Ted Kaczynski on Islam


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Letters from a serial killer: Inside the Unabomber archive

You remember Ted don't you? He was the notorious "Unabomber" who went around terrorizing CEO's with bombs because he felt that technology was destroying the human race.

Here is his take on Islam.

“Like a lot of people, I’ve been wondering (and not only since Sept. 11) about the significance of militant Islam,” Kaczynski wrote to an unnamed professor in England. (Many of the names in the letters are blocked out.) “It’s a subject of which I have to admit, I’m ignorant.”

What was the operating theory of al-Qaida? What exactly did bin Laden want? Was bin Laden like Kaczynski in eschewing a world of modern technology, or was he just another politician?

“Osama bin Laden has been portrayed as an opponent of modernity,” Kaczynski wrote in December 2001. “If he were simply that, I might be inclined to support him, but my guess is that his motive is less an opposition to modernity than a desire to create an Islamic ‘great power’ that would be able to compete on equal terms with other great powers of the world. If that is true, then he is just another ruthless and power-hungry politician, and I have no use for him.”

In theory, Kaczynski could have posed his questions about Islamic extremism to the inmate who at one point lived in the cell next door to his: Ramzi Yousef, who had been convicted of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and whose uncle Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was considered a key architect of the 9/11 attacks. But Yousef, a onetime exercise buddy (along with Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh) of Kaczynski’s who had encouraged him to study Islam, was moved to a more secluded cell and placed under tighter prison restrictions after 9/11, limiting his interactions with other inmates.

Soon Kaczynski was reading the Quran to better understand Islamic culture and offering commentary of al-Qaida’s “apparently stupid strategy” to those who wrote him. “If al-Qaida’s goal is what al-Qaida pretends it is, namely the collapse of the U.S., or maybe of the West as a whole, their strategy seems inexplicably obtuse,” he wrote in a January 2002 letter. “They ought to have realized that proclaiming themselves to be enemies of America as such and engaging in indiscriminate mass slaughter of Americans, they could only earn the hatred of all Americans and unite Americans behind their own leaders.”

The terrorist group, the man known as the Unabomber argued, would have been “far more effective” if it had declared its friendship for the American people and waged war only on “the existing system” and “members of the American elite.” “That way al-Qaida might have won the sympathy of some Americans (especially those who are themselves alienated from the existing system here),” he wrote. “This is the old strategy of divide and conquer.”

One killer coolly assessing the tactics of another, dissecting them with the rationality that has always been one of his defining characteristics. Kaczynski in his letters gives us a chilling glimpse into the two halves of his personality: the evil and the brilliance, bound inextricably together.
It would seem the Unabomber is offering sound advice to radical Islam, but they don't appear to have accepted it.

A twist to his divide and conquer strategy might apply to the radical left, who have aligned with radical Islam. You know? The enemy of my enemy is my friend...
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Letters from a serial killer: Inside the Unabomber archive

You remember Ted don't you? He was the notorious "Unabomber" who went around terrorizing CEO's with bombs because he felt that technology was destroying the human race.

Here is his take on Islam.

“Like a lot of people, I’ve been wondering (and not only since Sept. 11) about the significance of militant Islam,” Kaczynski wrote to an unnamed professor in England. (Many of the names in the letters are blocked out.) “It’s a subject of which I have to admit, I’m ignorant.”

What was the operating theory of al-Qaida? What exactly did bin Laden want? Was bin Laden like Kaczynski in eschewing a world of modern technology, or was he just another politician?

“Osama bin Laden has been portrayed as an opponent of modernity,” Kaczynski wrote in December 2001. “If he were simply that, I might be inclined to support him, but my guess is that his motive is less an opposition to modernity than a desire to create an Islamic ‘great power’ that would be able to compete on equal terms with other great powers of the world. If that is true, then he is just another ruthless and power-hungry politician, and I have no use for him.”

In theory, Kaczynski could have posed his questions about Islamic extremism to the inmate who at one point lived in the cell next door to his: Ramzi Yousef, who had been convicted of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and whose uncle Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was considered a key architect of the 9/11 attacks. But Yousef, a onetime exercise buddy (along with Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh) of Kaczynski’s who had encouraged him to study Islam, was moved to a more secluded cell and placed under tighter prison restrictions after 9/11, limiting his interactions with other inmates.

