if the U.S. ignored the internet powers it enjoyed as countries like Russia, China and Iran would take over. GOP lawmakers don’t want the Obama administration to surrender its authority to ICANN, the global nonprofit organization that manages the internet’s domain name system.

Story w/lots of links @ The Captain's Journal » Ted Cruz To Spearhead Fight Over Internet Control

ICANN is based in Los Angeles in subject to federal and state law.

longknife, phone Ted and tell him.

I have not seen a conservative yet that had a clue what this is really about. Please explain how domain naming authority has anything to do with control of the internet? All this already independent group does is handle what comes after the dot in an internet address. That's it.

What could go wrong by letting China and Iran handle domain names in the US

I love it, I it! The Obama administration has given up control of the South China sea, Iraq, and nuclear weapons in Iran while giving them billions to boot.

After all those BRILLIANT moves, now they want to surrender some of their control of the internet. After seeing how the previous deals they cut worked out, why should anyone be concerned?!?!-)
For fucks sake will you people find out something about an issue before you react to it? Especially concerning the internet, I thought republican's opposition to net neutrality was the most uninformed opposition ever but this just about beats it.
Why is it that you leftist love to give power to the useless, America hating, U.N.?

Stop UN Control of the Internet
The United Nations is pushing to take control of the Internet – with the power to shut down international Internet communications if dictators demand it.

The Internet is an innovation of the United States and has been managed by a U.S. agency. We are fighting to make sure that America continues to manage the Internet; and more importantly, preserve free speech and the free flow of information the Internet provides. Sign our urgent petition today.

Stop UN Control of the Internet | American Center for Law and Justice
with the power to shut down international Internet communications if dictators demand it.

For those here who don't understand what this is about (and I can't believe that anyone on this forum doesn't know), this is all about ICAN that manages the domain name system, and the Obama administration intends to relinquish power to an international group of stakeholders.

The Texas lawmaker warned it can be dangerous if the U.S. ignored the internet powers it enjoyed as countries like Russia, China and Iran would take over. GOP lawmakers don’t want the Obama administration to surrender its authority to ICANN, the global nonprofit organization that manages the internet’s domain name system.

Story w/lots of links @ The Captain's Journal » Ted Cruz To Spearhead Fight Over Internet Control

ICANN is based in Los Angeles in subject to federal and state law.

longknife, phone Ted and tell him.

I have not seen a conservative yet that had a clue what this is really about. Please explain how domain naming authority has anything to do with control of the internet? All this already independent group does is handle what comes after the dot in an internet address. That's it.

What could go wrong by letting China and Iran handle domain names in the US

I love it, I it! The Obama administration has given up control of the South China sea, Iraq, and nuclear weapons in Iran while giving them billions to boot.

After all those BRILLIANT moves, now they want to surrender some of their control of the internet. After seeing how the previous deals they cut worked out, why should anyone be concerned?!?!-)
For fucks sake will you people find out something about an issue before you react to it? Especially concerning the internet, I thought republican's opposition to net neutrality was the most uninformed opposition ever but this just about beats it.
Why is it that you leftist love to give power to the useless, America hating, U.N.?

Stop UN Control of the Internet
The United Nations is pushing to take control of the Internet – with the power to shut down international Internet communications if dictators demand it.

The Internet is an innovation of the United States and has been managed by a U.S. agency. We are fighting to make sure that America continues to manage the Internet; and more importantly, preserve free speech and the free flow of information the Internet provides. Sign our urgent petition today.

Stop UN Control of the Internet | American Center for Law and Justice
with the power to shut down international Internet communications if dictators demand it.

LOL it actually said that! I can not believe people can be so ignorant of the internet they use everyday.


