Teen vogue colum instructs 16year old how to obtain an abortionn wihtout parental permission


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
OPINION (FW) – Teen Vogue, a popular magazine amongst minors, recently published a column instructing a 16-year-old girl how to bypass state laws to receive an abortion. According to Life Site News, the magazine, which often shares harmful advice to its young followers, published a column by Nona Willis Aronowitz in which she responded to a letter from a reader about obtaining an abortion. In
Teen Vogue Column Instructs 16-Year-Old How to Obtain an Abortion Without Parental Permission

Awwww how sweet you loons refuse to believe the state owns your kid, and the education system indoctrinates them..
OPINION (FW) – Teen Vogue, a popular magazine amongst minors, recently published a column instructing a 16-year-old girl how to bypass state laws to receive an abortion. According to Life Site News, the magazine, which often shares harmful advice to its young followers, published a column by Nona Willis Aronowitz in which she responded to a letter from a reader about obtaining an abortion. In
Teen Vogue Column Instructs 16-Year-Old How to Obtain an Abortion Without Parental Permission

Awwww how sweet you loons refuse to believe the state owns your kid, and the education system indoctrinates them..

Yikes! MindWars

How to Sext — Safely

This same magazine/columnist printed advice to teenage readers
"when it's okay to send nude photos" to a partner.
??? !!!
It's NEVER okay to do that much less advise UNDERAGE/MINORS to do that!
All it takes is one person getting a hold of your photos, and this can
get in the wrong hands or go viral online.

I even tell full grown ADULT FRIENDS NEVER to send photos to me or anyone,
even someone they trust with intimate photos.

Anyone could HACK your phone, computer or files
and then you cannot take the photos back once they go online!

Who would allow THAT to even be published?
That's a legal liability, ABSOLUTELY ill advised.

It's bad enough if adults think it's okay to send nude photos.
In NO WAY should minors be encouraged to take this risk!
over threats to share their photos or videos.

The Democrats only want 'special' girls to get pregnant. You know............the ones who aren't married and depend on the government cheese.
OPINION (FW) – Teen Vogue, a popular magazine amongst minors, recently published a column instructing a 16-year-old girl how to bypass state laws to receive an abortion. According to Life Site News, the magazine, which often shares harmful advice to its young followers, published a column by Nona Willis Aronowitz in which she responded to a letter from a reader about obtaining an abortion. In
Teen Vogue Column Instructs 16-Year-Old How to Obtain an Abortion Without Parental Permission

Awwww how sweet you loons refuse to believe the state owns your kid, and the education system indoctrinates them..

What does the state and the ed system have to do with Teen Vogue????
OPINION (FW) – Teen Vogue, a popular magazine amongst minors, recently published a column instructing a 16-year-old girl how to bypass state laws to receive an abortion. According to Life Site News, the magazine, which often shares harmful advice to its young followers, published a column by Nona Willis Aronowitz in which she responded to a letter from a reader about obtaining an abortion. In
Teen Vogue Column Instructs 16-Year-Old How to Obtain an Abortion Without Parental Permission

Awwww how sweet you loons refuse to believe the state owns your kid, and the education system indoctrinates them..

End Time Headlines is a blog site that was founded, owned and operated by Ricky Scaparo with the intent to be a “once source” location for those wanting to be informed of happenings around the globe in light of the End Times from a “Biblical Perspective”. ETH is a collaboration of aggregated news from various sources. ETH attempts to provide reliable and reputable sources in reporting, with the intent to maintain integrity and trust with its readers, Therefore ETH always provides links to the original sources of the headline as they are reported on the blog.

I guess they took Matthew 24 seriously and literally(which evangelicals and some others do)

15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’a]' data-fn="#fen-NIV-spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.
The Democrats only want 'special' girls to get pregnant. You know............the ones who aren't married and depend on the government cheese.

Only because its every girls dream to have a baby out of wedlock and to live on government cheese.
Maybe if some states stop pushing abstinence only, teenage girls wouldn't have to obtain an abortion in the first place. Just a thought.
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OPINION (FW) – Teen Vogue, a popular magazine amongst minors, recently published a column instructing a 16-year-old girl how to bypass state laws to receive an abortion. According to Life Site News, the magazine, which often shares harmful advice to its young followers, published a column by Nona Willis Aronowitz in which she responded to a letter from a reader about obtaining an abortion. In
Teen Vogue Column Instructs 16-Year-Old How to Obtain an Abortion Without Parental Permission

Awwww how sweet you loons refuse to believe the state owns your kid, and the education system indoctrinates them..

What does the state and the ed system have to do with Teen Vogue????

See when you want to save the children you create new laws where anything passes just because we " must save the children" lol
Maybe if some states stop pushing abstinence only, teenage girls wouldn't have to obtain an abortion in the first place. Just a thought.

maybe we wouldn't have so many diseases if so many godless fks weren't taught fukc anything that walks as long as it acts like it LOVES you or has a pair of tits or ass that any man now woman would die for ( when ur a porn whore) you fall for the physical views only which is what hollywood pushes which is why we all started FKGGINGG before marriage and we now are learning


2. look at the whore strip shows in music today

3. nobody wants God oh I wonder why ------- all you hear is all the wrongs benign made tell a lie long enough idiots believe it

LEFTIST fell into the trap and they aren't stopping just like they did right before ROME fell those who do not known history repeat it GUARANTEED!

the list goes on if societies idiots could figure out that DESTROYING THE FAMILY IS THE ENGINEERED PLAN we might
not have so many dumbasses.

WEAK minds have been lead the entire time

when you are weak you have no idea what this mean



OPINION (FW) – Teen Vogue, a popular magazine amongst minors, recently published a column instructing a 16-year-old girl how to bypass state laws to receive an abortion. According to Life Site News, the magazine, which often shares harmful advice to its young followers, published a column by Nona Willis Aronowitz in which she responded to a letter from a reader about obtaining an abortion. In
Teen Vogue Column Instructs 16-Year-Old How to Obtain an Abortion Without Parental Permission

Awwww how sweet you loons refuse to believe the state owns your kid, and the education system indoctrinates them..

End Time Headlines is a blog site that was founded, owned and operated by Ricky Scaparo with the intent to be a “once source” location for those wanting to be informed of happenings around the globe in light of the End Times from a “Biblical Perspective”. ETH is a collaboration of aggregated news from various sources. ETH attempts to provide reliable and reputable sources in reporting, with the intent to maintain integrity and trust with its readers, Therefore ETH always provides links to the original sources of the headline as they are reported on the blog.

I guess they took Matthew 24 seriously and literally(which evangelicals and some others do)

15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’a]' data-fn="#fen-NIV-spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.

Does that make the Teen Vogue article untrue, Jackboots?
I have a real problem with some idiot writer for a teen magazine instructing teen girls how to circumnavigate the law.

Something is wrong here

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