Teens attacking the elderly in Florida

We talked to students from nearby Cypress Lake High School who didn't seem to think the teens did anything wrong.

"I'm not gonna say it's not right and it's not fun, because it is fun," said a teen familiar with the game.

In many cases across the country, teens are recording the punches and kicks on their cell phones then posting them online. The attacks are often impossible to predict and prevent.

"What's not fun about it? Just go up to a random person, slap them and run away," said another teen.

This story also has personal ties to Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott. Last October, his daughter was sucker-punched on the campus of Florida Gulf Coast University. The man who did it was caught and found guilty.

Good grief...
Why can't they be like us older folk that robbed and stole quietly?
Too bad Trayvon went and got himself killed. He's missing out on all the fun.
We talked to students from nearby Cypress Lake High School who didn't seem to think the teens did anything wrong.

"I'm not gonna say it's not right and it's not fun, because it is fun," said a teen familiar with the game.

In many cases across the country, teens are recording the punches and kicks on their cell phones then posting them online. The attacks are often impossible to predict and prevent.

"What's not fun about it? Just go up to a random person, slap them and run away," said another teen.

This story also has personal ties to Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott. Last October, his daughter was sucker-punched on the campus of Florida Gulf Coast University. The man who did it was caught and found guilty.

Good grief...

Hopefully some of the seniors would shoot and kill one of these fun loving teens to put a cap on the fun.
Cowardly fuckers.

Blow em all away! Florida's a "Stand Your Ground", you shitheels! Bang Bang....you lose the Knockout game, you punks! Stack your asses up like cordwood!
Step and squash them. The law won't do anything because they are "chidlren". It's "fun". Time to put our boots on and squash them ourselves.
I can't believe that after all of these knock-out events that a group of white people haven't retalliated. then we probably would of disturbed al sharpton from his daily hobbies of eating ribs and watching HBO porn waiting for the next "Whitey Hunting Down A Black Man" crime.

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