Ted Nugent's Post-Election Freakout: "Subhuman Varmint[s]" Re-Elect Obama To "Destroy


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Ted Nugent's Post-Election Freakout: "Subhuman Varmint" Re-Elect Obama To "Destroy America"

Washington Times columnist and National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent is responding to President Obama's re-election by saying that Americans "voted for economic & spiritual suicide" because Obama will "destroy America." He also referred to Obama's supporters as "subhuman varmint" and "Pimps whores & welfare brats & their soulless supporters."

What an ungrateful fuck.

Because of Obama, Ted shitNuget can ride Amtrak strapped.... you know, in case the James gang shows up.:lol::badgrin:

Anyway, angry fuckers like Teddy are now irrelevant.

The tea party is becoming as impotent as their rage.
He is the definition of a pussy standing behind his guns. Take away them and he is nothing more than a long-haired pencil necked blowhard. Saw one of his tv hunting shows the other day. He sits in a cammo bunker on his ranch and blows away African animals that obviously are there for the food he puts out. What a d-bag.
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I just have one thing to say in this video.............
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD1GwqwBn58]Terrorists yell - YouTube[/ame]

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