Teen Sues Parents for Cash and College Tuition. Does She Have a Case?

That is your attitude, Antaresroo, that all of us should pay your health insurance industry too much money for so little care.

The girl will find her way by herself, and so will you when the time comes.

Poor lying Jake, go vote for Obama again.

The girl is an idiot, Swallow is an idiot, and you are a run of the mill liar.

People are paying more for less coverage today than they were last year....you just aren't bright enough to understand that.

Continue to lie, Antaresroo, even though you confessed you made up the lie about me. :lol: (Folks check the links in the sig)

Yes, the girl is an idiot, and you are the biggest one on the Board because you helped to get your industry to the edge of the cliff in time to be pushed off.

Wow Jake, this is a stretch even for a liar like you.

YOU said you voted for Obama....everyone here knows it.

Shall I prove it for you?

Best story I've read on this case

The Real Tragedy of the Rachel Canning Case

The Cannings, unfortunately, can't do this and that's the real tragedy here. Rachel doesn't have to sit down with her family and work things out because the Inglesinos, her best friend's family, have changed the dynamic, and not in a good way. By allowing Rachel to live with them indefinitely and advancing her money for legal bills (and perhaps encouraging her to sue in the first place?), the Inglesinos undermined Rachel's parents' ability to resolve things with their daughter and empowered a young woman who appears unprepared for the level of responsibility she claims to want. I'd like to think that the Inglesinos just wanted to help their daughter's friend when she was fighting with her parents. However, there's a line between helping and improperly inserting yourself into a family conflict and the Inglesinos crossed it a long time ago. Unless the Inglesinos believed Rachel was being emotionally or physically abused or neglected, at which point they should have notified the authorities, they had no place in her dispute with her parents. I'd have no problem if they had listened, sympathized, offered Rachel a bed for the night (after letting her parents know where she was) and told her she was always welcome in their home. But in the very next breath, they should have told her that she needed to go back to her home and work things out with her parents. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's first and foremost a matter of respect for the Cannings and every other parent struggling with a rebellious teen. Families deserve the opportunity to muddle through crises together -- it's how children (and parents) learn respect and compromise and perspective and how to navigate conflict. Slammed doors and frustrations and the occasional "I hate you" are part and parcel of that process. We don't want kids to run away when things get hard -- otherwise, they'll spend a lifetime sprinting away from challenges. But ultimately, it's more than just giving parents the benefit of the doubt and not substituting our own values or judgments for theirs. Refusing to try to solve someone else's problems is also a matter of self-interest. If I give someone else's kid an "escape hatch" when things get tough, will they turn around and give my son a crash pad when we have an argument? Will I come home one day to find myself on the receiving end of court papers when my kid wants an iPhone? It's a slippery slope and not one I ever want to be on. I wonder if the Inglesinos thought about that when they turned themselves into a long-term hotel for their daughter's friend. Here's hoping they never have to find out.

The Real Tragedy of the Rachel Canning Case*|*Devon Corneal
here's some more charm from "authority figures" who are always given the benefit of the doubt in all cases involving their rotten slut daughters. The dude's a JUDGE.

Voters unseat Texas GOP judge who violently beat teenage daughter in viral video | The Raw Story

If you have to reference other cases as examples instead of the case at hand, especially when the case at hand has so much information availible, you lose the argument

It's an example of an authority figure, a judge, who was able, due to his position of authority and the majority's unwillingness to challenge that authority, to escape justice and horribly abuse his daughter. If she were to have sued him, absent the video proof, the conversation here would have been much the same. Hell, even with the video, many here would have contended that the girl did something to deserve it. :evil:
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I hope many would not have contended that. I had a tough time watching that video, but man; I was SO proud of her for having the foresight and guts to set up the video.

And that bastard judge is one sick, sick man.

As for her, I know how much heartache is involved in one's mother watching one take a vicious beating and not lifting a finger to stop it.

