Ted Cruz compares wearing Ukrainian flag to a "COVID mask"

You'll notice that the moonbats have become indistinguishable from the likes of Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Bolton, and the rest of the neocon warmonger peckerheads.
My own view is as follows: Biden was doing Putin's bidding when he offered Zelensky a "lift". Poots paid good money for Biden to do such things. The Euros came to the aid of the Ukes as frankly they should have as it is THEIR Theater of Influence and the Russians are THEIR present danger. Biden eventually saw that the UKES and Euros were united in opposing Poots and decided to get in on the deal with an eyed to 10%.........in other words he's Honour stealing again. With the Ukes putting up a good show as if their lives depend on it (they do) Biden is doing his best delaying as much as possible so that Poots gets a deal; Biden's is a disgusting blood money sKKKumbag!!!

Disclaimer: I am still finding relatives in Bulgaria from whom we've been separated all of my life. Damn Russia if I want that to happen again. Cruz is correct though; KEEP TABS ON BIDEN's kickbacks!!! Also I fear Biden's offers are too little too LATE....but the Ukes are damned determined so I back them against the Russians!!!

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Now go lick the boots of John Bolton.

Cruz has an ugly wife. Or so said Trump and Cruz did nothing. Cruz has no place to be telling other people anything. A guy who wouldn't even defend his own wife................
He squawked more about his dad being associated with the JFK assassination! Sus?
Support is dwindling and even this was over a month ago. After the latest money dump I would guess support is even lower.


Your graph shows latest support at 51% vs 26% against, that's almost two to one.

Keep guessing.
Suppor for putin seems to be hiden behind a "we dont want to pay or this" sophistry.
I get that nobody wants a war. And also that nobody wants to pay for it.

But if we dont support Ukraine what happens next ?
Putin could roll through much of Europe. China is watching this and they will conclude that freedom is not a priority in the west.

The things that you value will disappear as the world we know crumbles.

A few quid spent in Ukraine is a small price to pay
to preserve democracy.
So it isnt really "most americans" as you falsely claim. Is there any subject you wont lie about ?

Support is at half and trending down, down, down.

As it well should be.

You Europeans fight your own darn wars.

Russia isn’t stealing billions of our tax dollars.

Support is at half and trending down, down, down.

As it well should be.

You Europeans fight your own darn wars.

So not most then.. Saying "most" is dishonest. You should work for Fox.
Tommy Tainant on this one I find myself in the odd position of agreement with you....

It's kinda unsettling. I had to re-evaluate my position a dozen times to make sure why I believed what I believed.

But then I remembered the old addage, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day" and I relaxed a bit then.
Tommy Tainant on this one I find myself in the odd position of agreement with you....

It's kinda unsettling. I had to re-evaluate my position a dozen times to make sure why I believed what I believed.

But then I remembered the old addage, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day" and I relaxed a bit then.
Steady on !!
Suppor for putin seems to be hiden behind a "we dont want to pay or this" sophistry.
I get that nobody wants a war. And also that nobody wants to pay for it.

But if we dont support Ukraine what happens next ?
Putin could roll through much of Europe. China is watching this and they will conclude that freedom is not a priority in the west.

The things that you value will disappear as the world we know crumbles.

A few quid spent in Ukraine is a small price to pay

to preserve democracy.
And the right’s unwarranted opposition to supporting Ukraine is consistent with their contempt for democracy.

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