Soon Kaczynski was reading the Quran to better understand Islamic culture and offering commentary of al-Qaida’s “apparently stupid strategy” to those who wrote him. “If al-Qaida’s goal is what al-Qaida pretends it is, namely the collapse of the U.S., or maybe of the West as a whole, their strategy seems inexplicably obtuse,” he wrote in a January 2002 letter. “They ought to have realized that proclaiming themselves to be enemies of America as such and engaging in indiscriminate mass slaughter of Americans, they could only earn the hatred of all Americans and unite Americans behind their own leaders.”

The terrorist group, the man known as the Unabomber argued, would have been “far more effective” if it had declared its friendship for the American people and waged war only on “the existing system” and “members of the American elite.” “That way al-Qaida might have won the sympathy of some Americans (especially those who are themselves alienated from the existing system here),” he wrote. “This is the old strategy of divide and conquer.”

One killer coolly assessing the tactics of another, dissecting them with the rationality that has always been one of his defining characteristics. Kaczynski in his letters gives us a chilling glimpse into the two halves of his personality: the evil and the brilliance, bound inextricably together.
The Community that psychologicaly tortured him should be to blame. Hes innocent. Arrest The Community.
I really don't care what that asshole thinks.

Ted is a very bright fellow.

Kaczynski earned his doctorate degree in mathematics at the University of Michigan in 1967, and in 1985. His rantings remind me of many left winged posters here when it comes to global warming. His disdain for capitalism in terms of destroying mother earth is what drove him to kill.
It would seem the Unabomber is offering sound advice to radical Islam, but they don't appear to have accepted it.

A twist of his divide and conquer strategy might apply to the radical left, who have aligned with radical Islam. You know? The enemy of my enemy is my friend...
Islam has made friends with the American left. Their death to America dialog is mainly used as a recruitment tool for their own people.

This is how Muslims negotiate. Smile in your face and get you to give up your advantage willingly. Then when the time comes, they saw your head off.
It would seem the Unabomber is offering sound advice to radical Islam, but they don't appear to have accepted it.

A twist of his divide and conquer strategy might apply to the radical left, who have aligned with radical Islam. You know? The enemy of my enemy is my friend...
Islam has made friends with the American left. Their death to America dialog is mainly used as a recruitment tool for their own people.

This is how Muslims negotiate. Smile in your face and get you to give up your advantage willingly. Then when the time comes, they saw your head off.
I really don't care what that asshole thinks.

Ted is a very bright fellow.

Kaczynski earned his doctorate degree in mathematics at the University of Michigan in 1967, and in 1985. His rantings remind me of many left winged posters here when it comes to global warming. His disdain for capitalism in terms of destroying mother earth is what drove him to kill.

Lots of murderers, rapists, serial killers, violent dictators, mass murderers, pedophiles, etc., are very smart. That is no reason whatsoever to pay any attention to them or give them any credit for anything about themselves except for the terrible, evil things they have done. He should be ignored completely and live his life out in prison with no acknowledgement from anyone for anything he has done or about him except for his murders.

To give credence to such a pig is deplorable.
I really don't care what that asshole thinks.

Ted is a very bright fellow.

Kaczynski earned his doctorate degree in mathematics at the University of Michigan in 1967, and in 1985. His rantings remind me of many left winged posters here when it comes to global warming. His disdain for capitalism in terms of destroying mother earth is what drove him to kill.
Lots of murderers, rapists, serial killers, violent dictators, mass murderers, pedophiles, etc., are very smart. That is no reason whatsoever to pay any attention to them or give them any credit for anything about themselves except for the terrible, evil things they have done. He should be ignored completely and live his life out in prison with no acknowledgement from anyone for anything he has done or about him except for his murders.

To give credence to such a pig is deplorable.
Ted writes,

“If al-Qaida’s goal is what al-Qaida pretends it is, namely the collapse of the U.S., or maybe of the West as a whole, their strategy seems inexplicably obtuse. They ought to have realized that proclaiming themselves to be enemies of America as such and engaging in indiscriminate mass slaughter of Americans, they could only earn the hatred of all Americans and unite Americans behind their own leaders. The terrorist group would have been “far more effective” if it had declared its friendship for the American people and waged war only on the existing system and members of the American elite. That way al-Qaida might have won the sympathy of some Americans (especially those who are themselves alienated from the existing system here),” he wrote. “This is the old strategy of divide and conquer.”

Is this not what we hear from people like Bernie Sanders? Destroy capitalism is the song of the far left, divide and conquer. Demonize those with power and money.

How can carbon emissions be controlled with a booming economy? It seems to me that people leave a bigger carbon footprint making $100,000 a year than they would $30,000 a year.