I know we're totally off-topic here - but honestly, it is like you are the only other person here who can hear me. Nobody knows what happens in the family home when they are alone. And yes. Once a father has said something as abnormal as "you are more than a daughter to me," how you perceive every move he makes shifts dramatically.

Giving her alcohol at fifteen? Drinking with her to the point of blacking out? Nobody sees these as HUGE red flags?

I get that it is easier to demonize Rachel than believe anything that comes out of her mouth, but if you are going to do that to her then IMO you have to do it to her folks as well. Because it is ALL "he said, she said" crap. Not just what Rachel says.
I hope many would not have contended that. I had a tough time watching that video, but man; I was SO proud of her for having the foresight and guts to set up the video.

And that bastard judge is one sick, sick man.

As for her, I know how much heartache is involved in one's mother watching one take a vicious beating and not lifting a finger to stop it.

I know we're totally off-topic here - but honestly, it is like you are the only other person here who can hear me. Nobody knows what happens in the family home when they are alone. And yes. Once a father has said something as abnormal as "you are more than a daughter to me," how you perceive every move he makes shifts dramatically.

Giving her alcohol at fifteen? Drinking with her to the point of blacking out? Nobody sees these as HUGE red flags?

I get that it is easier to demonize Rachel than believe anything that comes out of her mouth, but if you are going to do that to her then IMO you have to do it to her folks as well. Because it is ALL "he said, she said" crap. Not just what Rachel says.

This adoration of authority was what allowed the Priests to molest young boys, orphanages to torture children, and kept domestic violence a "family matter" when the police showed up...we are devolving as a species, and there is a certain segment of society that want's just that.
here is the flip side....i just dont have time to make thread

sorry alll

Meet the Other Rachel Canning (the One Not Suing Her Parents)

Not only is Canning raising awareness (and money) for autism, she has also come to the New Jersey girl's defense by responding to some of the hateful messages. “It’s not appropriate for middle-aged people to be spending their time cyberbullying a teenager,” she asserts.

What a good young woman, maybe she had really good parents?
here's some more charm from "authority figures" who are always given the benefit of the doubt in all cases involving their rotten slut daughters. The dude's a JUDGE.

Voters unseat Texas GOP judge who violently beat teenage daughter in viral video | The Raw Story

If you have to reference other cases as examples instead of the case at hand, especially when the case at hand has so much information availible, you lose the argument

It's an example of an authority figure, a judge, who was able, due to his position of authority and the majority's unwillingness to challenge that authority, to escape justice and horribly abuse his daughter. If she were to have sued him, absent the video proof, the conversation here would have been much the same. Hell, even with the video, many here would have contended that the girl did something to deserve it. :evil:

Examples are available everywhere. You are comparing apples to oranges. You can pull a ton of cases about horrific abuse just like you wanted to try and convince us Rachel had been raped when she had not been or when you assumed her parents were racists. hyperbole on display. Kids lie, they exaggerate, they do things to get their way, it's life, something you find hard to accept IMO..

How about we look at other spoiled teens and compare them and say this could have been Rachel? There are spoiled teens who act out, lie, cheat and god knows what else just because they can and that's how kids are.

Here is a disrespectful spoiled teen, who always argued with her mother, and instead of saying she was going to "shit on her mothers face" as Rachel did, she spit in her mothers face and told her "YOU WILL PAY".

And then she made her pay, by stabbing her 79 times, killing her.

18-year-old Aurora woman, Isabella Guzman, stabbed mother 79 times in face and neck


Affidavit: 18-year-old Aurora woman, Isabella Guzman, stabbed mother 79 times in face and neck - Story

See how that works?

BUT her story has nothing to do with this case and neither does the judge's case. If the attorney she was living with believed she was being abused, under New Jersey law HE had an obligation to report it, as a mandated reporter! He never did, neither did his wife or daughters. She was living with them for months! Why didn't they report this poor girls abuse? It's obvious why they did not.
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just like you wanted to try and convince us Rachel had been raped when she had not been or when you assumed her parents were racists. hyperbole on display.

