Diamond Member
- May 17, 2013
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That's a matter of opinion............as long as he goes against the grain and fights the estblishment....then I'm with him.Baloney..............had this been on Trump you'd be crowing your ass off...............and you know it no matter how you deny it.Might not have come to bear if the PAC's hadn't started it..........now the shiite is gonna hit the fan.............The media will jump all over the dirty laundry and try to uncover the deal............In the past that hasn't always worked out well for the one in the spot light.................It's on he grid, whether you like it or not and will go viral and you know it...............pound sand.
The low threshold for accuracy displayed by nutbags is precisely why nutbags have become such useful idiots.
You don't care if it is true. As long as it goes viral and gets the job done.
But....let an untruth be told about someone yiu support....and the cries from you about the "drive by media" will reach an unbearable pitch.
To the Melanie hit article............most of the country just shrugged their shoulders.....she's a fashion model and most people I know say so what..............
We'll see where this leads.............and why do you care anyway........this will help you according to all your blabbering about wanting to face Trump in the General election. Why wouldn't you want something to make WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN come true............
We'll see where it goes.
Why do I care?
Because unlike you, clearly, my standards for what is factual and substantiated information don't change according to who is being reported on.
No we wouldn't. Do you know how I know?
Because Trump has had countless affairs. He BRAGS about it.
It hasn't been an issue. Why? Because we know trump is a scum bag
He's on his 3rd wife..............at least he isn't Lying................yet to be seen with Ted...........which will not do him well with the public playing the Holy Roller routine..................and you know it...........
It's a bit different now isn't it.............anti establishment and tied to Goldman...........yeah right.