Are carbon emissions destroying the earth? If so, it would seem that the situation is dire. Men like the Unabomber obviously believe it, while fat cats like Al Gore drive around in SUV's, live in a myriad of luxurious homes, and lives a jet set life as plays the role of chicken little that provokes men like Ted to act to save mother earth. In fact, Ted had a stack of Al Gore books under his bed.
I really don't care what that asshole thinks.

Ted is a very bright fellow.

Kaczynski earned his doctorate degree in mathematics at the University of Michigan in 1967, and in 1985. His rantings remind me of many left winged posters here when it comes to global warming. His disdain for capitalism in terms of destroying mother earth is what drove him to kill.
Lots of murderers, rapists, serial killers, violent dictators, mass murderers, pedophiles, etc., are very smart. That is no reason whatsoever to pay any attention to them or give them any credit for anything about themselves except for the terrible, evil things they have done. He should be ignored completely and live his life out in prison with no acknowledgement from anyone for anything he has done or about him except for his murders.

To give credence to such a pig is deplorable.

His words should be CAREFULLY studied----they reveal the logic of YOUR
I really don't care what that asshole thinks.

Ted is a very bright fellow.

Kaczynski earned his doctorate degree in mathematics at the University of Michigan in 1967, and in 1985. His rantings remind me of many left winged posters here when it comes to global warming. His disdain for capitalism in terms of destroying mother earth is what drove him to kill.
Lots of murderers, rapists, serial killers, violent dictators, mass murderers, pedophiles, etc., are very smart. That is no reason whatsoever to pay any attention to them or give them any credit for anything about themselves except for the terrible, evil things they have done. He should be ignored completely and live his life out in prison with no acknowledgement from anyone for anything he has done or about him except for his murders.

To give credence to such a pig is deplorable.

His words should be CAREFULLY studied----they reveal the logic of YOUR
I really don't care what that asshole thinks.

Ted is a very bright fellow.

Kaczynski earned his doctorate degree in mathematics at the University of Michigan in 1967, and in 1985. His rantings remind me of many left winged posters here when it comes to global warming. His disdain for capitalism in terms of destroying mother earth is what drove him to kill.
Lots of murderers, rapists, serial killers, violent dictators, mass murderers, pedophiles, etc., are very smart. That is no reason whatsoever to pay any attention to them or give them any credit for anything about themselves except for the terrible, evil things they have done. He should be ignored completely and live his life out in prison with no acknowledgement from anyone for anything he has done or about him except for his murders.

To give credence to such a pig is deplorable.

His words should be CAREFULLY studied----they reveal the logic of YOUR

I would agree. Ted and those on the left are all insane. So what is your point?
“They ought to have realized that proclaiming themselves to be enemies of America as such and engaging in indiscriminate mass slaughter of Americans, they could only earn the hatred of all Americans and unite Americans behind their own leaders.”
Pretty ironic, coming from a mad bomber!
I really don't care what that asshole thinks.

Ted is a very bright fellow.

Kaczynski earned his doctorate degree in mathematics at the University of Michigan in 1967, and in 1985. His rantings remind me of many left winged posters here when it comes to global warming. His disdain for capitalism in terms of destroying mother earth is what drove him to kill.
Lots of murderers, rapists, serial killers, violent dictators, mass murderers, pedophiles, etc., are very smart. That is no reason whatsoever to pay any attention to them or give them any credit for anything about themselves except for the terrible, evil things they have done. He should be ignored completely and live his life out in prison with no acknowledgement from anyone for anything he has done or about him except for his murders.

To give credence to such a pig is deplorable.

His words should be CAREFULLY studied----they reveal the logic of YOUR

I would agree. Ted and those on the left are all insane. So what is your point?

My point is should be obvious---to anyone with a minimal insight into the
PSYCHOPATHIC MIND. I will help you-----The most dangerous people
in the world and in history are PSYCHOPATHS. (sometimes called socio-
paths) They tend to be MANIC (that just means they got LOTS OF ENERGY)
Sociopathy combined with MANIA ----made Genghis Khan and Atilla the hun
and Adolf Hitler---------the heroes that they were. Kaczynski was a manic socio-
path who failed to attain an ARMY---another one is Charles Manson. Jails
are chock full of manic sociopaths-----and the streets even more chockfull .
Long ago when I was younger------I had to venture into the wards for the criminally
insane, now and then. That's how I know how IMPORTANT it is to pay attention

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