This is just one instance of you fraudulently cherry-picking what you repeat.

I suggested that the kid might have been from a lower economic class as well as possibly of another race, and you ignore it. Fact is, the rebuttal from the young man's father stated that Rachel's father had an issue with ANY boy she dated.

And I did not specify rape, as you continually contend either. I said it was (and it IS!) a huge red flag that the father plied her with booze on at least a couple of occasions, until she was black out drunk, and posted links to information about incest (and the definition of that is not limited to penetration) that explain many of the facts of that matter that many here either don't know and refuse to consider in the mob like slut shaming of an 18 year old young woman who had the audacity to want her college fund spent on her college education.
CaféAuLait;8739192 said:
Best story I've read on this case

The Real Tragedy of the Rachel Canning Case

The Cannings, unfortunately, can't do this and that's the real tragedy here. Rachel doesn't have to sit down with her family and work things out because the Inglesinos, her best friend's family, have changed the dynamic, and not in a good way. By allowing Rachel to live with them indefinitely and advancing her money for legal bills (and perhaps encouraging her to sue in the first place?), the Inglesinos undermined Rachel's parents' ability to resolve things with their daughter and empowered a young woman who appears unprepared for the level of responsibility she claims to want. I'd like to think that the Inglesinos just wanted to help their daughter's friend when she was fighting with her parents. However, there's a line between helping and improperly inserting yourself into a family conflict and the Inglesinos crossed it a long time ago. Unless the Inglesinos believed Rachel was being emotionally or physically abused or neglected, at which point they should have notified the authorities, they had no place in her dispute with her parents. I'd have no problem if they had listened, sympathized, offered Rachel a bed for the night (after letting her parents know where she was) and told her she was always welcome in their home. But in the very next breath, they should have told her that she needed to go back to her home and work things out with her parents. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's first and foremost a matter of respect for the Cannings and every other parent struggling with a rebellious teen. Families deserve the opportunity to muddle through crises together -- it's how children (and parents) learn respect and compromise and perspective and how to navigate conflict. Slammed doors and frustrations and the occasional "I hate you" are part and parcel of that process. We don't want kids to run away when things get hard -- otherwise, they'll spend a lifetime sprinting away from challenges. But ultimately, it's more than just giving parents the benefit of the doubt and not substituting our own values or judgments for theirs. Refusing to try to solve someone else's problems is also a matter of self-interest. If I give someone else's kid an "escape hatch" when things get tough, will they turn around and give my son a crash pad when we have an argument? Will I come home one day to find myself on the receiving end of court papers when my kid wants an iPhone? It's a slippery slope and not one I ever want to be on. I wonder if the Inglesinos thought about that when they turned themselves into a long-term hotel for their daughter's friend. Here's hoping they never have to find out.

The Real Tragedy of the Rachel Canning Case*|*Devon Corneal

Rachel doesn't want to be independent. She'd like her parents to get off her back and leave her alone, EXCEPT when it comes to paying for everything. It's a classic adolescent struggle. In most families, it resolves after some trying times that force parents and children to sit down around kitchen tables and on living room couches and sometimes in therapists' offices to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.

It's all part if the process. I raised three "good" kids and didnt escape it. Tears, shouting, name calling, doors slamming etc. That Rachel had the Inglesinos eager to help her shut her family out was a huge disservice to Rachel.
And I did not specify rape, as you continually contend either. I said it was (and it IS!) a huge red flag that the father plied her with booze on at least a couple of occasions, until she was black out drunk, and posted links to information about incest (and the definition of that is not limited to penetration) that explain many of the facts of that matter that many here either don't know and refuse to consider in the mob like slut shaming of an 18 year old young woman who had the audacity to want her college fund spent on her college education.

You want the abuse to be true to justify some need in you, not justice. All the evidence points to her lying about her father. The red flag is she lies, constantly. None of your links are relevant to this case.

No one is slut shaming her, that's just ridiculous!

Her college fund was never in question. That was one more lie you continue to embrace

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