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Let's not kid ourselves. Ted Cruz has no love of internet freedom, it brought down his presidential campaign. He is a pawn of the Deep State.
I have not seen a conservative yet that had a clue what this is really about. Please explain how domain naming authority has anything to do with control of the internet? All this already independent group does is handle what comes after the dot in an internet address. That's it.
They all think next month Drudge and Infowars will vanish from the internet :laugh:
It's so stupid how they can be so easily frightened and then resist with all their might any fact that might make their fear go away.
They don't know any other way of life than crippling fear
The fear comes from knowing progressives unbroken track record of failure, misery and ultimately mass murder
I have not seen a conservative yet that had a clue what this is really about. Please explain how domain naming authority has anything to do with control of the internet? All this already independent group does is handle what comes after the dot in an internet address. That's it.
They all think next month Drudge and Infowars will vanish from the internet :laugh:
It's so stupid how they can be so easily frightened and then resist with all their might any fact that might make their fear go away.
They don't know any other way of life than crippling fear
The fear comes from knowing progressives unbroken track record of failure, misery and ultimately mass murder
Yes according to you we should have stayed in the cave and thrown all that evil flint and tinder away.
You won't miss the internet as you know it. You'll love the new world internet that will be filled with only truth as world government decrees it to be!

Because if you don't then you won't be allowed to use it.
I have not seen a conservative yet that had a clue what this is really about. Please explain how domain naming authority has anything to do with control of the internet? All this already independent group does is handle what comes after the dot in an internet address. That's it.
They all think next month Drudge and Infowars will vanish from the internet :laugh:
It's so stupid how they can be so easily frightened and then resist with all their might any fact that might make their fear go away.
They don't know any other way of life than crippling fear
The fear comes from knowing progressives unbroken track record of failure, misery and ultimately mass murder
Yes according to you we should have stayed in the cave and thrown all that evil flint and tinder away.
You do have to admit, on balance, the Amish look more more happy, and less stressed than the rest of us.

Do you think they give a shit who wins the oval office? :lmao:
You won't miss the internet as you know it. You'll love the new world internet that will be filled with only truth as world government decrees it to be!

Because if you don't then you won't be allowed to use it.

. . . not entirely unlike twitter, FB, or USMB!!!
They all think next month Drudge and Infowars will vanish from the internet :laugh:
It's so stupid how they can be so easily frightened and then resist with all their might any fact that might make their fear go away.
They don't know any other way of life than crippling fear
The fear comes from knowing progressives unbroken track record of failure, misery and ultimately mass murder
Yes according to you we should have stayed in the cave and thrown all that evil flint and tinder away.
You do have to admit, on balance, the Amish look more more happy, and less stressed than the rest of us.

Do you think they give a shit who wins the oval office? :lmao:
Well, I would say an ''global nonprofit organization" is a load of shit, anyone that would believe/trust that has shit for brains.
It's so stupid how they can be so easily frightened and then resist with all their might any fact that might make their fear go away.
They don't know any other way of life than crippling fear
The fear comes from knowing progressives unbroken track record of failure, misery and ultimately mass murder
Yes according to you we should have stayed in the cave and thrown all that evil flint and tinder away.
You do have to admit, on balance, the Amish look more more happy, and less stressed than the rest of us.

Do you think they give a shit who wins the oval office? :lmao:

I was reading some former Amish guys blog, and he wrote that Weird Al did his research. He wrote that this video is a surprisingly accurate portrayal of Amish attitudes and life. :badgrin:

Here I always thought it was just a spoof. . . . Who woulda thunk it? :eusa_dance:
Well, I would say an ''global nonprofit organization" is a load of shit, anyone that would believe/trust that has shit for brains.

Tell me, what do you think a "non-profit" organization" is? Can you give me an example of one in your own community?
I have not seen a conservative yet that had a clue what this is really about. Please explain how domain naming authority has anything to do with control of the internet? All this already independent group does is handle what comes after the dot in an internet address. That's it.
They all think next month Drudge and Infowars will vanish from the internet :laugh:
It's so stupid how they can be so easily frightened and then resist with all their might any fact that might make their fear go away.
They don't know any other way of life than crippling fear
The fear comes from knowing progressives unbroken track record of failure, misery and ultimately mass murder
Yes according to you we should have stayed in the cave and thrown all that evil flint and tinder away.

This guy thinks the America hating U.N. is progress:cuckoo:

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